NFL Wild Card Weekend In Review...


Jan 30, 2007
Do to so many requests...

-Packers or the Giants will lose next week. Can't get much better than that.

-Ravens have pretty much the easiest road to the Super Bowl of all-time.

-49ers don't stand a chance outside of God dropping a snow storm in the Bay Area...

-I'll still take Brees over Rodgers for MVP.  Rodgers better not lose this week, especially with them comments from Jennings.

-I really don't want to be on this message board if Tebow makes it to the AFC Championship game.

-Steelers defense=Biggest frauds of the year.

Quotes Of The Week...
"Overtime should just be a timed period (10 min) and then sudden death"-Steelers fan after the game was over.
Giants played strong, secondary has been holding up. If the offense can get to an early start, we'll be back in the Super Bowl
Saints have an awful defense and won't put up those Madden numbers against the 49ers
Texans would be dangerous if they had a good QB, won't win unless the Ravens come out laying an egg like they did in Jax
Tebow still had some of the worst throws I've ever seen, I would never want him as my QB BBUUUTTT he made some great throws. Played the best game of his life
Steelers had mad injuries and are just old, been saying it all year.
Lions are solid but just need some help with their pass defense. It's too weak and that's why the Saints won
Faclons are trash, said it last year and this year.
Bengals are young and will be interesting to see what they do over the next few years.
- it was difficult watching Big Ben throw flat footed all game, not being able to plant and throw with authority. Steelers defense played the run a bit too much.

- props to Tebow for making those throws, guy really does go for the home runs.

- GMen holding ATL with zero points on offense, run game had its best game

- Drew Brees vs Alex Smith? Um...... I'll take Brees in a nice warm climate San Fran (even though I'd like to see the Saints lose) he can torch any secondary. If the 49ers do not get any pressure Saints win.

Green Bay Vs. GMen next week, will try to look for tix should be dope

-Packers or the Giants will lose next week. Can't get much better than that.

Nobody cares though.
these dudes the damb falcons pulled a lebron in the whole damb game 2 yrs in a row
i really need to start going to church on sundays..

every week it seems the broncos play other teams when either there players are either out (ryan clark) or injured (big ben)
If you think my quote was because of the game, you are way off base.

The Steelers would've lost regardless of current or old rule, plus I put that in the NFL discussion where OT was being discussed.
Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

Ravens easiest road.

Soo THAT'S what y'all will say ... HAHAHA

I mean i am from Baltimore....and everyone here is saying the same thing.  It's not a bad thing.

I have some faith in the Niners.  Not much.  But everyone is pretty much writing them off.  That defense isn't a cake walk. 

--The Falcons didn't even bother to show up for that game, and how do you go for it yet again on 4 and 1 with a QB sneak.  Dude simply didn't learn from his mistake against the Saints.

--The Saints made it look real easy against the Lions, but it won't be that way next week.


--Any team that lets Tebow throw for even 1 touchdown doesn't deserve to win the game, let alone 2 touchdowns.  You let Tebow put up those kind of numbers as a defensive player you should be ashamed of yourself and resign from the game of football.

--Next week it's Tebow vs. Brady, two of the most overrated players on this board right now.  Either way with the outcome of this game I can't lose. 

--This should be the Ravens year in the AFC, if not they have nobody to blame but themselves.    

Tim Tebow is a top 8 quarterback thus far
  "Son, now I'm just going to tell you this 1 wanna keep posting here.......STAY OFF THE DRUGS"

Falcons are pathetic, back to back years they fail to show up for a playoff game
. Giants D-Line got a serious push all game long, will be interseting to see if they can bring it to Lambeau

Saints are unreal in that dome but the Lions got screwed by the refs on that fumble by Brees, coulda swung momentum big time. Saints have a great shot to beat San Fran, it's not like the weather will be a factor or like the 49ers have a high powered offense

