NT, School Me On Lucid Dreaming

A lot of times when I was younger and I had nightmares where people were trying to kill me, I often realized and inside the dream, I'd try and force myself awake by hitting into walls and stuff. One time I forced my eyes open with my hands. That was weird cause my eyes were supposed to be open in my dream, but I forced them open anyways to wake up.
I've got tons of stories with lucid dreaming. Most notable were two. In one dream, something went wrong. It's like I wasn't supposed to see there. I swear I was looking into another dimension or something, but it was all evil... and very scary especially because I never have nightmares and this seemed real. And this past summer I had a dream, within a dream, within a dream. Yes, Inception style. Awesome and strange at the same time. I'll share my stories if anyone cares, otherwise I'm not typing them out because they're both pretty long.
I've got tons of stories with lucid dreaming. Most notable were two. In one dream, something went wrong. It's like I wasn't supposed to see there. I swear I was looking into another dimension or something, but it was all evil... and very scary especially because I never have nightmares and this seemed real. And this past summer I had a dream, within a dream, within a dream. Yes, Inception style. Awesome and strange at the same time. I'll share my stories if anyone cares, otherwise I'm not typing them out because they're both pretty long.
Originally Posted by MrBen23

I've got tons of stories with lucid dreaming. Most notable were two. In one dream, something went wrong. It's like I wasn't supposed to see there. I swear I was looking into another dimension or something, but it was all evil... and very scary especially because I never have nightmares and this seemed real. And this past summer I had a dream, within a dream, within a dream. Yes, Inception style. Awesome and strange at the same time. I'll share my stories if anyone cares, otherwise I'm not typing them out because they're both pretty long.

I'd like to hear them. Also, how did you start lucid dreaming? Did it just happen naturally for you, or did you train it?

*please respond*
Originally Posted by MrBen23

I've got tons of stories with lucid dreaming. Most notable were two. In one dream, something went wrong. It's like I wasn't supposed to see there. I swear I was looking into another dimension or something, but it was all evil... and very scary especially because I never have nightmares and this seemed real. And this past summer I had a dream, within a dream, within a dream. Yes, Inception style. Awesome and strange at the same time. I'll share my stories if anyone cares, otherwise I'm not typing them out because they're both pretty long.

I'd like to hear them. Also, how did you start lucid dreaming? Did it just happen naturally for you, or did you train it?

*please respond*
Anyone else have a dream within a dream?

Like 2-3 weeks after watching inception I did, it felt trippy
Anyone else have a dream within a dream?

Like 2-3 weeks after watching inception I did, it felt trippy
Alright, I have stuff to do, but for my NT brethren, I shall procrastinate.

I started lucid dreaming more consistently after the first time I realized that I was in a dream. Okay, that's basic, but a lot of your dreams are similar in some ways. Whether it be location, situation, whatever. In my first lucid dream (that I assumed control), I  recognized that I was at my old home, a place that I moved from a decade ago. Not just that, but this was a dream that I had several times before. It realized I must be dreaming. Your body usually starts to wake up, but you can literally tell it that you'd rather stay asleep and you will. I've always wondered why your mind doesn't want you to have control of your dreams or would wake you up, but I'm sure it has something to do with insanity and reality... (That's another topic in itself.) After that, you just have to train yourself to notice any subtle indication that you are dreaming and you can snap out of it. Maybe it's seeing a long lost loved one or maybe its because you're hanging with Yeezy at your old school. Somethings gotta be a dead giveaway.

Now onto the stories.. (Don't laugh)

1) This was part of the first lucid dream that I just mentioned. I'm running around like a little kid at my old place, although significantly older. I realize that I'm dreaming and begin to wake up. It's like your body is lifting and the dream fades... You can tell that you are waking up. 
  I tell myself to stay asleep and it works. (And works almost every time.) So I decide to do some investigating in the dream world. Some NTers decide to fly around (I've never done that) and some people just continue the dream however they please, acting out their wildest desires. I, being perplexed with this newfound ability, decide to explore.
I am in a city. I venture into a dark alley and ascend some grimey steps. I enter a large steel door and this is where things instantly get creepy. I feel like I'm no longer in my dream. It's as if the door led to another dimension or maybe a compartment of my mind. I'm not racist or a bad person, so I don't believe it's the latter... But let me share what I saw.
I walk into a dark room. There are strange men all around me. They are all of the same height and draped in black and red robes. They are also all identical and perfectly aligned in some sort of religious formation. Painted white skin, no pupils, bald head. The most peculiar thing were the swatstika's etched crudely into their heads, trickling blood down their faces. It was surreal. They didn't move, but I had the eerie feeling that they were watching me and that I wasn't supposed to be here. This dream was the most frightening thing I've ever experienced, awake or asleep. It was pure evil. I ran out of the room and asked myself to wake up. I did.

