Messed Up ot Not: Teaching Your Kids About Santa Clause (At All)

I bet at least a few of u dudes saying u won't teach ur kids about this still will when u have a daughter who brings out cuteness in you that you weren't even aware existed, or your wife threatens u because she wants to celebrate Christmas with them.
Son really said I'll teach them bout Mansa Musa though. Sounding like those black Israelites who post up in NYC corners. Like it isn't possible to do both :lol:
A lot of you dudes are the reason why this country has become as overly sensitive as it's become.
Talking bout you don't want your children to learn this stuff in school.

You guys sound just as wild as the religious nuts, you just happen to be on the other end of the spectrum.

Who said anything about learning it in school?
My kids learning about Santa in school isn't going to help them be more productive people. lol And this is why the US education system is behind.

You have kids in America wondering what they are going to eat for dinner or if they will even have a meal, lotta folks dont have time to get caught up in that cartoon nonsense. The emphasis imo should be on family and loved ones, because even if you are dead broke and dont get any gifts you will still appreciate you have people around you who love you.

But then again we all come from different backgrounds on this site, lol you have guys who were getting all the kicks and toys for christmas and others who didnt get their first jordans until they got their first job.
This is not that big of a deal. Kids are gonna be kids regardless. If they know the get down from the jump they won't be traumatized. They're more prone to that if they're lied to and then have the carpet pulled out from under them. Some of y'all still clinging to it subconsciously and don't even know it.
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I was taught that my parents were Santa Claus and it never ruined my imagination or the "spirit" of Christmas for me. I still ran my *** down the steps to open gifts on Christmas morning just like every other kid.
Yeah I don't see the harm in telling them there's a black Santa until they get old enough to where kids in school and **** will tell them he's not real.

My parents always presented it as they were buying the gifts from Santa.
Nah, I love the spirit of Christmas. It will be dope celebrating with my kids. [emoji]128175[/emoji]


Obviously my daughter will find out as she gets older...but I love this time of year and she's SO in to it. Gotta let her rock and be a kid.

All this. I'll want my kids to enjoy the spirit of Santa/Christmas in general. However, there will always be that one classmate who plays spoiler and then it becomes the parents job to either reinsure them or break the news :frown: .
It would be hard for me to tell my kids Santa is real cause growing up I never believed in him since we handed out gifts on Christmas Eve every year among my big *** family.
Again, why are we pretending the spirit of Xmas is made or broken by buying into the Santa tale?
It's up to each parent. The best parts of my childhood are all of the efforts that my parents put into the Santa experience. I loved all of those memories and Ive been doing Santa for our kids for almost a decade. I love my kids'excitement, the cookie baking, and having a midnight snack while Im setting out their gifts.

The parents that choose not to do it feel the same way about building memories without Santa.

The problem I have is the parents who think that other families not do Santa, and take it upon themselves to ruin it for someone else's children. Those people should mind thier business.
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My parents never raised me to believe in that bull **** so I naturally having nothing to hold against them in that regard.

GOD on the other hand......

I grew up doing kid things and have a vast imagination. I believe it's directly related to my interest and love for philosophy. I don't see anything wrong raising kids the way you want if it aint harming them. Especially when it comes to something like this.

This is just a case of doing things differently than you're use to and because of your culture and customs any sort of rejection or resistance to it is frowned upon. Crazy how this is a matter of choice and yet suddenly ppl want their kids to have no imagination or are curmudgeons but if I was Jewish or Muslim it'd be completely understandable and beyond reproach to even criticize raising your kids not to believe in Santa.

I guess I don't understand why God is even being discussed. OP asked about Santa, who last time I checked, wasn't God, Jesus, etc. :lol:
Cuz given the religion this holiday is closely attached to and the fact that one is a lie and when you get to a certain age you can interpret another as a lie as well.

Just an obvious comparison.

So back to the topic at hand, there is zero harm in the Santa story.
There's no harm in your kids not believing the Santa story.

So like I said it comes down to the choice of the parents if they're gonna play along with the lie or not.

If your kids hold it against you or call you a liar later in life, your kids are most likely a-holes with mental issues.
This whole holding it against you stuff is a weird thing to even bring up. It's really just about whether you down with the lie or not and if you're even celebrating x-mas.

To me when it comes to something like this it's more important imo that children know their parents worked hard to pay for any gifts they get but ppl got other more lighthearted views on this stuff.

I'm sorry but Christmas as it stands today is in no way tied to religion at all. The Santa story with Rudolph and all that has nothing to do with Christianity in today's society. Santa = presents to kids. Now if you're taking about baby Jesus in the manger, then yes, you're right.
I'd dispute how separate the two actually are today.

But celebrating the Santa story isn't indoctrinating kids with religious views.
I never said this.

Only thing I compared were the two lies. Nothing about indoctrination of religion.

edit: And no, there's absolutely nothing wrong with choosing to not do the Santa thing. But we gotta stop acting like parents are doing their kids such a huge disservice by telling them "lies". It just seems like fake outrage over something that benefits kids (i.e. They get to have fun and get toys!).
There's no outrage, fake or otherwise. People have different views on this so it's pretty situational if it's doing the children a disservice or not. That has a lot more to do with how you raise your kids. If you're not celebrating x-mas there's really no reason to tell them this lie. If you are celebrating, there's nothing that says you have to participate in the lie either. I'm lost on how the lie benefits kids. You can celebrate x-mas, not tell them a lie about Santa, and your kids can still get gifts and have funs building snow men, singing carols, etc.

