Little Brother Question Vol. Worth $50?

Jan 28, 2007
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I already have the Minstrel Show & Get Back & they've been on non-stop repeat lately, but I want to know if its worth buying their entire catalog?About $50 through amazon (used)
Yes but I would buy them new on itunes so they actually see some money. not to be a prick, but if you're gonna support them with $ might as well make surethey get the $
Yes but I would buy them new on itunes so they actually see some money. not to be a prick, but if you're gonna support them with $ might as well make surethey get the $
^truth but yea, their entire catalog is worth having really. Aside from their studio albums The Chittlin Circuit mixtapes and Separate But Equal are both must.
Yeah makes sense, idk why I didn't check iTunes 1st. Seems about the same $40 so I'm gonna go that route. Thanks
i don't know why but i just can't get into them
Originally Posted by Kickaddicted

Originally Posted by Damu

i don't know why but i just can't get into them
I think hearing "Dreams" off of Get Back is what sold me on them.

That's what got me hooked. Still bump it daily
You missing out on The Listening homey amongst other shh if mixtapes are included. Do it!
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