Nike, NTer & Sole Collector sued by Former NBA Player

billy hoyle?
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

+#* is he suing for??? The shoe is dedicated to him. He should be grateful.

What if you're WBF and you personally didn't like the shoe? Found it too fruity and crappy? You wouldn't wanna associate your name with a productyou didn't know even existed.

...and Meth going in tonight
Originally Posted by Ninjasonik

Originally Posted by Method Man


Personally, I think it's about time someone finally stood up to Nike and its horde of spineless marketing copy regurgitators for their unauthorized and uncompensated use of licenses and personalities. It's not a coincidence that each member of an orchestra plays the same tune. Every copycat blog site runs the same "nickname," tethers the same "inspiration" to otherwise forgettable products to give them a little extra push.

It's a vulgar, disgusting practice that, in my mind, reached its nadir when they tried to associate a hideous pair of AM95s with John Carlos & Tommie Smith's heroic medal stand protest at the 1968 Olympic Games.

Unlike that nauseating, yet hilariously tacky, Burberry affair, this is one suit that does fit.

My dougie meth going in tonight
good point.. its more like NIKE saying, its not our responsibility. these "blogs" and "websites" are naming these shoes whatTHEY WANT. if its based on a real life person or say a company, like the " OFF brand dunk sb's" or "new castle dunks". nike is saying"we cant control what others want to call it. the shoe will have zero attachment from a color code and box label stand point.. so truly its all bred bythe blogs.. I gurantee you these shoes have nothing on nikes end stating these are world's inspired shoes, other than the "non nike" affiliatedwebsites all creating these names... for years now its been the perfect ploy
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

+#* is he suing for??? The shoe is dedicated to him. He should be grateful.

nike sues (or sends people cease and desist letters to) people for ripping them off all the time. why should he be grateful that a billion dollar companywants to make money off him without giving him a taste?
Now those are going to be impossible to find.

I wanted to get those too.

Originally Posted by Ninjasonik

Originally Posted by Method Man


Personally, I think it's about time someone finally stood up to Nike and its horde of spineless marketing copy regurgitators for their unauthorized and uncompensated use of licenses and personalities. It's not a coincidence that each member of an orchestra plays the same tune. Every copycat blog site runs the same "nickname," tethers the same "inspiration" to otherwise forgettable products to give them a little extra push.

It's a vulgar, disgusting practice that, in my mind, reached its nadir when they tried to associate a hideous pair of AM95s with John Carlos & Tommie Smith's heroic medal stand protest at the 1968 Olympic Games.

Unlike that nauseating, yet hilariously tacky, Burberry affair, this is one suit that does fit.

meth going in tonight
its more like NIKE saying, its not our responsibility. these "blogs" and "websites" are naming these shoes what THEY WANT.
And that's just it - to this point, they've maintained that layer of insulation through the "news" sites, but, redundantly,it's not by accident that EVERY SINGLE ONE mentions the same "inspiration" and, more often than not, assigns the EXACT same nickname to the shoe,be it "back to the future," "transformers," "GI Joe," "Hulks," "Dr. Dooms," "Heinekens," and so on.

Why they single $¢ out for this - I don't know. Aren't they involved with Some of their blog posts come from there. Ifthat's the case, then the pieces fit. The shoe was slated, prior to cancellation, as a Footlocker House of Hoops exclusive, so there would be an addedincentive to shill for it. There's no such thing as a conflict of interests when it comes to sneaker-related media, I suppose, when the only goal is tosell.

Really, though, it's Nike that orchestrates the proliferation of these "nicknames" to exploit various licenses without compensation. I wouldimagine they're just using the "news" sources to establish that the nicknames do indeed come from Nike and may even be part of the materials theyoffer the "media." Again, I don't know how else everyone winds up with the same story. It'll be very interesting to see how the lawsuitplays out.

I have to admit it's fitting, though, that after all the times they've threatened people with nuisance lawsuits - Rev was threatened with a"slander" suit (even though slander is SPOKEN) for once posting on NikeTalk that he felt a certain webstore was a "rip-off."

What if you're WBF and you personally didn't like the shoe? Found it too fruity and crappy? You wouldn't wanna associate your name with a product you didn't know even existed.
More to the point: what if you're World B. Free and they're using your name to peddle some sneakers without so much as requesting yourconsent - let alone offering you fair compensation.

I really don't see why being exploited is supposed to be considered an "honor" if it's done by Nike. This has been going on for far too longand I'm glad it's finally come back to bite them in the [rear] end.
Originally Posted by Method Man

its more like NIKE saying, its not our responsibility. these "blogs" and "websites" are naming these shoes what THEY WANT.
Aren't they involved with Some of their blog posts come from there.
How do you know that?

I 'm actually positive that ISS forums and Footlocker Unlocked are affiliated. Before i was banned from ISS for "negativity" Steve constantlyposted referred to in the official House Of Hoops thread on I$$ to look for info instead of posting it himself. I remember being firstto post about the Black/Red XX3 release in their Jordan forum. My post was locked and I was linked to an article on Footlocker Unlocked and encouraged tocomment
Originally Posted by raffstyleXX


20+ pages easy.
It could

Its funny how Meth helped create this site so we can talk about our love for shoes, more so Nike as the website title says, and now he sounds all anti-Nike.I'm not saying that it's wrong cuz I agree with his points 100% but I just think its funny how things have changed
well billy hoyle was the first guy to rock yeezys


but forreal if i was world id sue too them blazers are turrible
Can someone give the Billy Hoyle story? I know he went to Sole Collector...but why all the NT hate for him? Dude used to always provide info back in theday....did I miss some big post/happening?
Originally Posted by nine point five

am I the only one who didnt see where NT was mentioned in this article?

Umm, why would it say that? The dude getting sued is a former NT'er.
Originally Posted by Kobefan23

Can someone give the Billy Hoyle story? I know he went to Sole Collector...but why all the NT hate for him? Dude used to always provide info back in the day....did I miss some big post/happening?

I would like to know this also.
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

+#* is he suing for??? The shoe is dedicated to him. He should be grateful.

nike sues (or sends people cease and desist letters to) people for ripping them off all the time. why should he be grateful that a billion dollar company wants to make money off him without giving him a taste?
I understand why Nike is being sued, I don't understand Sole Collector or Nick (want to know the story about his fall from grace too).

I'll see if I can get my hands on the complaint somehow.
the story from accounts here is pretty simple.. back stabbing befriending to get that rise to the top type situations all too prevelant in not only movies butreal life.

lafayquinn, SC is probably being targetted because they are one of the main "money making" entities in the shoe/blog/website genres.. other placesseem to just "report" news meanwhile here, its somewhat of a money making giant, so world definetly knows what he's getting himself into
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