MAKING A MURDERER | Season 2 on October 19th!

Was Steven Avery set up to take the fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • No

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
luminol can detect traces of blood, and if that blood has been bleached clean, that bleach can be detected

if there was enough bleach used to wind up on the kids clothes, it means they didnt just spot clean, something that large is detectable
If i came home with bleach on my clothes tonight that would be unusual

Right. there is enough in This case to question the police because of their techniques and possible corruption. Don't start grasping for straws like this. It's obvious that would be suspicious.
luminol can detect traces of blood, and if that blood has been bleached clean, that bleach can be detected

if there was enough bleach used to wind up on the kids clothes, it means they didnt just spot clean, something that large is detectable

How do you know how large? What if they carried her into the garage on blankets, shot her, then burned her and the blankets. Would this make the amount of blood in the garage, an amount that could be cleaned. If not, why.
if they killed her on blankets to soak up ALL the blood, there would be no blood residue that would need to be cleaned

and if there was any, it would most likely leave the outline of a body
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At the end of the day there's enough reasonable doubt to not get a conviction. You don't send people to life in prison based off assumptions.

At least SA is in his 50s. Brendan still has another 50+ years to rot in there :smh:
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At the end of the day there's enough reasonable doubt to not get a conviction. You don't send people to life in prison based off assumptions.

At least SA is in his 50s. Brendan still has another 50+ years to rot in there :smh:

Can't argue with that. Other than the assumptions part. I think there were more than assumptions, but def still doubt because of the sketchy police and Brendan's mental capacity
Didn't they touch on the lack of bleach/cleaner found in the garage floor? They dug up the concrete and tested it and found nothing. No blood. No bleach.
Didn't they touch on the lack of bleach/cleaner found in the garage floor? They dug up the concrete and tested it and found nothing. No blood. No bleach.

For sure found no blood. Don't think they said / tested for bleach or any other of the cleaners described as being used.
I think they did. I specifically remember a scene where they showed the concrete in the garage torn up so they could test it and they found no cleaners or signs of bleach. Maybe someone can chime in.

I give you credit for being 1 vs. a million when it comes to your stance on this situation. But i still don't see any court documents that show the omitted evidence that you claim to be real. Obviously I don't think it is right to take the doc as 100% truth and not missing anything, but they could've cut that doc in half and still would have plenty of reason to doubt the prosecutors case.
I think they did. I specifically remember a scene where they showed the concrete in the garage torn up so they could test it and they found no cleaners or signs of bleach. Maybe someone can chime in.

I give you credit for being 1 vs. a million when it comes to your stance on this situation. But i still don't see any court documents that show the omitted evidence that you claim to be real. Obviously I don't think it is right to take the doc as 100% truth and not missing anything, but they could've cut that doc in half and still would have plenty of reason to doubt the prosecutors case.

I appreciate your valid responses. But please tell me what evidence I have pointed out that the doc doesn't show ,that you haven't found. A couple posts back I posted the report about the phone calls from Avery, hiding his number on two. That one is huge. Also, have posted documents showing Brendan had bleach on pants. These two things alone make you question why the doc left them out. Not to mention the chains,shackles that Avery had in his house.
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there was just so much ridiculousness to this case

a magazine and slip PROVES she was in the house, she wasnt going to let steven carry those into the house on his own

"do we have steven avery in custody yet?"

"if you believe that they set steven up, then you have to believe that they killed her"

that blond wrinkly woman who had the huge glasses in her 80s picture, biggest fraud out there, 2nd being the "sketch" "artist"

and this whole nonsense about "why frame him when we can kill him" - because killing is for people without consciences, which they believe they have
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there was just so much ridiculousness to this case

a magazine and slip PROVES she was in the house, she wasnt going to let steven carry those into the house on his own

"do we have steven avery in custody yet?"

"if you believe that they set steven up, then you have to believe that they killed her"

that blond wrinkly woman who had the huge glasses in her 80s picture, biggest fraud out there, 2nd being the "sketch" "artist"

and this whole nonsense about "why frame him when we can kill him" - because killing is for people without consciences, which they believe they have

Agreed. Hopefully biggest thing that comes from this doc is that the police are sketchy in that county.
1. Anything Brendan said, not to his mother, pretty much doesn't mean anything. Everything he "admitted" was due to him being coerced by the people interrogating him. I mean look at hos responses. Dude could barely get out anything other than a one word response or a short phrase.

2. Nobody can still explain why the evidence box was broken in to, seals broken, and a hypodermic sized needle in the vial that contained his blood.

3. Still cant fathom how a key thats in plain sight isnt found until the third or fifth day, until Lenk steps in. And he finds it with ease.

4. Theres absolutely none of her dna on the key, or even his fingerprints on or in the car.

Thats everything I can't understand, and I'm just on episode 6.
I appreciate your valid responses. But please tell me what evidence I have pointed out that the doc doesn't show ,that you haven't found. A couple posts back I posted the report about the phone calls from Avery, hiding his number on two. That one is huge. Also, have posted documents showing Brendan had bleach on pants. These two things alone make you question why the doc left them out. Not to mention the chains,shackles that Avery had in his house.

For starters, that article on the phone call shows no documentation that supports what they are saying. If they want to tell a story that way it should be very easy for them to present the facts. So I'll wait until I see court documents on that. Even if what they are saying is true, it still does not provide sufficient evidence for them to convict Avery. There could be several other reasons why he used *67 to contact her. Also it's not like he was trying to hide the fact that he was the last one to see her. He did an interview on the local news after she went missing and before he was arrested, telling the reporter his perspective as supposedly the last one to see her.

