Lost Gospel Revealed; Says Jesus Asked Judas to Betray Him

K8be wan Kenobi
the authorship of the gospels are only traditionally ascribed to the disciples, scholarship holds that it is unlikely that the disciples were thethe true authors of the gospels. from studying what they know historically about the figures of the disciples and examining the gospels' writing style,language, content, it becomes harder to place authorship on the disciples the gospels were named after.

it is accepted that paul wrote the epistles though (although a couple of them are disputed).
all four of the gospels say Satan (or Judas's personal greed and wickedness, if you dont believe in satan) told Judas to betray Jesus

here is one "gospel" saying Jesus told Judas to betray him. they cant both be true

its 4 vs 1... who wins? any intelligent journalist, historian, or researcher will tell you its obvious. why is this story even given credibility, sounds likestraight basura?
I am sorry, I just had to say something here. I am fully aware that some of ya'll will have $&^t to say, but whatever.

O.K. Jashua bin Ysuf (Jesus) was a rebel who went against the powers that be and got killed for it.

There were historians that have recorded the rise and fall of empires and other great things in history so why is the Bible the only "record" of a"Jesus" doing miracles?

There are pagan symbols in Christianity (like the "devils" pitch fork). Why?

This Jesus fella had a lot in common with Gods of the societies before the Romans. For instance virgin mother, descendant of god, sacrificing himself, risingafter the 3d day etc... We can conclude that the story of Jesus is plagiarized from other existing stories before him.

Personally I don't have anything against anybody who believes in such things but religion is nothing more than form of control. free your mind. Some of youmay ask for sources, I have plenty but the most convenient is a documentary Zietgeist (again my opinion are not solely based on this documentary. I havequestioned and researched the topic for years).

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