Are the two rumored to conflict?

I can't see Sly planning production to happen the same time BP is being filmed. That'd almost look like he'd be muscling Coogler out.
BP is Feb 2018 

MGM announced today that Creed 2 is scheduled for a November 2017 release. I don't think it's Sly as much as the studio wants to take advantage and waiting 3 years is a bit too long.

I don't think it's expected he could try to do both. Maybe EP and writer the screenplay for Creed 2.
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Oh, I see. Well from pre-production to post, that's usually not more than 6-7 months. A year + if Coogler plans on also writing the script.

Creed 2 will most likely start filming later this year and BP will start filming like mid 2017.

The script is being done by somebody else for BP so I think Coogler will just give notes on that unless he wants to re-write that too so I think they shouldn't conflict.

I imagine what took so long for them to even announce this was Marvel and Coogler working out his schedule and contract. So if anything don't expect any other movies from Coogler the next 2 years unless he already has something in the can right now.
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The Russos...

"Everything is finite, right? Nothing can last forever. It's cyclical. Some New Avengers in phase 4 are going to become prominent and then maybe some Avengers might not be around anymore. So, we'll see how all this plays out but you have to treat every character with respect. I think it's interesting that if you've seen four or five movies with the lead character having an arc, I want to see some story telling from some of the secondary characters. We're focusing on that right now with Infinity War while we're breaking into those movies, [asking] which characters can we pull to the forefront who potentially haven't had their own 'A' story arc to this point. I think you'll see that the supporting Avengers are going to become primary Avengers."
All I could think about was the Fox kids Avengers show, Avengers: United we stand.

The big 3 (Cap, Iron Man and Thor) are legends within the avengers camp but are "dead", retired and went back home. Even the lineup from United we stand is beginning to shape up on screen.... I think all they're missing is Tigra
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All I could think about was the Fox kids Avengers show, Avengers: United we stand.

The big 3 (Cap, Iron Man and Thor) are legends within the avengers camp but are "dead", retired and went back home. Even the lineup from United we stand is beginning to shape up on screen.... I think all they're missing is Tigra

I'm imagining the West Coast Avengers...is Wonder Man available? :lol:
I'm imagining the West Coast Avengers...is Wonder Man available? :lol:

Lol yeah the cartoon was based off of WCA but I remember them doing this weird story arc where wonder man died but they were able to save his brain patterns and put them in an android and became vision :stoneface: I guess they need a way to explain why Scarlet witch was in love with an android without making it creepy to kids because she was in love with wonder man before he died
As Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 gears up for its early 2016 shoot, some big news has been flying around involving potential new cast members, as well as folks who are returning to the fold. Unfortunately, it looks like everyone's favorite hoarder, The Collector, will not be coming back for a second round – at least, that's what Benicio Del Toro seems to think.

Earlier today, comic movie news site Superhero Hype reported that in a recent interview, Del Toro was not exactly optimistic when it came to his chances for being a part of James Gunn's 2017 sequel. More specifically, the Sicario actor had the following remarks to give when asked about his participation:

I don’t think so. They would have told me… I do hope to play that character again at some point.

Marvel Legend Stan Lee Can't Read Comics Anymore

Stan Lee, the legend behind Marvel, has revealed that he can’t read comic books anymore due to his failing eyesight.

The co-creator of characters including Spider-Man, The Hulk, Iron Man, The X-Men and Thor, admitted that while he’s not blind, he can no longer read.

Speaking to the Radio Times, the 93-year-old said: “My eyesight has gotten terrible and I can’t read comic books anymore.

“The print is too small. Not only a comic book, but I can’t read the newspaper or a novel or anything. I can’t even read a script.

“I come up with ideas for stories and somebody writes an outline for me – but I can’t read it.

“I have to hope it’s good. If something is very important, they print it in very big type for me to read – but that’s all I can do. I have the same trouble with hearing. It’s awful to feel a thousand years old.”

“I miss reading 100 per cent.”

Asked what he believed would be the greatest super power, he added: “I always say that luck is the greatest superpower, because if you have good luck, everything goes your way.”
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I was just talking to my homeboy about Stan Lee passing on. It's one of the scariest thoughts to think about for me because this man has had a PROFOUND affect on my life. I learned how to read because of Marvel comics. His stories molded me...but he's getting up there in age. Just the though has me tearing up.... :wow: :smh:
Stan Lee is like Thomas Edison.