The whole beauty of teaching your kids this is the magic it instills in them at such a young age. I cn understand why people might not teach their kids but I'm glad I taught mine. Why ruin her fun?

:lol: Magic.
It really seems like grown adults have bought in to a whole other lie about how to let their kids have fun and foster their imagination.

Seems to be a really be a narrow minded cultural thing. A lot of them seem to be completely clueless about all of the other millions of children around the world that don't celebrate x-mas and never even heard of x-mas. I guess all of them are missing that "magic".
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My parents never made an effort to teach me about Santa or do any of that stuff. We still took pictures with santa at the mall and wore santa hats at christmas parties. I just saw him as a symbol for the holidays. Much like Easter Bunny. Who's gonna tell their child that 6'2 rabbit is real?

When I have kids it'll pretty much be the same way. I'm not gonna feed them the belief of Santa, but they will know who he is along with the stories (north pole, elves, reindeers etc). Its still enjoyable that way.

No point telling them Santa is real and then immediately walk past 3 Santas in the mall.
I dont celebrate Christmas for spiritual reasons. I have four small children and the ones old enough to understand clearly know what Christmas is why it popular and why we dont celebrate it. They also know that other people are free to do what they want and therefore they shouldn't be telling other kids "Santa isnt real," ruining the what their parents want them to experience. But my goal is to raise children with high character qualities like honesty. So lying to them for fun or whatever is inconsistent and will help defeat what Im working to instill in them.

Takes me back to the movie Matilda.

**** around and teach them a lie and they'll turn it around on you with their telekinetic abilities.

I mean that's if you plan on raising above average/genius children.

What carols will they be singing Zik?

- Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
- Jolly Old St Nick
Just like I'm an atheist and I can't front on how a lot of gospel music sounds good (my ppl know how to make good music), it's the same way I'm not in to x-mas but there's a few x-mas songs that are a joy to my ears. It's the same way I enjoy this time of the year cuz It's A Wonderful Life will be on tv even though I got it and can play it any time.

I should be clear though I don't be outside with other ppl singing songs in front of ppl whose houses are draped in x-mas decorations. So more like they'd get use to me playing these songs in the house:
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As a human being, Im hypocritical enough to where i want to make it easier on myself as much I can. Specially when it comes to teaching my children.
Think some of y'all really over thinking it. I think letting your kids just figure it out on their own or being told through an older cousin or friend is the right way to go.

I'll be damned if I'm walking thru the mall with my kid and he or she sees hundreds of kids lined up with smiles and lists waiting to take a photo with Santa. Imagine their face... The kid won't be thinking they all look like a bunch off suckas... He will just be thinking they all look happy, I wanna be happy too and take a photo with the guy from tv

Like Santa is no different than a super hero or a Disney character. What's the harm in children enjoying it?
na bruh. this is group think mentality. 
Sounds a whole lot like ignorance is bliss. Enjoy it while you can.

I'm not in to nurturing that.
"daddy look at me, I'm a princess"
"no the hell you're not. Neither your mother nor I assumed any royal titles, therefore you have none. You are in pre-k and your doing a horrible job at spelling. Go grab the legal pad and a pencil."
[emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji] :pimp:

"daddy, grandpa stole my nose!!!"
"no, your nose is in fact still in tact with your face. Grandpa stole from the irs in 1987 and 2011. That's why he was on "vacation" until your 3rd birthday. Nah scratch that, he was in Lexington correctional facility. Gotta keep it [emoji]128175[/emoji]."
[emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji] b :pimp:

"daddy where do babies come from? Bobby at school said angels come down kissed mommy on her belly. "
" nah that's bs. You see those henny bottles on top of the fridge? Me and your mom and your uncle Tony ran through all 4 bottles in a day. And had your mom on some bang bus steez. I'm still waiting for the paternity test to come back so stop calling me daddy for now. Just refer to me as Reginald for now."
:smh: all the way [emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji]

No, kids are not dumb, however they have the mental capacity of, well, a child,which is why we use terms like "she's smart for a 5 year old". Their innocence is entertaining to us because they haven't been exposed to the harsh realities of the world. There's a reason the term 'adultrated' means 'to make of lesser quality, tarnish'. We, as adults, are ruined. Children are the perfect form of human beings. Life just turns them into monsters.
This is all good material for a script/skits b :lol: Thanks.

youre going overboard fam. this is nonsense. like someone said kids need to be brought up in a developmentally appropriate fashion. that doesnt mean feeding them fairytales as truth and it also doesnt consist of blunt, explicit and unfiltered facts. there are more than 2 options here 
#NTExtremes bruh, that's why NT brings the lulz
I bet at least a few of u dudes saying u won't teach ur kids about this still will when u have a daughter who brings out cuteness in you that you weren't even aware existed, or your wife threatens u because she wants to celebrate Christmas with them.
Sounds like you talking about soft dudes.

Never I.
Again, why are we pretending the spirit of Xmas is made or broken by buying into the Santa tale?
Dudes are buggin a bit.
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I don't follow a religion anymore so if I have kids I won't have to teach them any of that christmas, santa claus, saint nicholas stuff. I wouldn't even buy presents for people now if my brother and cousins didn't give me gifts.
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Damn, Santa aint even safe on NT :smh:

I dont push Santa down my daughters throat but I'd be damn if we didn't put out cookies and milk.

Somebof yall really hate life.
There some miserable ************* on NT
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