News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

Heroes for Hire would be great! Marvel has a lot of awesome street-level characters. Hope they bring 'em out and give 'em some shine soon.

Heros for hire has too much potential to be good that it could only be bad . I could see it being rush hour 2ish .
What about a teen titians movie? any talk or rumors

Nah, DC treats Teen Titans as a lil kids show. They put out this kind of crap and cancel one of the best shows they've ever made, Young Justice.
What about a teen titians movie? any talk or rumors

Nah, DC treats Teen Titans as a lil kids show. They put out this kind of crap and cancel one of the best shows they've ever made, Young Justice.
i cant front i watched an episode the other day with my son and i was laughing a lil bit.
And so what is IM3 BAD or what cause some say its the best IM some say its the second best IM and some say it sucks. so what is the actual verdict? I REALLY think the avengers set the bar too high and everyone is maybe setting that as a standard(i know some people think avengers was overrated/not good)
Nah, if I ranked IM3 on par with IM2, then Avengers being good has nothing to do with it, it is just bad and shameful what they did in that film.
Yes. I did not like it at all.

IM1 > > > > > > > > > > > > > IM3 > IM2

IM3 is only a tiny bit better than IM2.
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Yes. I did not like it at all.

IM1 > > > > > > > > > > > > > IM3 > IM2

IM3 is only a tiny bit better than IM2.
quick question. did u like thor and captain america? i liked both and had kinda low expectations on both Especially thor but was surprised. I liked them both. But i know people that said both were a let down.
I liked both, Thor was a bit better than Captain America but for what it was, an origin film intended to introduce the characters, they were pretty good. Repeat value makes it more boring but they were good in theaters. I'd rank both Thor & Captain America ahead of IM3 & IM2. Keep in mind though, IM2 isn't the worst, I wouldn't rank it next to Green Lantern per say.
Hollywood needs more black heros man

Excuse my ignorance but outside of Blade / Spawn / BP what black heros / characters are there ?
There's more but a lot don't have the attractive full entertainment package (name, powers, etc.). A good bulk of them just have not been nurtured enough in comics and there'd have to be more work done to make the character in movie form receptive to viewers/potential fans.

I think Static Shock could work but unfortunately DC/WB have his rights. I pretty much have no faith in DC/WB so might as well ignore all of their black superheroes. So what's left is Marvel and independent comics. So after Luke Cage and BP I'm not seeing a lot from Marvel, they'd have to push the hell out of Falcon in the Cap movie. There seems to be too many derivative or legacy black characters from the big 2. It's why you're hearing about so many bait and switch rumors about making an already popular hero black. Independently, it'd really depend on cult movement behind it. I know I saw rumors about DeFlaco writing a rebooted Spawn movie with possibly Jaime Foxx as Al Simmons.

Black Cap aint happening :lol: His origin story has a serious racial undertone to it. Hell it's not even an undertone, it's a key component to the story and many character motivations. they'd have to strip a lot of that in movie form.
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Hollywood needs more black heros man

Excuse my ignorance but outside of Blade / Spawn / BP what black heros / characters are there ?
There's more but a lot don't have the attractive full entertainment package (name, powers, etc.). A good bulk of them just have not been nurtured enough in comics and there'd have to be more work done to make the character in movie form receptive to viewers/potential fans.

I think Static Shock could work but unfortunately DC/WB have his rights. I pretty much have no faith in DC/WB so might as well ignore all of their black superheroes. So what's left is Marvel and independent comics. So after Luke Cage and BP I'm not seeing a lot from Marvel, they'd have to push the hell out of Falcon in the Cap movie. There seems to be too many derivative or legacy black characters from the big 2. It's why you're hearing about so many bait and switch rumors about making an already popular hero black. Independently, it'd really depend on cult movement behind it. I know I saw rumors about DeFlaco writing a rebooted Spawn movie with possibly Jaime Foxx as Al Simmons.

Black Cap aint happening :lol: His origin story has a serious racial undertone to it. Hell it's not even an undertone, it's a key component to the story and many character motivations. they'd have to strip a lot of that in movie form.

Just crossed my mind, but what if they make a stand alone film for Nick Fury (Ultimate/Samuel L Jackson version)?
Just crossed my mind, but what if they make a stand alone film for Nick Fury (Ultimate/Samuel L Jackson version)?
Could work. Would have to be more of an action packed film than a spy noir espionage take that Fury usually finds himself in. Sam may be up to it.

