Let's talk about how rad this is...

Jun 25, 2007
Until now no outsiders has been granted free access to the worlds smallest nation, Sealand. Occupied in 1967 by Sir Roy Paddy Bates and became a constitutional principality, the platform is completely a legitimate nation boasting its own Sealand flag, Sealand national anthem, Sealand stamps and Sealand currency.

Although only two crew members and one skateboard was lost during the group's extent on Sealand, we can all agree that skateboarding an old WWII platform was pretty sketch.

Wouldnt dare skate on that crap.
One wrong move and you could bust your dang head open.
ehhh? They're skating on the worlds smallest country that just so happens to be a floating vessel in the middle of the ocean? I'm sorry this wasn'ta post about hot chickzzzz bro.
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