NT 09 Grads. vol. Wow

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I just graduated today. I have no clue what is about to happen next. I don't know what the hell I am going to do with my life, but I know NT will be a bigpart of it.

I guess at this point in life, we (09 grads) are closing a chapter but opening a new one. Hopefully we all find a way to figure it out and make the best out ofour situations.

The feeling is a little surreal given the fact that I've become so accustomed to the college lifestyle and on this day it all ends.
. Definitely a little bittersweet but then again the prospect of making moneyand supporting myself is awesome.

I'll look back on my college years as undoubtedly the best years of my life and will cherish the friendships I made throughout the whole process.

I want to congratulate everyone that graduated this weekend and hopefully all of the NT fam has a bright future ahead of them.


Other grads and NTers feel free to share your thoughts on your college experience and the following years of your life here. I searched a few pages back anddidn't see a thread, so I created this one. But again, congrats to everyone that graduated this year and good luck to everyone figuring out what's nextin their life.
Originally Posted by trak1sh

Congrats bro

and lol at NT being a big part of the future in which you are uncertain about.
I mean, you know what I meant.I surf NT on the regular and I can't see myself stopping in the future. So this community will definitely be apart of my life in the coming years.
Congrats! but heres my take on your future. NT might've been a big part of your life, but if you think about it, you moving on and getting a job havingreal life situations to worry about. You won't have time to check NT on the regular like you think you would.
Congrats fam. If I woulda stuck with college, I would be graduatin' too........as you probably can tell, I don't go to school anymore, just the partiesand events.
I'm graduating this Saturday from the University of Illinois - UC. Bachelor's in Public Health, I'll be going to either UIUC, UIS, or NIU for gradschool to get my MPH with a concentration in Epidemiology.

Needless to say I'm terrified of the real world and I wish these schools would hurry the hell up with my graduate applications.
Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

Congrats fam. If I woulda stuck with college, I would be graduatin' too........as you probably can tell, I don't go to school anymore, just the parties and events.

congrats bro

for the time being imma appreciate the little things that make being in college and being my age fun...
damn, i can't imagine that you dudes are happy to leave. i'm a freshman and in no way would i want to leave college for the real world right now.
i shoulda been out there w/ my class today but since i made sum mistakes over my 4 yrs it wont be until next May

but better late than never i guess
Graduate from medical school this Saturday. Luckily thats one area where job security isnt currently an issue.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

damn, i can't imagine that you dudes are happy to leave. i'm a senior now and in no way would i want to leave college for the real world right now.
Fixed but QFT.
Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

I just graduated today. I have no clue what is about to happen next. I don't know what the hell I am going to do with my life, but I know NT will be a big part of it.

I guess at this point in life, we (09 grads) are closing a chapter but opening a new one. Hopefully we all find a way to figure it out and make the best out of our situations.

The feeling is a little surreal given the fact that I've become so accustomed to the college lifestyle and on this day it all ends.
. Definitely a little bittersweet but then again the prospect of making money and supporting myself is awesome.

I'll look back on my college years as undoubtedly the best years of my life and will cherish the friendships I made throughout the whole process.

I want to congratulate everyone that graduated this weekend and hopefully all of the NT fam has a bright future ahead of them.


Other grads and NTers feel free to share your thoughts on your college experience and the following years of your life here. I searched a few pages back and didn't see a thread, so I created this one. But again, congrats to everyone that graduated this year and good luck to everyone figuring out what's next in their life.
Congrats fam! What you major in? How was job recruiting at your school? Where you going to be working at now?
Are you quoting the valedictorian speech? Sounds like something the valedictorian would say.. LOL.. Congrats.
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