2) The "Inception" dream is silly, but to be in a dream that's in a dream that's in a dream, is an amazing feat of the mind. I'll sum it up as quickly as possible. I interned in Pittsburgh over the summer and I'm sleeping in my bed. I get up and have to use the bathroom. (Yeah, one of those dreams.) I pull the sheets off of my body and stumble to the bathroom. I whip it out and start pissing. I instantly wake up. (I'm not a bed wetter and the bed is dry, so don't get any ideas.
I check the area, and yeah, no piss. But I'm thinking, well I better go take a leak because this is obviously my body telling me to get the hell up and relieve myself. I pull the sheets off of my body and stumble to the bathroom. I'm looking around and something is different. I don't remember what it is but I know something is not right. I assume it's just because I'm so tired and I'm positive that I just woke up from the dream... so I just carry on. I finish and decide to open up my laptop that's sitting on my desk. I look around my room again. Something isn't right! My body starts to wake up. I try to stop it, but I'm late and miss my chance to stay in the dream and assume control.
I wake up... AGAIN. I'm still in my bed, under my covers, and still needing to piss.
A dream within a dream within a dream. That was crazy.

Eh, there ya go. I hope you enjoyed those epic novels. My flame suit is on.
Alright, I have stuff to do, but for my NT brethren, I shall procrastinate.

I started lucid dreaming more consistently after the first time I realized that I was in a dream. Okay, that's basic, but a lot of your dreams are similar in some ways. Whether it be location, situation, whatever. In my first lucid dream (that I assumed control), I  recognized that I was at my old home, a place that I moved from a decade ago. Not just that, but this was a dream that I had several times before. It realized I must be dreaming. Your body usually starts to wake up, but you can literally tell it that you'd rather stay asleep and you will. I've always wondered why your mind doesn't want you to have control of your dreams or would wake you up, but I'm sure it has something to do with insanity and reality... (That's another topic in itself.) After that, you just have to train yourself to notice any subtle indication that you are dreaming and you can snap out of it. Maybe it's seeing a long lost loved one or maybe its because you're hanging with Yeezy at your old school. Somethings gotta be a dead giveaway.

Now onto the stories.. (Don't laugh)

1) This was part of the first lucid dream that I just mentioned. I'm running around like a little kid at my old place, although significantly older. I realize that I'm dreaming and begin to wake up. It's like your body is lifting and the dream fades... You can tell that you are waking up. 
  I tell myself to stay asleep and it works. (And works almost every time.) So I decide to do some investigating in the dream world. Some NTers decide to fly around (I've never done that) and some people just continue the dream however they please, acting out their wildest desires. I, being perplexed with this newfound ability, decide to explore.
I am in a city. I venture into a dark alley and ascend some grimey steps. I enter a large steel door and this is where things instantly get creepy. I feel like I'm no longer in my dream. It's as if the door led to another dimension or maybe a compartment of my mind. I'm not racist or a bad person, so I don't believe it's the latter... But let me share what I saw.
I walk into a dark room. There are strange men all around me. They are all of the same height and draped in black and red robes. They are also all identical and perfectly aligned in some sort of religious formation. Painted white skin, no pupils, bald head. The most peculiar thing were the swatstika's etched crudely into their heads, trickling blood down their faces. It was surreal. They didn't move, but I had the eerie feeling that they were watching me and that I wasn't supposed to be here. This dream was the most frightening thing I've ever experienced, awake or asleep. It was pure evil. I ran out of the room and asked myself to wake up. I did.

2) The "Inception" dream is silly, but to be in a dream that's in a dream that's in a dream, is an amazing feat of the mind. I'll sum it up as quickly as possible. I interned in Pittsburgh over the summer and I'm sleeping in my bed. I get up and have to use the bathroom. (Yeah, one of those dreams.) I pull the sheets off of my body and stumble to the bathroom. I whip it out and start pissing. I instantly wake up. (I'm not a bed wetter and the bed is dry, so don't get any ideas.
I check the area, and yeah, no piss. But I'm thinking, well I better go take a leak because this is obviously my body telling me to get the hell up and relieve myself. I pull the sheets off of my body and stumble to the bathroom. I'm looking around and something is different. I don't remember what it is but I know something is not right. I assume it's just because I'm so tired and I'm positive that I just woke up from the dream... so I just carry on. I finish and decide to open up my laptop that's sitting on my desk. I look around my room again. Something isn't right! My body starts to wake up. I try to stop it, but I'm late and miss my chance to stay in the dream and assume control.
I wake up... AGAIN. I'm still in my bed, under my covers, and still needing to piss.
A dream within a dream within a dream. That was crazy.