If done right Marvel could have their own kind of black James Bond/John McClain hybrid.
From IGN re: introducing Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch into the Avengers
Option #1 - Don't Use "The M-Word"

The easiest way to dodge the mutant issue might just be to ignore it. Even in the first Avengers movie, the large cast prevented the script from delving too deeply into the various characters' histories and origin stories. That's what solo movies are for. So audiences might not necessarily mind if the movie doesn't go into detail about who Wanda and Pietro are and how they acquired their powers. Even when the two made their debut in The Ultimates, a comic series that has heavily inspired the movies, their connection to Magneto was largely downplayed.

With Joss Whedon at the helm, that might even provide opportunity for comedy. The script could include a running gag where various Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents ask the twins variations of "Are't you a mu..." and "Isn't your father Mag...", always being cut off before they can actually say the dreaded word and infringe on Fox's licenses. Casual audiences might not get the joke, but we suspect hardcore Marvel fans would eat it up.

Option #2 - Bring in the Inhumans

Marvel Studios doesn't hold the film rights to the X-Men universe, but they do have the Inhumans as one of the numerous properties in their stable. The Inhumans share certain similarities with the X-Men. They live in a remote city called Attilan, and every member of Inhuman culture must go through a coming-of-age ritual where they expose themselves to the Terrigen Mists. This sparks a transformation that results in a greatly changed appearance and fantastical new powers. Because they're hated and feared by the world around them, the Inhumans are forced to live apart from the rest of human society. Sound familiar?

It wouldn't be too difficult to recast Wanda and Pietro as members of the Inhuman race rather than mutants. It would account for their powers, and a childhood spent walled away in a strange kingdom full of eclectic monsters isn't so different from their normal origin anyway. What's more, Quicksilver has a close relationship with the Inhumans in the comics. He was briefly married to one of them, fathered a child, and even stole the Terrigen Crystals in a desperate attempt to fix his broken mutant power.

There have been rumblings that Marvel is looking to deliver an Inhumans movie at some point after The Avengers 2 hits. If that's true, morphing these two heroes into Inhumans could be a way of setting the stage for that movie.

Option #3 - The Super-Soldier Program

When in doubt, blame everything on the Super-Soldier Program. Ever since the debut of Captain America in the Marvel Universe, countless enterprising scientists, businessmen, and villains have worked to recreate the Super-Soldier Serum or introduce their own take. That's especially true in the Ultimate Universe, where everyone from Wolverine to Spider-Man were created by offshoots of the original super-soldier experiments.

The simplest way to explain Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch may be to introduce them as S.H.I.E.L.D. agents  (or A.I.M. agents, or Hydra agents) who agreed to a new wave of experiments. Iron Man 3 already showed the scope of what is possible through genetic modification when it introduced the Extremis process. Is it really so hard to believe that further tampering could produce a man who runs at supersonic speeds and a woman who can alter reality through quantum mechanics?

The point of Scarlet Witch is that she's an incredibly powerful spell caster who acquired her abilities not through training, but because of her genetics. That lack of experience and education is her greatest weakness and the source of several disastrous conflicts for the Avengers. Whether her magic is the result of a mutant gene or super-soldier conditioning, the end result is the same.

Or heck, just fall back on the old argument, "It's magic. Who cares?" That always works.

Option #4 - Cut a Deal With Fox

This isn't the simplest option, but it would be nice. We'd like to think that Marvel Studios and Fox will one day come to an agreement that allows for a little cross-pollination between their two shared universes. After all, it's a shame to think that we'll never see Doctor Doom in an Avengers movie or Wolverine and Captain America fighting together in World War II.

An arrangement isn't outside the realm of possibility. Unconfirmed rumors indicated that Marvel Studios wanted to include cameos for Wolverine and a young Magneto in Captain America: The First Avenger, but Fox shot down the idea. Sony looks to be more cooperative than Fox, as they apparently approved plans to insert Oscorp Tower into the Manhattan skyline in The Avengers. Only the fact that the effects work in Avengers was too far along for any last-minute changes put the kibosh on that cameo.

If Sony is willing to play ball, maybe there's hope for Fox. It seems like a win-win situation. Marvel Studios can tap into the pool of characters that are currently off limits, and Fox can arrange a cut of that fat stack of Avengers cash. And Whedon and the gang don't have to waste any energy coming up with creative solutions for the Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch dilemma. Is it really harming Fox in any way for words like "mutant" and "X-Men" to be tossed around in a Disney movie?
Wonder if they are going to introduce Moon Knight. I don't think a lot of people know about him and his origins. If Marvel studios want they can change him to an Black-American. I know Marvel re-lauched him in 2011, but I don't know how that is going.

