NT... how long did it take your SN to be approved???

Jan 17, 2006
Man I remember back in the day when I use to just lurk this site. Then I finally decided to join... took me nearly 2 months before I could join. Worst 2 months of my life!

Like a month? Maybe. I didn't even know it had been approved tho. For 3 months I sat there, staring at NT. I'm an idiot.
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

I don't even remember. Think it was like an hour, back in 05'-06'.

Whaaaattttt.... lies! I don't believe you! Lol that's when I joined and it took me forever! Now that's unfair! Lol
Month or so? It kind of caught me off guard at first 
A couple of hours or so. I'm sure if I made a new name, it would take forever to get approved, and rightfully so.
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