Eh, there ya go. I hope you enjoyed those epic novels. My flame suit is on.
I had my first one a few weeks ago. But its amazing how much my subconscious continued to try and take over once I knew I was dreaming.
This I believe happened to me once or twice.

I had a dream that I burned down a building, and every one was mad at me. I felt that I was dreaming, so I told myself in the dream that this was a dream.
 Not to sound corny on some Inception stuff but I told myself I could fix this and I rebuilt the whole building by just imagining it being built back the way it was. I tried to break a chair and fix it right after that..but failed.
Does that count?
This I believe happened to me once or twice.

I had a dream that I burned down a building, and every one was mad at me. I felt that I was dreaming, so I told myself in the dream that this was a dream.
 Not to sound corny on some Inception stuff but I told myself I could fix this and I rebuilt the whole building by just imagining it being built back the way it was. I tried to break a chair and fix it right after that..but failed.
Does that count?
I had my first one a few weeks ago. But its amazing how much my subconscious continued to try and take over once I knew I was dreaming.
Originally Posted by MrBen23

Alright, I have stuff to do, but for my NT brethren, I shall procrastinate.

I started lucid dreaming more consistently after the first time I realized that I was in a dream. Okay, that's basic, but a lot of your dreams are similar in some ways. Whether it be location, situation, whatever. In my first lucid dream (that I assumed control), I  recognized that I was at my old home, a place that I moved from a decade ago. Not just that, but this was a dream that I had several times before. It realized I must be dreaming. Your body usually starts to wake up, but you can literally tell it that you'd rather stay asleep and you will. I've always wondered why your mind doesn't want you to have control of your dreams or would wake you up, but I'm sure it has something to do with insanity and reality... (That's another topic in itself.) After that, you just have to train yourself to notice any subtle indication that you are dreaming and you can snap out of it. Maybe it's seeing a long lost loved one or maybe its because you're hanging with Yeezy at your old school. Somethings gotta be a dead giveaway.

Now onto the stories.. (Don't laugh)

1) This was part of the first lucid dream that I just mentioned. I'm running around like a little kid at my old place, although significantly older. I realize that I'm dreaming and begin to wake up. It's like your body is lifting and the dream fades... You can tell that you are waking up. 
  I tell myself to stay asleep and it works. (And works almost every time.) So I decide to do some investigating in the dream world. Some NTers decide to fly around (I've never done that) and some people just continue the dream however they please, acting out their wildest desires. I, being perplexed with this newfound ability, decide to explore.
I am in a city. I venture into a dark alley and ascend some grimey steps. I enter a large steel door and this is where things instantly get creepy. I feel like I'm no longer in my dream. It's as if the door led to another dimension or maybe a compartment of my mind. I'm not racist or a bad person, so I don't believe it's the latter... But let me share what I saw.
I walk into a dark room. There are strange men all around me. They are all of the same height and draped in black and red robes. They are also all identical and perfectly aligned in some sort of religious formation. Painted white skin, no pupils, bald head. The most peculiar thing were the swatstika's etched crudely into their heads, trickling blood down their faces. It was surreal. They didn't move, but I had the eerie feeling that they were watching me and that I wasn't supposed to be here. This dream was the most frightening thing I've ever experienced, awake or asleep. It was pure evil. I ran out of the room and asked myself to wake up. I did.

2) The "Inception" dream is silly, but to be in a dream that's in a dream that's in a dream, is an amazing feat of the mind. I'll sum it up as quickly as possible. I interned in Pittsburgh over the summer and I'm sleeping in my bed. I get up and have to use the bathroom. (Yeah, one of those dreams.) I pull the sheets off of my body and stumble to the bathroom. I whip it out and start pissing. I instantly wake up. (I'm not a bed wetter and the bed is dry, so don't get any ideas.
I check the area, and yeah, no piss. But I'm thinking, well I better go take a leak because this is obviously my body telling me to get the hell up and relieve myself. I pull the sheets off of my body and stumble to the bathroom. I'm looking around and something is different. I don't remember what it is but I know something is not right. I assume it's just because I'm so tired and I'm positive that I just woke up from the dream... so I just carry on. I finish and decide to open up my laptop that's sitting on my desk. I look around my room again. Something isn't right! My body starts to wake up. I try to stop it, but I'm late and miss my chance to stay in the dream and assume control.
I wake up... AGAIN. I'm still in my bed, under my covers, and still needing to piss.
A dream within a dream within a dream. That was crazy.

