NT, help me get a credit card...

Jan 5, 2004
Like it says... I'm 24, never had a credit card, and have no real credit history at all... And I have no clue how to even go about applying for one... Help me Niketalk, your my only hope...
Are you a student? If so see if your bank or better yet a local credit union has a student credit card. They have much lower limits, but a higher interest rate compared to there regular card, but due to the low limit you cant really get yourself in trouble and they're willing to give them to people ( students) with no credit history.
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check the spam folder of your email, there should be some offers in there.

just apply for all of them.
Google. There's a site that compares the credit cards side by side for you.

If you have a bank check with them to see if they offer credit cards.
was not serious :lol: :lol:

you should Google credit for beginners. also agree with the statement about getting a card through your bank.
so, everything I'm running into, for bad-to-fair credit, require deposits... and I truely don't have an extra $100 to give away right now, even if for just two weeks...
sounds like a credit card is a bad idea.

I don't plan on using it to buy junk... I want one so when I run outta food i can go to the grocery store and whatnot... I just want an emergency fallback option...

and on the subject of credit, can i get a recommendation on a legit place to get my credit score?...
Go with the capital one secured Mastercard. It reports to the credit bureaus and after a year or so your score will rise and then you can get a "real" credit card

Edit-nvm just noticed you don't have extra money to get one. If you can try and get a department store card to start. I've heard they usually are little easier to get then a regular credit card
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A secured credit card will be easiest for you to get, but will do little to help our credit.
Go fo Citi simplicity, Chase freedom one of the basic cards from any bank. You should probably lie about your income to help your chances of being approved (helped me), unless you're already banking
A secured credit card will be easiest for you to get, but will do little to help our credit.
Go fo Citi simplicity, Chase freedom one of the basic cards from any bank. You should probably lie about your income to help your chances of being approved (helped me), unless you're already banking

It sounds like you shouldn't get a credit card.

Yup. I mean after reading that you aren't getting it to build your credit but looking to hold you over yet dont have the money for a down payment for a secured card maybe you should not look into one.

Spend your time researching a better job over ways to get a credit card seeing as your job doesn't pay you enough to get by on what you make.
Yup. I mean after reading that you aren't getting it to build your credit but looking to hold you over yet dont have the money for a down payment for a secured card maybe you should not look into one.

Spend your time researching a better job over ways to get a credit card seeing as your job doesn't pay you enough to get by on what you make.

i have a great job... relatively speaking... and yes, i am looking to build my credit, but that is a secondary concern... my issue is that my ex randomly decided to marry another dude, and leave in in the apartment with all the bills....
Yup. I mean after reading that you aren't getting it to build your credit but looking to hold you over yet dont have the money for a down payment for a secured card maybe you should not look into one.

Spend your time researching a better job over ways to get a credit card seeing as your job doesn't pay you enough to get by on what you make.

i have a great job... relatively speaking... and yes, i am looking to build my credit, but that is a secondary concern... my issue is that my ex randomly decided to marry another dude, and leave in in the apartment with all the bills....

We damn., my bad I thought you were just a broke college student or something. She ran off and married another dude!? F looking for a credit card....

We damn., my bad I thought you were just a broke college student or something. She ran off and married another dude!? F looking for a credit card....


yup... i'll let details slide, but to to come home to a half empty apartment, with full bills... :smh:... we had just moved into a new place 2 months beforehand... ****, the night before she left, she said she wanted to have my children...:stoneface:
and believe me, that NaS gif ran through, still is, running through my head... just afraid 3 bullets will be stuck up in the chamber... but for real, this ***** messed me up financially, emotionally, and the dude she married was sell me O's of Diesel for $200...
Again damn man. Seriously don't do anything to permanently mess your life up, remember this is all temporary. You'll get through this.

If you need a credit card for food, simply stop paying for food and hit up a food bank and stock up for free! Plus I know sometimes people need to vent but get off NT and start researching what types of social services are out there. They are there to help people in need, credit is there to get you trapped.

Good luck bro.
If you really want to get your credit right stack some doe and get a secured loan for a year or so, so you get some payment history that plus your rental history will get you a credit card
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