If not him, hopefully Taskmaster.~
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Anyone else hoping the next godzilla film will be good?

So far, here's some info on the film:

Screenwriter Frank Darabont in interviews described his plans for Godzilla as returning it to a "terrifying force of nature". The film will add a "very compelling human drama" and that Godzilla would be tied to a "different contemporary issue" than the original atomic bomb testing. Director Gareth Edwards, at a promotional appearance in 2012, described the tone of the film. "We're just going to take it really seriously. I've wanted to see this movie this way all my life. Imagine if this really happened – as crazy as it sounds – what would it really be like?" In January, 2013, it was reported that Warner Brothers, in a meeting for advertisers, revealed that the film would contain two new monsters in addition to Godzilla, and the plot of the film would revolve around the story of an individual soldier. Screenwriter David Goyer also stated that there were two other monsters in the script when he worked on it. Star Elizabeth Olsen described the film as "definitely not lighthearted. It's kind of going back to its roots of the original Japanese film."

Make us forget the '98 film. Real garbage.
Luke Evans Is... The Crow!


There have been a number of actors in talks and names very loosely attached but it looks like Relativity Media have made their decision and the actor who will play The Crow in the reboot of James O'Barr's dark tale of vengeance is none other than...

Welsh actor Luke Evans!

Evans was the original choice of Spanish filmmaker F. Javier Gutierrez, but he had been busy, having been cast in Dracula Year Zero and as Bard the Bowman in Peter Jackson's The Desolation of Smaug while other actors in the mix included James McAvoy, Tom Hiddleston and Alexander Skarsgard. Instead, they decided to push back the start of the movie until early 2014 to accommodate Evans, who next appears as the villain in the summer's anticipated Fast and Furious 6.

Evans has only been on the scene a few years, his first big movie being Louis Letterier's Clash of the Titans in which he played the god Apollo. A year later he was one of The Three Musketeers in Paul W.S. Anderson's reimagining and then he stepped up to play the Greek God Zeus in Tarsem's Immortals.

With this booking, Evans also has the distinction of being the only actor (so far) to appear in both The Raven and The Crow.

He steps into the shoes of the late Brandon Lee who helped turn the original 1994 Alex Proyas-directed movie into a cult hit.
Anyone else hoping the next godzilla film will be good?

So far, here's some info on the film:

Screenwriter Frank Darabont in interviews described his plans for Godzilla as returning it to a "terrifying force of nature". The film will add a "very compelling human drama" and that Godzilla would be tied to a "different contemporary issue" than the original atomic bomb testing. Director Gareth Edwards, at a promotional appearance in 2012, described the tone of the film. "We're just going to take it really seriously. I've wanted to see this movie this way all my life. Imagine if this really happened – as crazy as it sounds – what would it really be like?" In January, 2013, it was reported that Warner Brothers, in a meeting for advertisers, revealed that the film would contain two new monsters in addition to Godzilla, and the plot of the film would revolve around the story of an individual soldier. Screenwriter David Goyer also stated that there were two other monsters in the script when he worked on it. Star Elizabeth Olsen described the film as "definitely not lighthearted. It's kind of going back to its roots of the original Japanese film."

Make us forget the '98 film. Real garbage.
When's the release date????
Anyone else hoping the next godzilla film will be good?

So far, here's some info on the film:

Screenwriter Frank Darabont in interviews described his plans for Godzilla as returning it to a "terrifying force of nature". The film will add a "very compelling human drama" and that Godzilla would be tied to a "different contemporary issue" than the original atomic bomb testing. Director Gareth Edwards, at a promotional appearance in 2012, described the tone of the film. "We're just going to take it really seriously. I've wanted to see this movie this way all my life. Imagine if this really happened – as crazy as it sounds – what would it really be like?" In January, 2013, it was reported that Warner Brothers, in a meeting for advertisers, revealed that the film would contain two new monsters in addition to Godzilla, and the plot of the film would revolve around the story of an individual soldier. Screenwriter David Goyer also stated that there were two other monsters in the script when he worked on it. Star Elizabeth Olsen described the film as "definitely not lighthearted. It's kind of going back to its roots of the original Japanese film."

Make us forget the '98 film. Real garbage.
interesting, i couldve sworn i read something or saw something about Guillermo Del Toro being part of it and maybe a cross with his Pacific Rim
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