Then there's the dna on the hood of the car. I still can't find documentation supporting that. Not calling you a liar but if it's out there you should be able to show us. Or is it his fingerprint? If it's his fingerprint that would be almost impossible to plant. However, is it really that far fetched to think they could of easily planted DNA there as well? I mean, they did it on the RAV4 key.

The fact that the key wasn't found until Lenk went in there after 2 previous searches is enough for me to think he is being setup. Whether they thought they were setting up a guilty or innocent man is up for debate I guess. The people conducting the search are professionals. You think they would just miss the key on the floor 2 times and it just magically appears? The key would be one of the main things hey are looking for. Also when they were interviewing that other officer that did the search with Lenk you could tell the guy was full of it when he said something like "I must say I shook the dresser pretty aggressively". Well if he did and the key fell off he would be heard it or seen it fall. But it happened to "fall off the dresser" and land under a slipper?
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For starters, that article on the phone call shows no documentation that supports what they are saying. If they want to tell a story that way it should be very easy for them to present the facts. So I'll wait until I see court documents on that. Even if what they are saying is true, it still does not provide sufficient evidence for them to convict Avery. There could be several other reasons why he used *67 to contact her. Also it's not like he was trying to hide the fact that he was the last one to see her. He did an interview on the local news after she went missing and before he was arrested, telling the reporter his perspective as supposedly the last one to see her.

Then there's the dna on the hood of the car. I still can't find documentation supporting that. Not calling you a liar but if it's out there you should be able to show us. Or is it his fingerprint? If it's his fingerprint that would be almost impossible to plant. However, is it really that far fetched to think they could of easily planted DNA there as well? I mean, they did it on the RAV4 key.

The fact that the key wasn't found until Lenk went in there after 2 previous searches is enough for me to think he is being setup. Whether they thought they were setting up a guilty or innocent man is up for debate I guess. The people conducting the search are professionals. You think they would just miss the key on the floor 2 times and it just magically appears? The key would be one of the main things hey are looking for. Also when they were interviewing that other officer that did the search with Lenk you could tell the guy was full of it when he said something like "I must say I shook the dresser pretty aggressively". Well if he did and the key fell off he would be heard it or seen it fall. But it happened to "fall off the dresser" and land under a slipper?

A lot of what you are asking is in the latest link I posted. These aren't really debated, they are facts. Also, planting blood dna I can understand but hood latch was confirmed dna from sweat/ skin. Not sure how easy that is to plant. I imagine people here will say it is easy though, I honestly don't know.
A lot of what you are asking is in the latest link I posted. These aren't really debated, they are facts. Also, planting blood dna I can understand but hood latch was confirmed dna from sweat/ skin. Not sure how easy that is to plant. I imagine people here will say it is easy though, I honestly don't know.

There is no mention of the phone calls using *67 or DNA found under the hood of the car in the link you posted. Most of that document is based on one of many of Brendans "confessions" to the police officers who were manipulating him
There is no mention of the phone calls using *67 or DNA found under the hood of the car in the link you posted. Most of that document is based on one of many of Brendans "confessions" to the police officers who were manipulating him

You may be correct. I'll check when I get home and look for more documents you want to see. I know for sure that one mentions barb's interview where she mentions stained clothes.
Yup, he managed to slit her throat in a house and

clean up all the blood in the home and garage.

Then leaves his own blood in an SUV. 

ON HIS PROPERTY.  So he's smart 

enough to clean up massive amounts of blood

and leave no traces within his home, but then he

leaves all of these pieces of evidence outside of the home?  

Yeah, Ok  
Here's article talking about testimony about the *67 calls. Yes this was in the trial. Yes the documentary left it out.

This was in doc. He made appt under his sisters name. ( it was her van). Though reports are that she didn't want to deal with Avery cause he "creeped" her out.

He bought shackles and restraint a couple weeks before murder.,56083&hl=en

Talks about her purse contents, and camera being found in barrel 20ft from Avery's house.

There are both reports of the evidence and if you really wanna get into the weeds find it in the trial transcripts. I'm done looking up all this information because honestly it isn't that hard. You all can find it. But, you ask me to then find ways to discredit it because it wasn't in the doc, yet treat all that info as gospel. If you wanna say the trial, police, conviction were sketchy then I can't argue. But if you can honestly say if you had to bet everything you have that he didn't do it, I don't believe you. Just the fact that she was last seen at his property, no one seen her after, and she had no cell phone activety after, along with knowing some things about Avery as a person.. It's enough for me to say yeah he probably did it. Not in court. But this isn't a courtroom.
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Also, Kayla, Brendan's younger family member who said she lied to cops about Brendan saying he saw a body apparently lied to more people. She also told her school counselor, on her own, without being interviewed by a cop trying to frame anyone, that Brendan saw the body in the fire.

But I guess y'all believed her when she was on the stand and all of a sudden said she made it all up? Right ?
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Yup, he managed to slit her throat in a house and​
clean up all the blood in the home and garage.​
Then leaves his own blood in an SUV. ​
ON HIS PROPERTY.  So he's smart ​
enough to clean up massive amounts of blood​
and leave no traces within his home, but then he​
leaves all of these pieces of evidence outside of the home?  ​
Yeah, Ok  :lol:

Exactly :lol:
Mac going hard in the paint ...

Ken Kratz in disguise? :nerd:

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Mac going hard in the paint ...

Ken Kratz in disguise? :nerd:


Haha. I started off wanting to make sure people knew there was more info. Then ppl started name calling and saying I'm dense because I think he did it. So I took it personal lol. Here's some more for you. Article talking about another sexual assault Avery was accused of same year of murder. Doc doesn't mention.

Just so everyone knows they tested the vial for EDTA

Basically tube has it. RAV4 didn't.

Oj case had same issue. His blood at scene did contain EDTA however.
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