NY/NJ NTers in a relationship I got a proposition for you VOL. cheap city photoshoot.

Dec 3, 2009
anyways most likely this will fail 
 but ill give it a try because, well I really enjoy this community, most of ya probably know this already but im a family photographer with some good wedding photography experience.....usually clients hit me up and i don't meet them till the day of the shoot, its always tough not knowing what to expect but vie been pretty lucky, however i want to expand my portfolio a bit more and i want to have a little more control over who ill shoot next, so im gonna offer a session for 3 couples, would be a great opportunity for some of you guys that are getting engaged or just got engaged, but if you just want some pics of you and your significant other thats fine too, im not looking for models, but im not gonna lie like looks wont be a factor in my decision, ill be looking for charisma, goofiness, just plain out fun couples who are very comfortable with each other....I would need you to provide a picture with your girl/man, you can tell a lot from a picture so try and provide a pic that best show the type of people you are and your type of style...(before booking i will need proof that you are in fact one of the people in the picture, this is my business and im not trying to have someone make a joke of it)
since NT is skeptical and some of you may be afraid to post pics of yourselves, let alone your girl....feel free to pm me with a little bio about yourselves....im looking to get these sessions done before december....please only serious inquiries, don't waste my time and i wont waste yours, I cant do it for free as im not really an amateur at this, but being that this is NT all i would charge is 125$ which is more than half of what i usually charge for a session....this is limited to NY/NJ residents as i wont go on a road trip for 125$ bucks, you can pick the locations and ill add some suggestions, after the session you will get a disc with the high res edited images and ill throw in an 8x12 stand-out print (my choice)...don't be afraid, i know NT has the potential to show respect when a thread is started in good faith...post the pic/bio on here, it'll keep the thread alive, but if you don't and still interested, ill read the pms....only one pic per couple, so chose wisely.

hopefully this thread wont fail, but if it does i guess is fine, just thought i gave NT the opportunity for something special.


-im a photographer

-NY/NJ NTers apply ONLY

-i want to shoot young, charismatic, energetic couples with lots of love and a good sense of fashion 

-submit a picture/bio of you and your significant other

-ill pick the 3 couples that best fit the criteria

-you pay 125$

-you get a full on session in the location of your choice within the city.

-you get a disc with the high res pics

-you get an 8x12 stand-out print (very good quality print)

pics of the last session i did in NYC



Originally Posted by CHiCHiLOVES5s

Nice fotos.
Forever alone though

well if you now of a couple who you think would be a good fit, put them on....if you can get me a picture, i think it would be  good gift...
Just broke up with my girl Steezy, maybe if you come to Boston scshift and I can do a photshoot.

Nice work btw
Originally Posted by INS

Just broke up with my girl Steezy, maybe if you come to Boston scshift and I can do a photshoot.

Nice work btw

dang sorry to hear that....was it over Scshift?....
so the leader of the 1% has come to ask the 99 for some help eh

i kid, i kid. nice pics man. im sure someone on NT will be able to help out.
Not really asking for help, If I was the shoot would be free, sort of like a trade off...you get pics that you otherwise wouldn't get for the price, I get control over who I shoot for these three sessions....it's a win win opportunity of you are into this type of thing.
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

Why only relationships though?

Becuse this is not about friendship photography bro, unless you feel comfortable making out with your boy, jumping on his back, hugging and holding hands In public, I have no problem shooting you.Who's Erin?
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by DajonDondo

Why only relationships though?

Becuse this is not about friendship photography bro, unless you feel comfortable making out with your boy, jumping on his back, hugging and holding hands In public, I have no problem shooting you.Who's Erin?
. I mean like Cars.
^^^ ideally I want to offer this to actual couples who want some nice pics to post up on their wall, but if you and the JO are photogenic, fun and can act as if you guys were made for each other then I could care less....post up a pic of the JO and you.
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by DajonDondo

Why only relationships though?

Becuse this is not about friendship photography bro, unless you feel comfortable making out with your boy, jumping on his back, hugging and holding hands In public, I have no problem shooting you.Who's Erin?
. I mean like Cars.

Lol...no car photography offer at the moment bro...sorry.
No offense but you need to have more samples and/or portfolio on a website or something.

Just seems like you're doing this out of the back of your truck.

I wish you the best of luck but just work on your presentation. Do you have a logo? Cards? Does your company have a name?

Be legit is all i'm saying.
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