Need help finding someone to go on an all paid Cuba/Mexico cruise 9/26

guess I'm here to toss the pipebomb:

WTF - Did not know this was a thing.


How in the hell doesn’t he have any homegirls / girls he’s cool with ? Lol

He should just start pulling random chicks over and telling them if they go with him , he won’t write a ticket
You...sorry, "your friend" should just ask a male friend to go. Will be more fun and odds are you'll find a thot on the cruise
lol aint no love for 12 over here, I'm on the opposite side from him but he's fam first..
But he'll probably just go with some homies or somethin, but I always heard of this type of thing online and I'm too lazy to do anything more than type on here.

Gonna try that misstravel site and see how it looks, doubtful I'll find anybody decent but gonna try anyway,
And he doesn't want to go with a girl that's in either of our circles cause his ex is ready for war
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I think it's weird to go with some random also
But he's talking about maybe going with some super thot, so he'd be better off going with randoms i feel
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