Box Office: 'Avengers: Infinity War' Passing $600 Million Domestic
Scott Mendelson, CONTRIBUTOR
May 22, 201811:00 AM2,162

Walt Disney

Avengers: Infinity War earned around $2.7 million on Monday, falling a reasonable 50% from last Monday and bringing its 25-day domestic total to around $598.5m. So, barring an unexpected downturn (and thus far every Tuesday has been bigger than Monday since its first Mon-Thurs frame), today is the day that the MCU flick will cross $600m in unadjusted North American box office grosses. So that’s a 26-day sprint (or at worst a 27-day sprint), right between Black Panther (31 days) and Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12 days).

It is only the eighth film in history to pass this milestone, even though inflation obviously played a role. Now the question is how long it stays ahead of Black Panther. To wit, Avengers: Infinity War hasn’t had a day where it outgrossed the T’Challa epic since day 14 of domestic release, or around 1.5 weeks ago.

Infinity War earned $29 million on its fourth weekend, a fine total but A) way below Black Panther’s $40m fourth weekend and B) just above Black Panther’s $26m fifth-weekend gross. Right now, Infinity War is $33m ahead of Black Panther (and around $23.5m ahead of The Last Jedi, but the daily grosses are already ahead on that score). We’ll see if Avengers 3 gets a Memorial Day weekend boost or gets whacked by Walt Disney’s own Solo: A Star Wars Story.

I am beyond curious to see if we essentially get a repeat of May 2007. If you recall, Spider-Man 3 set a new opening weekend record with $151m, Shrek the Third broke the animated movie debut record with $121m and then Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End broke the Memorial Day weekend record ($153m Fri-Mon) all within four weekends. This was a different time, but it’s not unlike when Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade ($28 million), Ghostbusters II ($29m) and Batman ($42m) all set new opening weekend records in the first month of summer 1989.

You could argue that Ghostbusters II ($109 million total) took a hit from the Caped Crusader, but Indy 3 ($197m) made about as much as could be expected while Batman ($251m) became the fifth-biggest domestic grosser of all time. That was arguably the first modern blockbuster summer, filled with sequels and relative event movies on a then-unprecedented scale. So too was the opening of summer 2007, where the first three big movies all topped $100m+ on opening weekend and all topped $300m domestic by the end of their runs.

Heck, you can argue that Pirates 3 is a little bit like Solo in that we just had a new installment recently and there’s a lot less hype and breathless anticipation this time out. And yeah, inflation notwithstanding, Avengers: Infinity War just set a new all-time opening weekend record, Deadpool 2 set a record for the third weekend in May and it’s possible that Solo may make more this weekend than At World’s End’s $153m Fri-Mon debut 11 years ago. So we’ll see if history repeats itself, with the caveat that Avengers: Infinity War is already leggier than Spider-Man 3 and folks seem to like Deadpool 2 more than Shrek the Third.

The good news for Avengers is that this weekend is, arguably, it’s final box office challenge. If it survives this weekend, it has clear sailing on June 1, modest competition from Ocean’s 8 on June 8 (just like 2007 when we had Ocean’s Thirteen in mid-June) and then another Walt Disney giant (The Incredibles 2) on June 15. And Infinity War will be mostly played out by mid-June anyway. It’s dropping a little faster than Fast Five (which also opened in late April way back in 2011), but a $650m-$660m domestic total is still possible.

It’s going to top The Last Jedi ($621 million) and The Avengers ($623m). Then it’ll just be a question of whether it ends up in sixth place, fifth place or fourth place above/below Jurassic World ($652m) and Titanic ($659m).

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Well it does say IW hit $600 million 4-5 days faster than BP did. Alternatively, that's because it opened bigger, as it hasn't beat it domestically since day 14.
Been tryna tell people to watch Hunt for the Wilderpeople (also directed by Taika). Knowing his humor and Thor being the funniest avenger, I knew we were in for a good time.

anywhere to see this like netflix or hulu?
During the sequence in GOTG where Rocket and Yondu were jumping through hyperspace...They were just jumping from galaxy to galaxy, right?

This guy at works is claiming they were jumping different universes.
Not clear yet.

Could be one or the other. Could be both.

Depends on if\when they do a callback on it.
Box Office: 'Avengers: Infinity War' Passing $600 Million Domestic
Scott Mendelson, CONTRIBUTOR
May 22, 201811:00 AM2,162

Walt Disney

Avengers: Infinity War earned around $2.7 million on Monday, falling a reasonable 50% from last Monday and bringing its 25-day domestic total to around $598.5m. So, barring an unexpected downturn (and thus far every Tuesday has been bigger than Monday since its first Mon-Thurs frame), today is the day that the MCU flick will cross $600m in unadjusted North American box office grosses. So that’s a 26-day sprint (or at worst a 27-day sprint), right between Black Panther (31 days) and Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12 days).

