NT: Check Out My New Freestyle

i think your bars arent bad but you need work on your delivery
its all confidence.. make these *!@!!% believe you... but keep at it doe
nice job riding the beat try to fit more words or bigger words in them bars and you good to go
movie clip intros >

delivery got better since last time i peeped... u sound like a less sleepy chip tha ripper (no diss cuz i think dude sucks... im just talkin voice wise) ...lol

it was one spot towards the middle where it sounded like u was readin a lil bit (the emotion dropped off)... it was just a couple bars tho...

keep workin on it... definitely showin improvement...
hometown bump

This was okay. Wouldn't hurt if you switched up flows, slowed it down spit up like half way through. Experiment with wordplay. Aint no shame in trying tomimic some of your fav rappers at first to mold your own style.

Lyrics were good. Aint a Forbes list that can find what my worth is
Shoulda had that Ric flair WHOOOO ad lib when you mentioned him

Joint dragged a lil in the end.
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