Music copyright laws? How to get permission for school project!

Nov 9, 2007
I was told that new copyright laws state only 60 seconds can be used of a song, if you aren't given permission, even if it is for a school project.

Does anyone know where I can find the laws that state this? and other copyright laws on borrowing music?

Also...does anyone know how I can attain permission?

i dont really think they will sue you or even know that you used it if it's just for a school project
you will have to pay for permission...if youre looking for permission
and who told you this a teacher?
ive nver heard of this and i doubt anyone would care
What we do at my school is write a letter to whoever owns the rights to the song stating what it's going to be used for, and that if they don't respondwithin two weeks then we're taking that as permission for us to use the song.
I was told by the teacher that it was recently renewed, and the new law states even if it's for a school project, without permission, it may only be usedup to 60 seconds of the song.

Any help? I can't just use it. Even if I own it. It has to do with the copyright laws when using an artist's song for permission. Before, you couldhave for a school project, says my teacher...
BUT THE TEACHER WON'T ALLOW IT. I would have done away with it anyway, because I KNOW no one would find out.

BUT the teacher wants us to respect the lawss as if it were a job type situation. Please respect what I am saying.

Any more help? Thanks DLo, i'll look into it.
^oh ok I didn't realize your teacher won't let you guys just use it. good luck then
I am having no luck finding it! If anyone can find a legit source, stating in which I can use it for a school project, hit me up!

You have to pay royalties on music if you plan on using them a certain way. Contact BMI or ASCAp depending on the songwriter affiliation. They provide you withthat information.
You should be fine under the "fair use" doctrine.

Go to your professor and tell him to look up "fair use". Then tell him he's a moron.

I don't know what the hell your professor is smoking.

"Fair Use" is subjective but a school presentation (purpose of use is for education) is in no way copyright infringement.
The teacher is actually smarter than you think. He's been doing this for years, but he said there was a recent revision to the fair use, in which it abidesby it. He mentioned the fair use policy and mentioned it. I'm trying to find some stuff out.

Yeah, I OWN the song, but the teacher says you still need permission to use it through a video/music project.
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