NT, Best Book you've read

The Grapes of Wrath

You'll stop complaining about your life when you read it.
The Godfather. And I rarely read books.
I'll just replace "Best book" with "Favorite books"

Tipping Point
Rainbow Six
Executive Orders
I have a good handful that I've read more than once. Love to read anything that I can gain knowledge from or Be able to be completely pulled into thebook/graphic novel etc. I'll post some more later but bret hart my real life in the cartoon world of wrestling is a good book. Having full documentsthrough 30+ years of wrestling is nice. I'll get some more on here later.

edit: also Survivor, Vfor Vendetta, The Death of Superman, Batman Year One, Batman The killing Joke, The Complete Calvin and Hobbes, Sin City, Blood Meridian,A Fighters Heart. The Rose That Grew From Concrete, Andy Kaufman Revealed, The Art of War, Its Not About the Bike, BJ Penns book, Randy Coutures Book, DanGables Book.... yea theres too many more
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