He can teach Pete principles and loyalty.

View media item 2162609
Bruh actually look at this foolishness right here. This is a ******* Super Soldier who can toss motorcycles and outrun cars, moving at almost a snail's pace while his "best friend" is on the verge of dying. He couldn't have taken some larger steps at least?! What exactly is he worried about? That his super strength won't be able to properly support both Bucky and himself? He was carrying and tossing grown *** men around like 20 minutes ago :lol: Steve didn't want to save Bucky. :smh:

View media item 2162611
You know who could have saved Bucky though?

View media item 2162613
The guy who created dozens of armors that can operate on their own in order to save more people. Of course i'm sure that Old Man Rogers wouldn't approve of that, because trying to plan for future threats is against his personal code :rolleyes People out here supporting a man who probably isn't qualified to graduate with a high school diploma today and trusting him to make decisions that involve the entire world :lol: We can say it again and again: push comes to shove Captain America's not the guy actually saving the world.
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Introduce a new subject instead of just complaining. Until then.....

back to these JOKES!!

Captain Brokeback could have dove after Bucky in that acene. But he let his friend take the fall! Typical Cap!
New subject?

In the comic thread, there's a discussion of who is an A-List character among Marvel and DC.

Of course, most will first say Spider-Man...but then who's next?
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For Marvel, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Iron Man, Captain America, and Hulk come to mind. I'd also say both the X-Men and Avengers in terms of groups.
New subject?

In the comic thread, there's a discussion of who is an A-List character among Marvel and DC.

Of course, most will first say Spider-Man...but then who's next?

Well if we're talking present time, it's really Spiderman and then the other big guns on the Avengers are a notch below
Only thing that's clear is that T'Challa chose to take in two highly skilled soldiers in order to make them indebted to him, so that he can call on them for a favor at any time. Furthermore, y'all want him to build Bucky a new Vibranium arm? Sure, let him go ahead. Better believe he'll have a safeguard in place to shut that ***** down whenever he wants. :lol:

Brothers watch out for each other.

T'Challa gonna hook Bucky up with the new arm + Cap with the new shield. A truly compassionate guy

While making sure that he controls both the new arm and new shield so that he can knock Cap and Bucky around even easier next time.

That's being a fake friend then.
Only thing that's clear is that T'Challa chose to take in two highly skilled soldiers in order to make them indebted to him, so that he can call on them for a favor at any time. Furthermore, y'all want him to build Bucky a new Vibranium arm? Sure, let him go ahead. Better believe he'll have a safeguard in place to shut that ***** down whenever he wants. :lol:

Brothers watch out for each other.

T'Challa gonna hook Bucky up with the new arm + Cap with the new shield. A truly compassionate guy

While making sure that he controls both the new arm and new shield so that he can knock Cap and Bucky around even easier next time.

That's being a fake friend then.

If you make the mistake of assuming he's their friend at all :lol:
He has no beef with them anymore though. Why even pretend to help them? He doesn't seem like that type of guy.
He has no beef with them anymore though. Why even pretend to help them? He doesn't seem like that type of guy.

Cause someone might come around again spitting that, "Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, freight car" and if T'Challa doesn't have a contingency, he just gave ol' boy a brand new powered arm to murder peoples parents with.
He has no beef with them anymore though. Why even pretend to help them? He doesn't seem like that type of guy.

I didn't say he had beef with them or even anything against them. T'Challa is like Batman, he plans for everything, even people that aren't currently threats to him. Case in point, he originally joined the Avengers based on the chance that they might prove to be threats to Wakanda and he wanted to measure their abilities.
It's a thread that goes all yr round with large gaps in between movies. Sorry that we don't have anything new to talk about right now :lol:
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