Calvin Johnson is just plain unfair
, favorite non-Eagle player in the league by far. Lions will be alright when they get a run game and some DB's

at Pacman Jones being so angry that HE got burned to a crisp by Andre Johnson. Despite all their injuries I think the Texans have a great shot to win in Baltimore, can't ever rely on the Ravens offense to show up week in week out

Tim Tebow throws some of the wobbliest passes of all time but my God did he wing it yesterday
, Steelers secondary was clueless all game long and they were only missing ONE starter? Polomalu's suspect coverage skills reared their ugly head two years in a row, got killed by the playaction all day
Megatron, Megatron , Megatron - been cooking all year
Some questionable calls vs Lions, but at the end of the day can't drop int's and could not stop brees.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

Ravens easiest road.

Soo THAT'S what y'all will say ... HAHAHA

I mean i am from Baltimore....and everyone here is saying the same thing.  It's not a bad thing.

I have some faith in the Niners.  Not much.  But everyone is pretty much writing them off.  That defense isn't a cake walk. 

Next Sunday everyone will remember that defenses will win championships (Niners over Saints, Giants over Packers)
Home field advantage will be huge for the 49ers against the Saints. They have a small chance playing in the Superdome, but I like their chances at home outdoors. New Orleans is a different team on the road, as they've lost to some bad teams like St. Louis even. Also, NO hasn't faced a defense as good as the 49ers' (although to be fair, the 49ers haven't faced an offense as good as NO's)

IMO- 49ers, Patriots, Texans, Packers win next week
Originally Posted by S4L3

Do to so many requests...

-Packers or the Giants will lose next week. Can't get much better than that.

-Ravens have pretty much the easiest road to the Super Bowl of all-time.

-49ers don't stand a chance outside of God dropping a snow storm in the Bay Area...

-I'll still take Brees over Rodgers for MVP.  Rodgers better not lose this week, especially with them comments from Jennings.

-I really don't want to be on this message board if Tebow makes it to the AFC Championship game.

-Steelers defense=Biggest frauds of the year.

Quotes Of The Week...
"Overtime should just be a timed period (10 min) and then sudden death"-Steelers fan after the game was over.
Eh we'll see, Texans are written off every single week, especially by Cowgirl fans. As I see it, we are a mirror image of the Ravens at this point of the season. Great running game (i'd take Foster though), Mediocre QB (Ravens get the nod here due to Yates being a Rookie), Great Defense (Ravens got the experience). Ravens are at home and it will be a difficult game for the Texans, BUT when you have a great running game and a great defense anything can happen. Hell, those are the two reasons why the Cowboys aren't in the postseason.
BTW: Even though the Texans have been in existence for 10 years, and only have one playoff win to show for it, that still surpasses as many wins as the Cowboys have in the last 15 years 
Shoes is salty.

Packers and the Giants are in the playoffs and the Cowboys aren't, doesn't get much better than that.

Tebow Mania continues with that terrible performance by the Pittsburgh Defense... Ike Taylor got torched by Bey Bey.

Giants win was easy money.
Atlanta has now been humiliated 2 years in a row in the playoffs... Shortest season thread ever though.

Refs still %+@!!% up.
That penalty on the Lions before halftime which was no more than a pat on Colstons head was just awful.
-Feels good to get a playoff win

-The Texans could very well lose against the Ravens, but they don't scare me.
-Their defense isn't what it used to be and their secondary can be shaky as hell. Although I admit that at home they are a far different team
than on the road.
-In order to win we have to run the ball, stop the run, and make some plays down field.

-If the Giants D-Line can continue to play as well as they did yesterday I can certainly see them beating the Packers.
-Atlanta needs to fix that o-line
-Detroit isn't going anywhere until that secondary is fixed
- Love him or hate him, Tebow made some plays down field. But if you're the Steelers why leave your cornerbacks 1 on 1 without any safety help over the top
for most of the game. He proved to you he could throw the damn ball down field.
- The Saints aren't the same squad on the road and the 49ers defense is legit,  I really don't know who to pick in that one.
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