It is only the eighth film in history to pass this milestone, even though inflation obviously played a role. Now the question is how long it stays ahead of Black Panther. To wit, Avengers: Infinity War hasn’t had a day where it outgrossed the T’Challa epic since day 14 of domestic release, or around 1.5 weeks ago.

Infinity War earned $29 million on its fourth weekend, a fine total but A) way below Black Panther’s $40m fourth weekend and B) just above Black Panther’s $26m fifth-weekend gross. Right now, Infinity War is $33m ahead of Black Panther (and around $23.5m ahead of The Last Jedi, but the daily grosses are already ahead on that score). We’ll see if Avengers 3 gets a Memorial Day weekend boost or gets whacked by Walt Disney’s own Solo: A Star Wars Story.

I am beyond curious to see if we essentially get a repeat of May 2007. If you recall, Spider-Man 3 set a new opening weekend record with $151m, Shrek the Third broke the animated movie debut record with $121m and then Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End broke the Memorial Day weekend record ($153m Fri-Mon) all within four weekends. This was a different time, but it’s not unlike when Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade ($28 million), Ghostbusters II ($29m) and Batman (

Wow he took it back to summer 07. Fun summer. Remember watching Shrek 3, World's End and SM3 all in the theaters.
BW said him and Hawkeye took deals, Hawjeye to stay at home with family. Ant-Man on house arrest,

Now with that being said, who turned them in (or did they turn themselves in) after Civil War?
I imagine Ant-Man & the Wasp will explain more of the details on his situation.

Hawkeye retired and came out of retirement. The option for the accords were to sign up or retire. Pretty sure his deal included his retirement.
Nah. She still cant act all that well.
And would've been even worse for the role.

May risk objecticfying saying this but my Captain Marvel aint flat chested AND has a pancake booty.
Tony got to where he was because his daddy couldn't create the element needed to power the suit and save his life because the technology to make it wasn't available in his time. Stark living through his fathers achievement. He aint ****. Cap the GOAT.
What? So Tony got to where he is because he made an element that his father couldn't?

Where do I start...
Damn team Colonizer dumber than I thought.

Right E everysingletime
Even afterwards, his carelessness repeatedly lets his enemies get a hold of, or control of his technology. Whiplash, Stane, Ultron, Vulture, Justin Hammer. Let his "buddy" steal a suit and deliver it to the military while being a drunk idiot. What else?
Damn you dont pay attention.

Tony didnt even know Stane was his enemy. Thats why what he did is called betrayal. Its like the entire plot of IM went over your head.

Tony didn't even know Whiplash existed and he got his tech from his father. Not Tony. IM2 was bad but the plot was not complicated. C'mon now.

Ultron IS Tony's technology. The **** are you even talking about here :lol:

When did Justin Hammer get Tony's tech? Whole movie he was rocking with knockoffs and weak imitations. He had to team up with Whiplash to get an upgrade.

This ain't even revisionist history. Just plain making **** up just to spew it :smh:
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Damn you dont pay attention.

Tony didnt even know Stand was his enemy. Thats why what he did is called betrayal. Its like the entire plot of IM went over your head.

Tony didn't even know Whiplash existed and he got his tech from his father. Not Tony. IM2bwas bad but the plot was not complicated. C'mon now.

Ultron IS Tony's technology. The **** are you even talking about here :lol:

When did Justin Hammer get Tony's tech? Whole movie he was rocking with knockoffs and weak imitations. He had to team up with Whiplash to get an upgrade.

This ain't even revisionist history. Just plain making **** up just to spew it :smh:




how is there a rumor for a villain for BP2 when BP is dead...

Donald Glover Is Rumored To Be In Line To Play The Villain In BLACK PANTHER 2

According to the UK’s Metro, director Ryan Coogler is in the early stages of developing his sequel to Black Panther and is in the process of developing a few new characters - one of whom he'd very much like Donald Glover to play.

Ryan Coogler is currently mapping out Black Panther’s sequel and has written in a number of new characters that movie-goers will be introduced to when it premieres. One of those characters, if he gets his wish, will be played by Childish Gambino. Nothing is set in stone but “informal talks” [are happening] between Ryan, Gambino and reps from Marvel and Disney to see if they can make it happen. They’re still yet to decide if Michael B Jordan will return in some capacity but if he doesn’t it’s likely Gambino may play some kind of villain.
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