NT, Real Talk - How Do You Feel About Gays?

Originally Posted by handullz

Originally Posted by toast1985

No problem w/ Homosexuality as a whole, and I honestly mean that. I just fear we're losing grip of gender roles in society today. There are various reasons one would choose to be gay in our day in age, but I think that there are a little too much guys and girls swinging to homosexuality for the wrong reasons. Very tough to state, because who am I to judge one's reason for homosexuality?

...However, from my observations, there is always one prevailing variable among young women and men who choose to turn that route today; Guys - a lack of a strong father figure within the house-hold, Ladies - a lack of self-esteem. I think society place such a high standard on men being strong, independent, and suppressing emotion that the requirements may seem insurmountable to sustain. Its almost as, if you're not an Alpha in social settings you're either highly feminine, or display a lot of Beta characteristics (or simpish traits, as we know it). Likewise with Women, its almost as if you're beautiful, or you're not, and society will consistently remind you if you're not.

...Just my thoughts.



   wow wow wow... this is the realist post on niketalk i ever seen...

but seriously, though... alotta gay dudes had some life altering experience that altered their outlook...

an uncle fiddling w/ their johnson, being around woman constantly, THE INTERNET...

i really think environment has alot to do with it, peoples...
just to add my own two cents

Homosexuality is nothing new.it's not like homosexuality is some kind of new phenomena that just started recently because of changes in gender roles etc.,This has been going on forever heck it's  even in the bible.
From my view,what separates homosexuality of today as opposed to yesterday is that it's no longer as taboo as it was before.So you  are going to see it more often as opposed to before.
So now you don't have to  hide the fact that you are gay in fear of someone doing harm to you unless you are in some rural less liberal areas. i.e. Interacial hook ups: it's not as though different races  just started to mix today it happened in the past but people couldn't openly do it so therefore you never saw it/saw very little of it..Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not happening! ..Think of the military's don't ask don't tell policy in the U.S...it's not like gay soldiers only exclusively exist in 2010<! they have always been there it's just that people chose to ignore the fact and turn a blind eye

Just because your dad left you and you are around women a lot it doesn't mean your penis stops working or you somehow start to like men  ..Now granted you may become softer 

how many of these NT virgins have 20,000 posts and constantly talk about fapping ,these  guys  know every pornstar out there ...if your theory was correct we wouldn't have so many girl posts on NT..think about it! how pages do MASS, Latina, Asian,White and Black women appreciation threads get ?
I would love to see any male on NT who doesn't know who these women are!


. I think society place such a high standard on men being strong, independent, and suppressing emotion that the requirements may seem insurmountable to sustain. Its almost as, if you're not an Alpha in social settings you're either highly feminine, or display a lot of Beta characteristics (or simpish traits, as we know it).

In a society that allows metro sexuality??and men recently started flashing cash to get girls? Of course butch women and women with esteem problems are socially exclusive to the 21st century..

As for my opinion : I love gays the more they come out the more women for me
^^^BDW homosexuality hasn't always been this taboo. You would think modern society would be more accepting of it. The ancient greek were having homosexual relations OPENLY.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

What man would want to act like a female? That's what convinced me that it has to be something going on mentally.

Dammit man

I know bro I just said that because everyone is saying "I'm cool with them except the ones who act girly"

that's not a act to me though, the gay dudes who act feminine have a extra mother chromosome to me 
I don't treat them no differently
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

What man would want to act like a female? That's what convinced me that it has to be something going on mentally.

Dammit man

I know bro I just said that because everyone is saying "I'm cool with them except the ones who act girly"

that's not a act to me though, the gay dudes who act feminine have a extra mother chromosome to me 
I don't treat them no differently
^^^BDW homosexuality hasn't always been this taboo. You would think modern society would be more accepting of it. The ancient greek were having homosexual relations OPENLY.
Whoever has been talking about homosexuality in here as if its a person choice .. that is incorrect. They are born that way. It is genetic. I dont have a problem with homosexuals, I let them live. Some homosexual kid in my school 'likes' me but he knows im not gay so thats the end of that. I say whats up to the dude and everything.