Undeniably important, but not for the reasons that are people commonly think.

any emotional attachment I felt to stan lee lessened considerably as I got older and read about the history of marvel.
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^ There's always one :smh: :lol:

I'm imagining the West Coast Avengers...is Wonder Man available? :lol:

Lol yeah the cartoon was based off of WCA but I remember them doing this weird story arc where wonder man died but they were able to save his brain patterns and put them in an android and became vision :stoneface: I guess they need a way to explain why Scarlet witch was in love with an android without making it creepy to kids because she was in love with wonder man before he died
That's pretty close to what happened in the comics to create the Vision. Only difference is Ultron did it and Wonder Man didn't have to die (although he does a good deal and just come back to life issues later back in the old days). Also in the comics SW was never really in to Wonder Man but somehow had a thing for Vision. It was some weird love triangle thing they were doing where WM couldn't get the girl but his strange robot copy could. At some later point in time SW does rape WM though.

The whole thing with sentient androids/robots/synthzoids in the MU was that they had to be based off someone's brain patterns. Ultron had Pym's and Vision had WM's.
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^ There's always one :smh: :lol:
That's pretty close to what happened in the comics to create the Vision. Only difference is Ultron did it and Wonder Man didn't have to die (although he does a good deal and just come back to life issues later back in the old days). Also in the comics SW was never really in to Wonder Man but somehow had a thing for Vision. It was some weird love triangle thing they were doing where WM couldn't get the girl but his strange robot copy could. At some later point in time SW does rape WW though.

The whole thing with sentient androids/robots/synthzoids in the MU was that they had to be based off someone's brain patterns. Ultron had Pym's and Vision had WM's.

THIS. I remember in the comics Ultron using wonder man as more of a template but the cartoon made it as an reincarnation. When did SW rape Wonder man though? Was this during the whole pregnancy with twins period?

While watching the walkout scenes in Creed i remembered "Yoo this is the same dude who's gonna direct Black Panther" and almost got a lil emotional in the theater

View media item 1866453
that's my director

Creed was very well done which has me very curious as to how Coogler is gonna represent BP and Wakanda. The thing that has me apprehensive is that Disney is only gonna let Coogler do so much. It's gonna be the story they want to tell and Coogler is just a face to attach to the behind the scenes process
nah i don't think it'll be like that. Seemed like he has all the leverage in this situation. Dude is probably the hottest director under 30 right now and easily could of walked into something else if they weren't gonna let him cook

they let James Gunn and the Russo's rock out and they weren't anywhere near the level of acclaim or prestige Coogler is.
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Benicio isn't coming back for GoTG 2

was wondering how he was gonna film that and Star Wars at the same time, was under the impression that they both would film in London so it wouldn't be much of a problem
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^ There's always one :smh: :lol:
That's pretty close to what happened in the comics to create the Vision. Only difference is Ultron did it and Wonder Man didn't have to die (although he does a good deal and just come back to life issues later back in the old days). Also in the comics SW was never really in to Wonder Man but somehow had a thing for Vision. It was some weird love triangle thing they were doing where WM couldn't get the girl but his strange robot copy could. At some later point in time SW does rape WW though.

The whole thing with sentient androids/robots/synthzoids in the MU was that they had to be based off someone's brain patterns. Ultron had Pym's and Vision had WM's.

THIS. I remember in the comics Ultron using wonder man as more of a template but the cartoon made it as an reincarnation. When did SW rape Wonder man though? Was this during the whole pregnancy with twins period?
I'm not sure if it was before or after but it was by Byrne and it was implied but everybody sees it for what it is :lol: or worse you can consider it mutilation. This was one of the earlier times she had a mental breakdown and went sort of evil:

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Red Hulk rumors are dead now lol

"There’s always a chance at Marvel that you can see anything․ But there, uh, let's say ... there is no Red Hulk in ‘Civil War.' General Ross has a big presence in 'Civil War.' He’s a character who was ham-fisted in his approach in ‘The Incredible Hulk' ... and that’s probably a polite way to put it. And I think he’s learned from his over-aggressiveness in that movie and he’s become more of a politician. He’s much savvier now, and he’s cornering the Avengers. Superheroes have always been anathema to him. He’s not a fan of them, and so now he’s come at them strategically by aligning the world against them and cornering them. So, he’s gotten much savvier and I think you’ll find that he’s grown as a character. He’s different than he was in ‘The Incredible Hulk' and he’s a more formidable and political opponent to them.”
If anybody watched that panel with some of the cast and Russo bros I feel that's where they answered and revealed all that stuff.

They got a board for IW involving 67 characters, talked about some of the lesser known Avengers taking over in phase 4 with the popular guys taking a back seat, talked about Spidey and BP, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

There's just been so much I aint bother posting it.
Ant-Man came out in July 2015 and Cap Civil War isnt until May 2016. Thats a 10 month gap, I cant remember waiting this long for a MCU movie to come out.this is buns 
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