NT I need your support! (Girl problem post)

May 14, 2002
Ok, I'll try to be brief. We had been together for almost three years now. We have been very up and down. I have a friend who is a girl, I'm gonna call her Ashley (not her name) the ex accused me a few times of doing things with her, which I've never done anything with at all. My ex prior, was her ex's brother, so we had a pretty good friendship from that. Well about a month ago I really wanted to see Shutter Island, my girl says nope, she wants nothing to do with that movie. So I tell her I'll see one of her girly movies with her if she sees that with me, she still says no. Well Ashley writes on my facebook wall she'll see it with me, so all of a sudden the next day my girl decides to see Shutter Island w/me. I ask if thats why and she denies. A few weeks later Ashley mentions seeing the movie on a Wednesday night, me and my girl were hanging out the previous night, and I asked her to hang out the next day and she said she can't, she has class from 6-9 and has to be up early the next day. So I end up seeing the movie with Ashley.

Now Ashley dislikes my g/f because she accused her of doing things with me, so she makes her facebook clearly state she's at a movie with me. I already know its not going to end well. The movie ends and my girl asks what I've been doing, I tell her I was at a movie with Ashley, she gets very pissed off. I go off on her about how she has no right to be pissed off, I asked her the night before to do something, me and Ashley are just friends, she's hung out with guys one on one before... I did nothing wrong. She claims I tried to hide it from her. We end up breaking up that night.

A week later I go to get my golf clubs I left at her place, and we talk for a bit. She tells me basically it was the last straw, she needs to move on, she's sick of me lying to her, I need to get my life on the right track, she feel's I had been taking her for granted. I lied to her about going to school this semester when I Was taking the semester off to work more and try to save up money to fix my car. And lie to her about little things, like how much I spent on my speakers, when I am at home doing nothing I would tell her I wasn't playing COD because she was sick of me playing it all the time, and so on. Now i'll admit I had my wrongs, and so has she, I was taking her for granted and not treating her the way she deserved all the time.

Now it's been three weeks and she won't talk to me at all. I've tried a few times to get in contact with her, and she has no response. On AIM she still has away messages that are clearly toward me. It's obvious she misses me, but feels we were stuck in a slump and she even said she wants to be with me but doesn't want to fall into the same old thing of us arguing/fighitng/ etc.

So my question is... will she come around, if I give her space and leave her alone for a few months will she be able to be my friend again? Will she talk to me again? I'm just afraid at this part she wants to forget our 3 years and move on with life completely. Where on a positive note, maybe she needs a break and hopes its a way for us to build on our relationship.

Ehhhh a few pics since its inevitable and I never post any, save any negative comments to yourself please
why would you lie about going to school?

thats such a big dumb lie i probably wouldn't trust you either...

even if you didn't do anything wrong you need to check Ashley for trying to get your girl upset...
son u got a big #!% chin...

she has very nice eyes.. She obviously doesnt trust you if you cant hang out with a friend who is a girl without her thinking stuff is happening.. maybe its time to move on
Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

son u got a big %#% chin...

she has very nice eyes.. She obviously doesnt trust you if you cant hang out with a friend who is a girl without her thinking stuff is happening.. maybe its time to move on

She has no reason not to trust me, she's just the jealous type
could go either way honestly, have you tried talking to her lately? if so, does she seem like she wants to talk or does it seem like she wants you to leave her alone? im in a similar situation right now actually
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

son u got a big %#% chin...

she has very nice eyes.. She obviously doesnt trust you if you cant hang out with a friend who is a girl without her thinking stuff is happening.. maybe its time to move on

She has no reason not to trust me, she's just the jealous type

  I lied to her about going to school this semester when I Was taking the semester off to work more and try to save up money to fix my car. And lie to her about little things, like how much I spent on my speakers, when I am at home doing nothing I would tell her I wasn't playing COD because she was sick of me playing it all the time, and so on. Now i'll admit I had my wrongs, and so has she, I was taking her for granted and not treating her the way she deserved all the time.
Originally Posted by needsomejays

could go either way honestly, have you tried talking to her lately? if so, does she seem like she wants to talk or does it seem like she wants you to leave her alone? im in a similar situation right now actually

I've tried, she just doesn't respond at all....

I'm thinking maybe she just needs some time, needs to see how her life is w/o me. I've known lots of couples who were together for awhile, broke it off for awhile, and got back together. So it gives me a bit of hope. Honestly though I just want to be friends again for now.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

son u got a big %#% chin...

she has very nice eyes.. She obviously doesnt trust you if you cant hang out with a friend who is a girl without her thinking stuff is happening.. maybe its time to move on

She has no reason not to trust me, she's just the jealous type

well.. you DID lie to her about going to school lol... Which is pretty stupid to lie about.. why not just tell her the truth?

jealous types though<<<<
Originally Posted by solematic j21

I want to see Ashley
word, it might be time to gone ahead and put it on ash...well unless you really want your girl back after she broke it off with you.  she's probably getting bottomed out as we speak.

naw, i kid.  give her time and she'll return if she wants you back.  in the mean time, work on fail proof lies.  come on, lying about playing a video game, are you serious?
I'll admit I went through a phase where I crushed on Ashley a bit... but I know I could never have with her what I had with my ex. I rather be alone for the time being and see what happens. Sure I'm a simp, but being with someone for three years, isn't exactly easy to move on from and just forget.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by needsomejays

could go either way honestly, have you tried talking to her lately? if so, does she seem like she wants to talk or does it seem like she wants you to leave her alone? im in a similar situation right now actually

I've tried, she just doesn't respond at all....

I'm thinking maybe she just needs some time, needs to see how her life is w/o me. I've known lots of couples who were together for awhile, broke it off for awhile, and got back together. So it gives me a bit of hope. Honestly though I just want to be friends again for now.
well if she doesnt respond at all, i'd just leave her alone for now, give her the time like you said and see what happens from there
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I'll admit I went through a phase where I crushed on Ashley a bit... but I know I could never have with her what I had with my ex. I rather be alone for the time being and see what happens. Sure I'm a simp, but being with someone for three years, isn't exactly easy to move on from and just forget.

NT doesnt understand this though lol...
you look like micheal phelps
.....but just give it time....if its meant to be then its meant to be
Give her some space for now and she'll either contact you first or you can contact her in a couple of days. Let her realize how different life is without you around, and stop lying to her no matter how stupid it is for God's sake.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Classy Freshman wrote:

You have been posting girl problem threads since at least '04


I'm not Dear Winter...

And I didn't start having girl problems til 06
In 04 I was still the quiet/shy type

My advice to you would be to just work on things with you. If you and your ex can get back together, that would be great...but I would work on doing something that makes you feel content about doing it... If you lied to your ex about going to school, and you need to go to school anyways, sign up and use it as a way to propel you to something more fulfilling...

It's too early to tell what will happen in the future, but you can't keep actin like a simp..you even admitted it yourself. The moment you decide to refocus your life and objectives in life is when things will start moving on the right path for you again...with or without her. Do what you gotta do..the rest will take care of itself.~
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