NT MBA heads Best Prep for GMAT advice? Also thoughts on Online MBA?

May 26, 2003
Being that my work schedule is so random I wont be able to do  a physical class to prep for the GMAT, so I was wondering do you guys recommend any books or websites that would get the job done?

Also what are you guys thoughts of Online MBA? I don't trust anything fully online, but I see alot of people are doing it, but with MBA I figured networking was the most important thing to get out of it.
Yes I'm also interested in knowing what books and prep courses would be best for the GMAT.
First off, an online MBA is a joke. Heck anything online is a joke to me.
University of Phoenix's enrollment is down nearly 50%. I wonder why?

"What I devised is a structured, self-paced program that anybody who enjoys solving complex problems with a clear analytical structure can follow, and I might say, succeed. For those who have already begun studying for the GMAT, you are aware of some of the challenges. With so many books, which should I use? How can I best use my time wisely? What kinds of questions should I focus on? How do I best record my performance to achieve maximum improvement?

The following is a one-size-fits-all GMAT study regimen that will apply to anybody who likes to systematically solve problems. This write-up will help you come up with a coherent study plan and general strategy. For more tactical information on specific problem solving, rely on the reference material and GMAT forums listed below. The tactics will vary from person to person. The most important thing is to first establish a methodical and strategic approach to beating the GMAT."

^Do everything he says and you're golden. He just graduated from HBS.
^^^^^^ this is an interesting read right here. Im looking to start preping for the GMAT as well. Want to try and land a Graduate Assistant coaching job in Men's Basketball as well.
Get it done OP and pass the GMAT and get your MBA.

Or else you will be some dude in his 30's working as a retail store manager for some place like Gamestop or Bestbuy.
What's a realistic GMAT score? I just switched to school of business this semester and thinking about where I want to go for Grad school.
First choice is Vandy because it's close to home, love Nashville, and it's a pretty respectable school around here. I did research and they said their average score is a 650
Originally Posted by omgitswes

What's a realistic GMAT score? I just switched to school of business this semester and thinking about where I want to go for Grad school.
First choice is Vandy because it's close to home, love Nashville, and it's a pretty respectable school around here. I did research and they said their average score is a 650

Should of stayed in it or comp sci
MBA without experience is worthless.

I recommend getting experience and then getting your MBA, odds are your company may even help you with expenses.

As for as an online MBA HankMoody is correct, they are jokes. Make sure you go to a school that has a well known MBA program because an MBA is nothing special, but if you go to a well known one you can network better.
The Cal State University near me offers both online and in school MBAs. Is that online one not reputable also? It's from a reputable Cal State university
These prep courses...

Are they in classroom or online?

Also, how long do prep courses last? I'm studying some guides now, and want to have a test taken by mid summer ...

Last thing...

Any MBA/gmat message boards to look into?

The best info comes from experience that's willing to offer.
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

The Cal State University near me offers both online and in school MBAs. Is that online one not reputable also? It's from a reputable Cal State university
Do not listen to these dudes just randomly blasting online programs.  Many traditional schools are offering online/distance learning courses.  It all depends on the institution's reputation and accreditation.  As far as how employers view them, it really all depends.  From the articles I've read most wont even bother to ask the nature of the program.  Just earn the degree, a decent GPA and thats that..  Feel free to Google Online School Rankings/Reviews and see what turns up

OP, http://gmatclub.com/ will provide you with just about everything you need in terms of the GMAT.  I thought about going for my MBA but I want to go for some computer certs and see where those take me for now. 
Look at the GRE, many/most schools accept the GRE and it is "easier."
I used Kaplan study guide, about 80 hours of total studying, over a month's time. I graduated college in June 07.

I scored 89/86/96 percentiles in verbal/quantitative/writing and got into multiple top 10 schools.
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