NT...what to do when unattractive girl like you...HELP ASAP!

Mar 28, 2009
Mann...I have no idea what to do in this situation...I work at footlocker and this girl across the way at the ladies like me...her friend/coworker came up to me saying text her...I'm not a mean person so I was like ok...so now I'm stuck...what tf do I do to get outta this mess?? The last time I was in this situation was 8th grade and I ended up dating the chick and breaking up with her a week later during christmas break when she tried to come over my house....NT help!!
yeah thats happened to me a few times in life...you just gotta keep it 100% and just say you're not feeling her like that...

just think about what a girl will say to a guy who approaches her that she isnt feeling
Be real, but just make sure you don't flat out dump on em. If they text you and all that stuff, just decline and eventually she should get the picture. If not, well then you're gonna have to resort to a more direct means of conveying your thoughts. If she's one of those clueless girls who needs you to outright say it, then make sure you sandwich your statement with some compliments and remember to apologize....even though there's nothing to apologize for.
It is mad awkward and uncomfortable I know. Its all about knowing how to word things.conversation rules the nation.

Last year, a girl I used to work with was coming on to me hard, talking about when are we going to hangout. At the time, I was too nice to just say 'not interested' so I kept making excuses:
Her: so when are we going to go out?
Me: "I'm on a budget, I'm not trying to eat out"
Her: "I'll pay"
Me: "Nah I can't let you pay, I won't feel right"

The whole time in my head I'm like "just tell her No, I don't want to". I know its tough and you don't want to hurt her feelings, but you've gotta just nip it in the bud to avoid further confusion and frustration. I should've just said something like "thanks, but id like to keep things with us the way they are now". It just comes with experience.

Sounds like you're the type that wants everyone to like you so you're nice to everyone, a people pleaser. The thing with that is, people will probably like you, but they won't respect you much. Stop being so cool, B. I've made those mistakes before. Just have the mindframe "I don't care if everyone likes me".

How old are you op?
All I can do at y'all 

Post pics, OP. you know this 
Unless she actually makes a move, just stay friendly. If she asks you out tell her you aren't interested. If she's that forward and that ugly, it's nothing she hasn't heard before.
Tell her you like guys. That excuse got me through all of highschool.
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