News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi


and here comes the death of star wars :smh:

why cant they just hire unknown actors? you know maybe some up and coming actors and actresses

please keep ryan gossling and zac efron away from the franchise :x

this is already sounding like hot trash

hey why not put miley cyrus, icarlly, nick cage in it while were at it....

I hope they give unknowns a chance to land the lead roles. I kinda like how the original films didn't have established stars.

I don't even know what Robotech is. Will wiki it.

i remember robotech as a kid. well the cartoon atleast lol
they need to get some up and coming kids to do the star wars films imo 

yup and i think they should go with a female lead this time. that girl from kick *** would be perfect. young and could be like han solos and princess leia daughter. she got that kinda pigish face but still pretty. she can pass for their daughter. maybe get an unkown young actor as luke son and they could be the future. i can already see her just acting the way luke did you know that rebelious and whiny way.

harrison ford is the only dude of the og cast who looks like he can still go lol

if they bring back chewbaccas son i will blow my brains out no lie:x

my biggest fear in this new trilogy is them making it too much like a reboot and not bridging gaps between weapons, planets, and vehicles. especially the vehicles.

that and who they cast to act. aint nobody tryna see jaden smith, kerri russel, or ryan gosling in a star wars universe hell to the naw
The Solos have twins, a boy and a girl, then another boy about two years younger........named Anakin. Yes, really.
Luke has a son named Ben, younger than all 3 Solos.
That's IF they stay with the books. All 4 kids are elite Jedi's. (Obviously, being descendants of Vader)

Depending on when this party takes place, these characters could have legendary storylines. Again, if they follow the books at least similarly to how movies follow comics. Some details can change, but the ideas should remain.
Do we even know if those books are even canon after the Disney buyout? I mean they could clean house and say anything outside of the movies don't count.

I just wanna know the bare outline for the next trilogy.
Do we even know if those books are even canon after the Disney buyout? I mean they could clean house and say anything outside of the movies don't count.

I just wanna know the bare outline for the next trilogy.

That's why I want to hear official castings. Then I'll know for sure.

I expect some "adjustments" from the books, but I doubt they scrap all 75+ of them, ya know?

Like the example I used, comics adjust for the movie, when Bane was announced we all knew about broken backs and pit, etc. But the movie tweaked the stories for their purposes and did as best they could. I expect the same. Star Wars will pick and choose pieces from the books, but won't be even close to word for word.
So are they really going with that Michael B. Jordan guy as human torch in the FF reboot?
They haven't event started casting. It was just a rumor. I'm not even sure they said the script was complete the way I've heard little to nothing about the reboot.

Think they're still deciding whether or not to share universes with the X-Men since FOX owns both.
Honestly, I think they are just doing that (talking about production and stuff) so the rights doesn't go back to Marvel.
Honestly, I think they are just doing that (talking about production and stuff) so the rights doesn't go back to Marvel.
Yeah, I wouldn't even be surprised if they ended up giving the rights back and just saying its not worth it money wise and let's just go all in with X-Men.
Kevin Feige On Future Marvel Movies, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY And More IRON MAN Films

On Developing Guardians Of The Galaxy Despite It Being A Lesser Known Property:

"It’s not a secret. Nobody knows it. It was not a successful live action TV show in the ‘70s. It didn’t have a successful cartoon line. It isn’t a part of video games. It is the least known, which is exactly why we’re doing it. Do you know what I’m feeling here? I’m feeling excitement for Batman vs. Superman. I’m excited for that. It’s awesome. But it’s another movie with combined comic book characters. I think they’ll be excited for what we’re doing with Thor. I think they’ll be excited for what we’re doing with Captain America, but there’s a sense that I feel here, which is, “we love this. They’re revealing the Winter Soldier! Oh my God, look what Loki’s doing!” But there’s a sense of, “what’s new?”.

"So the need for the new is something we talk about, and we’ve been talking about for the past five years. Everything we’ve done has been a plan, has been premeditated. I love that Warner Bros. is doing it. I love that there will be announcements from other studios later today, about this notion of shared universes. It did not exist, and we thought it’d be fun to play with it. I love that our success has inspired people to do it, because the audience said, “we like that. We want more of that, please.” So, I love it, and I can’t wait to see those movies that come out. We’re not thinking three years ahead, even five years ahead and 10 years ahead. How do we keep it fresh? And Guardians is our big answer to that."

On Whether Or Not A Fourth Iron Man Movie Will Be Made Regardless Of Robert Downey Jr.'s Involvement:
"I’ve said it before and it wasn’t negotiating tactics. I believe Tony Stark is as strong a character as Batman We’re about to head into our fifth or sixth Batman – however, you wanna look at it – James Bond, etc. So, there will absolutely be future Tony Starks and future Iron Mans. Who makes those movies, and when those movies are made, who knows? I don’t know. But, the notion with Robert’s contract in The Avengers 2 & 3, is to allow new characters. Part of what we love about The Avengers is the shifting roster. That’s what’s fun about the comic book movies. You shift them up. So, certainly that was a lot of the thought process that went into it."

On When Marvel Will Announce Its 2016/2017 Slate:
"Well, it’s only 2013 now. But, I think it would probably be, at the earliest, a year from now."

On If Marvel Will Make An Appearance At D23 2013:
"Absolutely. Totally. It’s a unique, big, and important Disney corporate event. It’s at least every other year. And D23 has the slight advantage that it takes place a little bit later. So, for movies that are currently filming, there will be more stuff available at that point."
I disagree. Iron man is not as strong as batman. I dont see recasts working for iron man especially when you planted the avengers arc already.

And i been saying they need to remake the star wars prequels :lol: recast everyone except chewbacca and the droids and palpatine
Feige is probably looking and leaning more on the #s. I'm surprised that something held him back from saying Iron Man is better than Batman and every other hero movie wise.

The recasts will work fine. IM4 won't come out until after Avengers 3 anyway by then I assume they assume they'll have their new face for the marvel movieverse in Dr. Strange or maybe even Black Panther. Plus he mentions rotating rosters. So he could kill/strand/limbo (or just make them take a leave of absence) a few current Avengers for new ones
They should do recasts like how they do it with Dr.Who. :lol: Just blame the tesseract.

In all seriousness, I could see a recast for IM4 since it'll likely be after Avengers 3 anyways. It'll be difficult to do the IM franchise like James Bond though with different Tony Stark since they usually try to connect the film to the other films like Avengers. If they plan to keep doing that after Avengers 3, then it'll be difficult but doable. The hardest part is just finding someone who can live up to RDJs shoes, right now, I just do not see anyone who can do it as well or even close to how RDJ does it.
Also.... why!?

Joss Whedon Promises 'Huge Part' For Black Widow In THE AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON

"Natasha is a huge part of the sequel because you do want to concentrate on the people who don't have their own franchises. Although she in 'Cap 2,' [and] she's great. She was the most fun for me because she's not a hero, you know, and it's something that I read—and I feel bad that I can't remember who wrote the book—but it's in one of the books explaining, 'These guys are heroes, you are a spy. It's a different thing—it's a different skill set—and you don't have their moral high ground or any of that good stuff.' And that just makes her so interesting to me. So yeah, the stuff I've got going on with her in the second one is killer."

There is a reason why Hawkeye and her doesn't have their own films.
give black widow a princess leia jabba the hut return of the jedi type of scene in the avengers movie lol
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