While I still absolutely enjoy sex, I still enjoy this more. Always have.

Those fleeting moments when a chick, especially if she was a random or a challenge in general that took work, submits herself fully to you.. I feel like a God. Word to Yeezus.

Sometimes I forget the female and only remember the moment of first penetration lol.
I wish I was in your position. That feeling of making a girl submit to you is the only reason for me to have sex. That and getting her off. Especially multiple times. Take away that feeling and sex is a chore to me. I think it is because I lost my v-card so late my body just shut off my nerve endings because I wasnt using em. Either that or I got so used to sexual images losing my vcard wasnt even something I cared about anymore. I've also read that it could be related to my self esteem issue. Even when I am having sex I think about is how far behind my peers I am . First girl was 39 years old (she says, probably means she is in her 40s) and I thought maybe she had gotten plowed through a few times. I always imagined vag to be tight. Then I smashed a 27 year old who wasnt a call girl and she was tighter but still nowhere near what I imagined for all those years.

But like I said I still want sex because of that feeling. That and I am playing a game of catch up. I am tired of being the only guy in my circle who simply can't get laid. It is especially tiring considering I have dudes in my circle who had slain over 70 women at my age. Besides me the lowest number is 12(late bloomer) and the second lowest is 26.

Sorry I just had to get it out there cuz no one I can truly tell this to irl. Because not enjoying it is so abnormal it's an anomaly. I feel like no one would believe me. I feel like most people reading this dont even believe me unless they had similar experiences.
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Is there still time? I'd like to join in

-edit- whoops nvm, seems registration is closed.
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Though victorious(NFO), having a steady supply of pune(wifey) felt like I wasn't making any progress.....I'm shooting for a spartan NFN and keeping that lifeforce to myself. This will not be pleasant but,
decided not to do a last minute fap session about an hour ago. Progress already! ha
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Hello everyone

My name is AZwildcats and I'm a fapaholic. I pledge to not fap for the duration of the month of November. 
There should be an official badge for back to back no fap champs
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was thinking of being in but i went to bed at 12:30 and decided to fap so i guess im out for nov already
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