Nothing wrong with it in my opinion.
Whoever has been talking about homosexuality in here as if its a person choice .. that is incorrect. They are born that way. It is genetic. I dont have a problem with homosexuals, I let them live. Some homosexual kid in my school 'likes' me but he knows im not gay so thats the end of that. I say whats up to the dude and everything.

Nothing wrong with it in my opinion.
Originally Posted by Wilroc

Whoever has been talking about homosexuality in here as if its a person choice .. that is incorrect. They are born that way. It is genetic. I dont have a problem with homosexuals, I let them live. Some homosexual kid in my school 'likes' me but he knows im not gay so thats the end of that. I say whats up to the dude and everything.

Nothing wrong with it in my opinion.

Originally Posted by Wilroc

Whoever has been talking about homosexuality in here as if its a person choice .. that is incorrect. They are born that way. It is genetic. I dont have a problem with homosexuals, I let them live. Some homosexual kid in my school 'likes' me but he knows im not gay so thats the end of that. I say whats up to the dude and everything.

Nothing wrong with it in my opinion.

Originally Posted by enlightendespot

Originally Posted by AndOneFlip

i dont have a problem with them just as long as they dont try to get with me

You must be sooo hott.


I love when people who make these comments are fat, old. sloppy dudes that gay men would never go for. (Not saying andoneflip is).
Originally Posted by enlightendespot

Originally Posted by AndOneFlip

i dont have a problem with them just as long as they dont try to get with me

You must be sooo hott.


I love when people who make these comments are fat, old. sloppy dudes that gay men would never go for. (Not saying andoneflip is).
For the most part society is heterosexual, so when we have encounters with homosexuals things get uncomfortable. But thats what happens when you are out of your comfort zone and its ok to feel that way. I personally don't have a problem with them but its uncomfortable when a gay dude hits on me. Its not something I'm used to so when it does happen it just doesn't feel natural because I'm not gay. It sorta like when a fat ugly chick is trying to talk to you and you want no part of that lol.
For the most part society is heterosexual, so when we have encounters with homosexuals things get uncomfortable. But thats what happens when you are out of your comfort zone and its ok to feel that way. I personally don't have a problem with them but its uncomfortable when a gay dude hits on me. Its not something I'm used to so when it does happen it just doesn't feel natural because I'm not gay. It sorta like when a fat ugly chick is trying to talk to you and you want no part of that lol.
Originally Posted by cubanref

For the most part society is ___________, so when we have encounters with _________ things get uncomfortable. But thats what happens when you are out of your comfort zone and its ok to feel that way. I personally don't have a problem with them but its uncomfortable when a _______ dude _____   ____ me. Its not something I'm used to so when it does happen it just doesn't feel natural because I'm not ______. It sorta like when a fat ugly ________ is trying to talk to you and you want no part of that lol.
Mad libs, anyone?
Originally Posted by cubanref

For the most part society is ___________, so when we have encounters with _________ things get uncomfortable. But thats what happens when you are out of your comfort zone and its ok to feel that way. I personally don't have a problem with them but its uncomfortable when a _______ dude _____   ____ me. Its not something I'm used to so when it does happen it just doesn't feel natural because I'm not ______. It sorta like when a fat ugly ________ is trying to talk to you and you want no part of that lol.
Mad libs, anyone?
Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

Originally Posted by cubanref

For the most part society is ___________, so when we have encounters with _________ things get uncomfortable. But thats what happens when you are out of your comfort zone and its ok to feel that way. I personally don't have a problem with them but its uncomfortable when a _______ dude _____   ____ me. Its not something I'm used to so when it does happen it just doesn't feel natural because I'm not ______. It sorta like when a fat ugly ________ is trying to talk to you and you want no part of that lol.
Mad libs, anyone?

I'm starting to getting angry people don't get it.

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

Originally Posted by cubanref

For the most part society is ___________, so when we have encounters with _________ things get uncomfortable. But thats what happens when you are out of your comfort zone and its ok to feel that way. I personally don't have a problem with them but its uncomfortable when a _______ dude _____   ____ me. Its not something I'm used to so when it does happen it just doesn't feel natural because I'm not ______. It sorta like when a fat ugly ________ is trying to talk to you and you want no part of that lol.
Mad libs, anyone?

I'm starting to getting angry people don't get it.

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