Eh, there ya go. I hope you enjoyed those epic novels. My flame suit is on.
Yeah, eff that. I'll stick with flying if I ever get to the lucid dream state
Originally Posted by MrBen23

Alright, I have stuff to do, but for my NT brethren, I shall procrastinate.

I started lucid dreaming more consistently after the first time I realized that I was in a dream. Okay, that's basic, but a lot of your dreams are similar in some ways. Whether it be location, situation, whatever. In my first lucid dream (that I assumed control), I  recognized that I was at my old home, a place that I moved from a decade ago. Not just that, but this was a dream that I had several times before. It realized I must be dreaming. Your body usually starts to wake up, but you can literally tell it that you'd rather stay asleep and you will. I've always wondered why your mind doesn't want you to have control of your dreams or would wake you up, but I'm sure it has something to do with insanity and reality... (That's another topic in itself.) After that, you just have to train yourself to notice any subtle indication that you are dreaming and you can snap out of it. Maybe it's seeing a long lost loved one or maybe its because you're hanging with Yeezy at your old school. Somethings gotta be a dead giveaway.

Now onto the stories.. (Don't laugh)

1) This was part of the first lucid dream that I just mentioned. I'm running around like a little kid at my old place, although significantly older. I realize that I'm dreaming and begin to wake up. It's like your body is lifting and the dream fades... You can tell that you are waking up. 
  I tell myself to stay asleep and it works. (And works almost every time.) So I decide to do some investigating in the dream world. Some NTers decide to fly around (I've never done that) and some people just continue the dream however they please, acting out their wildest desires. I, being perplexed with this newfound ability, decide to explore.
I am in a city. I venture into a dark alley and ascend some grimey steps. I enter a large steel door and this is where things instantly get creepy. I feel like I'm no longer in my dream. It's as if the door led to another dimension or maybe a compartment of my mind. I'm not racist or a bad person, so I don't believe it's the latter... But let me share what I saw.
I walk into a dark room. There are strange men all around me. They are all of the same height and draped in black and red robes. They are also all identical and perfectly aligned in some sort of religious formation. Painted white skin, no pupils, bald head. The most peculiar thing were the swatstika's etched crudely into their heads, trickling blood down their faces. It was surreal. They didn't move, but I had the eerie feeling that they were watching me and that I wasn't supposed to be here. This dream was the most frightening thing I've ever experienced, awake or asleep. It was pure evil. I ran out of the room and asked myself to wake up. I did.

2) The "Inception" dream is silly, but to be in a dream that's in a dream that's in a dream, is an amazing feat of the mind. I'll sum it up as quickly as possible. I interned in Pittsburgh over the summer and I'm sleeping in my bed. I get up and have to use the bathroom. (Yeah, one of those dreams.) I pull the sheets off of my body and stumble to the bathroom. I whip it out and start pissing. I instantly wake up. (I'm not a bed wetter and the bed is dry, so don't get any ideas.
I check the area, and yeah, no piss. But I'm thinking, well I better go take a leak because this is obviously my body telling me to get the hell up and relieve myself. I pull the sheets off of my body and stumble to the bathroom. I'm looking around and something is different. I don't remember what it is but I know something is not right. I assume it's just because I'm so tired and I'm positive that I just woke up from the dream... so I just carry on. I finish and decide to open up my laptop that's sitting on my desk. I look around my room again. Something isn't right! My body starts to wake up. I try to stop it, but I'm late and miss my chance to stay in the dream and assume control.
I wake up... AGAIN. I'm still in my bed, under my covers, and still needing to piss.
A dream within a dream within a dream. That was crazy.

Eh, there ya go. I hope you enjoyed those epic novels. My flame suit is on.
Yeah, eff that. I'll stick with flying if I ever get to the lucid dream state
I love answering questions related to dreams.


As for people wondering about lucid dreaming, there are various ways to train yourself to achieve lucid states more often, and with more vivid constructs. I won't bother posting links because people have already given some fantastic resources.
I love answering questions related to dreams.


As for people wondering about lucid dreaming, there are various ways to train yourself to achieve lucid states more often, and with more vivid constructs. I won't bother posting links because people have already given some fantastic resources.
Try taking some choline bitrate supplements before you go to sleep. Its good for brain health and it makes your dreams very vivid, which is a long step towards lucidness
Try taking some choline bitrate supplements before you go to sleep. Its good for brain health and it makes your dreams very vivid, which is a long step towards lucidness
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