NT, Just A Quick Story....

Oct 8, 2003
So I was out with my girl, and we're heading back home from the city and we decide to hit up our favorite ice cream spot. We get to the spot and as we're getting out we see this older homeless man who's obviously schizophrenic by the way he was acting. He asks us for 75 cents and we politely turn him down because we didn't have any change. I ask him if he wants some ice cream or a sandwich, so I get him a turkey sandwich and a scoop of vanilla and 75 cents we end up finding in my girl's purse. So we give him the food and money and he's telling us how extremely grateful he is. He then tells us, "yeah man, I served in the military eight years, fought in the war, couldn't find a job when I came back, wife left me....." So I'm feeling like %%#! and then he tells me and my girl that he has something to give us. He starts singing a song. I can't remember exactly what the song was about but it had something to do with god and never being alone. What shocked me was not that he was singing us a song, but how extremely beautiful this man sang. I started tearing up as he was singing. Nothing had ever touched me like that in my life. It's funny how sometimes the smallest things make you view life much differently, and put your own life into perspective. Anyway, just thought I'd share the story with you guys..
thats dope OP

good *++#

a lot of these vets are hurting out here. they were done dirty 
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Nothing had ever touched me like that in my life.

You might want to re-think that relationship with your girl primo.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

So I was out with my girl, and we're heading back home from the city and we decide to hit up our favorite ice cream spot. We get to the spot and as we're getting out we see this older homeless man who's obviously schizophrenic by the way he was acting. He asks us for 75 cents and we politely turn him down because we didn't have any change. I ask him if he wants some ice cream or a sandwich, so I get him a turkey sandwich and a scoop of vanilla and 75 cents we end up finding in my girl's purse. So we give him the food and money and he's telling us how extremely grateful he is. He then tells us, "yeah man, I served in the military eight years, fought in the war, couldn't find a job when I came back, wife left me....." So I'm feeling like %%#! and then he tells me and my girl that he has something to give us. He starts singing a song. I can't remember exactly what the song was about but it had something to do with god and never being alone. What shocked me was not that he was singing us a song, but how extremely beautiful this man sang. I started tearing up as he was singing. Nothing had ever touched me like that in my life. It's funny how sometimes the smallest things make you view life much differently, and put your own life into perspective. Anyway, just thought I'd share the story with you guys..
you a good guy, OP. Thanks for sharing. 
Hopes he gets his life back on track.
Good deed.

Amazing how something so small (to you) can make someone else so grateful.
real talk i dont judge homeless people cause a lot of them are intelligent or have some talent. Like this one guy i would always see on the train, he knew the entire history of all the neighborhoods in my city
Originally Posted by Executive76

Call the newspaper or radio station and maybe he can get a record deal.

You could turn him into the next Ted Williams for real.

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