Michael Jackson 1958-2009..................... Memorial Set for July 7th at Staples Center

Have yall seen this on Ebay?

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by PaidNHalf

Even while not being a fan of MJ. You can honestly state the death of the most popular musician in the history of the human race should not be the top story for a week?

What you mean 1/10 the adoration, dude had females on oxygen support just for being in the same zipcode.

You seriously have trouble grasping the fact that MJ was a cultural icon?

As for the rest of your post.....so? That's human nature, many people feel more closely connected to MJ's music than to gov't policy. We don't place as much emphasis or importance on things that don't feel as immediate or close to us. Hence why we can watch a documentary on global warming or starving children in far-off countries and forget about it the next day. Surely you're aware of this. Have some dignity and vent about it in another thread instead of insulting the deceased.

How am I insulting the deceased?
Dudes who are all for MJ now were making fun of him for touching kids and his crazy plastic surgery just a few months ago.

Talking about dignity. If we really want to go there.
Do we really want to be celebrating a man who liked to sleep in the same bad with children or one who bleached his own skin.

I never looked down on MJ because it was obvious that his childhood f'ed him up and it wasn't really his fault.
However, this entire episode is a load of bs because most people could give 2 +%+%% (and made fun ) about the guy when he was alive.

Now all of a sudden. I luvz MJ. I was always a huge fan. ****!Honestly.

I'm not gonna go back and find your exact words, but you referred to him as a child molester or something of the sort.

He bleached his skin and slept in the same bed as children? How is this at all relevant to his character or his achievements? Yes, I have no problem celebrating someone like this.

And you criticize all the people who were cracking jokes about him....don't know what to say. How is their change in attitude a bad thing? As a genuine fan of his I'd rather see people talk about how great he was rather than ridicule him. No complaints here.

Go find those words.
I never called him a child molestor.

I did mention that he bleached his skin and slept in the same bed with children because that's what happened. It's not derogatory. I'm not makingthings up.

I was always a fan of MJ. Not a hardcore fan but seeing as I'm not into music that much, MJ was actually one of the few artists that I actually enjoyedlistening too on a consistent basis ( as well johnny cash, chilli peppers, will nelson-- just to show how he stacked up in terms of what I liked in music )
In fact, I always used to argue with people who made fun of MJ because I didn't think it was funny. He was messed up in childhood by his father and hiscircumstances and never recovered. Couldn't really blame him considering he came off a genuinely nice and kind person. You had to feel bad for him becauseit was obvious he broke down early at some point in his life.

All I was saying was that when dude was alive people constantly made fun of him and now all of a sudden they're the biggest MJ fans ever and telling othersthat criticism of MJ shouldn't be allowed here.
Not the first time it's happened upon an individuals death so whatever. People being two faced ain't new.
Originally Posted by Byronde

I'm still SICK over this and jamming his music still.
same here bro. when i stop listening to his music for a while and then hear a song on the radio or something i get all upset again, so its justeasier to keep bumpin the 25th anniversary thriller
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

and people question that he is bigger than obama ...
ummm.. didn't similar pics come out after the electionof people around the world celebrating Obama? there were people in Thailand, India, Kenya etc dancing, singing, crying, holding up signs.

you're trying a little too hard to hate on Obama in every MJ-related thread...
Another Jackson 5 video...

Pay attention to when it hits 1:00, MJ was a beast when it came to dancing. There will be no other like him..Ever.
The clip of him popping in moonwalker was from this video. Before youtube, it took me so long to find this vid. This is pure talent.
at the "its my week"

I was always fascinated by how fast he could move his feet. Check the second vid.
stopped in this thread once again to shed some light on how influential michael's music was.

i was at my little cousins 10 year old birthday party. she had 4 friends there who were all her age, all white girls who had NO prior knowledge of michaeljackson before his death. they knew nothing of any molestation charges, and had never heard a single song. after my cousin opened her presents, i was flippinthru channels til i got to BET where they had the MJ marathon. those 5 girls sang and danced to every MJ song and were amazed by the videos. their favorite wasthriller, and they kept watching it to learn the entire dance. these are 9 and 10 year old girls who listen to any pop song thrown on the radio, and take parttime dance classes in the evening who were infatuated by dude.

i'm 21, not exactly in the MJ core demographic, but i love dude even a generation after his peak. it was so moving to see that even one generation belowme, his music is still influential by the standards put forth today. i taught my little cousin to moonwalk, and she told me it was cooler than anything sheever learned in any dance class. it shows that there will never be another michael jackson, and his music will live forever.
Man watching all this old Jackson 5 stuff shows how talented ALL of them were, but Mike is just in another stratosphere when it comes to singing and dancing.It's kind of hard to grasp how a person can have that much talent and actually take it beyond just talent. Man I wish music could go back to how it was. Onanother note never knew the Jackson 5 originally did "All I Do" and there version is waaay smoother than Troop's and that trash Puff put out withB5.
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