My manhood will never be the same after watching this...

Dec 29, 2008
:x :x :x :x :x but I still :lol:

video is in link couldn't embed

Cal State Fullerton's Austin Kingsolver only got two plate appearances in yesterday's game against Arizona State, and he probably wishes that he could have skipped the first one. In the top of the seventh inning, Arizona State pitcher Josh McAlister let a 3-2 slider get away from him and sent the pitch sailing into Kingsolver's **** and balls.

We would like to take a moment to applaud the play-by-play announcer's restraint, though. You can tell that he desperately wanted to yell "Right in the nuts!" on the call, but pulled himself back at the last second and went with "midsection." The guy's obviously a pro.

sorry if this belongs in sports; I figured the nature of the thread was general
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true story i think my nuts went back up in my body after watching that. i would've been on there ground in agony, but duke seems fine. shrugs.
true story i think my nuts went back up in my body after watching that. i would've been on there ground in agony, but duke seems fine. shrugs.

That dude got balls, I woulda been on the ground screaming like I was giving natural child birth to a rhino
Not gonna lie I'd be crazy shook if I was the next batter up for the other team. Next pitcher was prob told to aim for heads :smokin eye for an eye is real in baseball if no respect is shown. Pitcher didn't even move to say sorry just went to ask if the guy swung over. :smh:
that title threw me off op, I didn't get the relationship between your man's hood and this baseball player. It's one word dawg.
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damn, what was the batter thinking not moving out the way, the ball was already too inside when it was released.
What the announcer said at the end..."If they'd called that a strikeout it would be another low blow..." :lol:
Even with a cup on I'm sure that hurt
Baseball players wear cups?

They do in the Bad News Bears. 
Immediately bit my finger.

I cant even.....

Dude would have been ran up on.
This man will never have an at bat the same. I actually took a bad hop to the nuts once, I laid face up on the dirt for about 5 mins.
This and taking a return line drive to the nuts or dome when on the mound were my worst fears growing playing baseball. :lol:
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