*OFFICAL* L.A Dodgers Spring Training Thread! Vol. Baseball is almost here!

Los Angeles

formerly bright nikes
Apr 11, 2004
Alright, my fellow Dodger fans, here we are again. I would much rather have the team not make the playoffs than go into the playoffs & get swept - now Ihope Colletti & the Mccourts have a taste of how horrible the product they put on the field was.

Listen, we pay the ticket prices (heard ticket prices will be raised), $15 parking, $10 for each food (nachos, peanuts, hot dog).

Some of us, watch the games religiously, some of us stay connected via internet looking at the score, hell I know some of us call friends to find out thelatest score. We love our team, there isn't a doubt, but for the sake of the fans change the attitude, the losing ways and the product that you send beforeus.

Since a report came out of keeping Grady & Colleti, I think Colleti is going to push hard for everyone and everything this team needs before he gets theboot.

I expect Grady to show some fire / enthusiasm with this team, ok Grady has the reputation of being that laid back coach you can talk to, ok that's fine,but show some damn fire and urgency to win with these kids.

So there's my little vent, any other Dodger fan share your frustration with me. Also, post articles, trade rumors, suggestions.

Some sites I visit daily:

So whatever news or rumors I post mainly come from there.

Ok lets break down my plans for the off-season.

Now, this is all coming from the top of my head, currently typing on my SK so its hard to go back and look at a different website for reference.

Seanz, Roberto Hernandez, Luis Gonzo (I'm sure he doesn't want to be back), Jeff Kent (we can pickup his option - hoping he comes back), SheaHillenbrand, Mike Lieberthal (hoping we can pickup his option too - but 1 game / 40 games could be tough on dude), Mark Hendrickson.

Starting Rotation:
1. Penny
2. Chad Billingsley
3. Randy Wolf (hoping we pickup his option, dude is a solid lefty when healthy, and he wants to be here)
4. Jason Schmidt (face it we cannot trade him, lets get him healthy and test his velocity once spring training comes)
5. Hug Shi Kuo / FA pickup(hoping he comes back healthy)

1. Loaiza (we're stuck with him, I'd rather see him in the bullpen, he doesn't have enough in him to last a 5 inning game - if that).
2. Proctor the Doctor (this is our work horse, and you have a sense he loves being here in L.A)
3. Rudy Sanez (the old dude did a lot for us, lets keep him)
4. Beimel (our lefty specialist, lock him up)
5. Brazoban (hoping he comes back healthy)
6. Broxton
7. Saito (lock him up)

As you can see we may need to add another Lefty in the bullpen.

1B - Loney's name should be set in stone, I hope he works out even hard this off-season. Let him play the whole season he's easily .320BA, 25+HR,110RBIs.
2ND - Kent (lets pickup his option)
SS - Furcal (is this his contract year? Dude better come healthy and ready to play)
3RD - we'll never have a legit 3rd baseman so Colleti do your job and sign somebody who will produce RUNS! Possible: Troy Glaus (injury prone), MiguelCabrera (s&t)
C - Martin (he's our main man, hopefully Liberthal can come back and back him up)

Bench: Ramon Martinez (very servicable utility ), Sweeny (great pinch hitter), Abreu/Laroche/Hu out of those 3 the most upside is Hu. LaRoche has shown menothing, Abreu ... not an everyday player in my mind - wouldn't be surprised if they all go back to AAA. Nomar (his stint in L.A is over)

As you can see we need another bat on the bench, specically to backup 1B & 3rd.

LF - Pierre (he's a liability out there, he needs to be moved to LF, he has a LF arm. Trust me dodger fans he's staying, once he gets on base its havocfor the pitchers) I feel he's getting comfortable in L.A, next year he should shine.
CF - ? Rumors swirling of Dodgers wanting to sign Andruw Jones / Torri Hunter, my take is Andruw Jones cause he's a NL player and Dodger fans love dude.(Yes, the question is how much $ will he demand? A LOT. But, Mccourts have made it public if they need to increase payroll to win, then so be it).
RF - Matt Kemp (if dude stays, reminds me of a raw raul mondesi with more upside).

Rumors: Matt Kemp & Kershaw for Johan Santana

My take: that's way too much to give up for Johan. I'd rather see us re-sign Wolf and get a healthy Schmidt back than give up so much.

Ethier (ok guys, dude is a pure hitter, we know that but come September he always dissappears)
LaRoche (get rid of dude)
Loaiza (anyone wanna take up his contract?)
Abreu (hey if teams want him, lets hear the offers)
Nomar (1 yr left on his contract)
Lowe (his mechanics have been off for 2-3 yrs)

I know I'm forgetting plenty of players, so everyone add your input.

We just need to fill up our major needwhich is a power bat & a third baseman so get a power hitting third baseman - we also need a CF that drives in runswith a cannon of an arm. A starting pitcher or two would be nice.

Let the long @#%$ off season begin ...
Oh yeah, I'm posting from my sidekick and you just read my sig.


I know lead off hitters shouldn't be judged by their OPS, but even his OBP wasn't very good.

He is also hands down the weakest defensive player on the team.

A healthy Furcal would do more than fine as our lead off hitter.

" but wait he had the most runs scored on the team! "
!! A YOU !!
!! NIKE IN 06 !!
I think we could be without Ramon Martinez. He's a great dude and has done so much for the team, but I'd rather Hu be the backup infeilder (SS,2B). I want to keep Eithier, he has an arm from the outfeild. The only true vet I would want to keep is Kent, Nomar and Luis are expendable. I actually LaRoche could be good. Also, is Young an infeilder? because he is listed as a 2B on msnsports.com.

Anyways, next season could only be better. We'll see what happens in this thread and in the future.
EAGLES Lakers Dodgers
Yeah :lol:
the dodger organization has had a hard time finding a postion for delwyn young, he's an outfielder though.

Ahhh, yes I know people want to move Pierre, but think about it man, move the dude to LF, and we keep him in the lineup, let him get more comfortable.

Another point you made is he scored the most runs cause he played a lotta games, and there's another point, he is VERY DURABLE we can count on him every game!

Oh yeah, I'm posting from my sidekick and you just read my sig.
Ahhh, yes I know people want to move Pierre, but think about it man, move the dude to LF, and we keep him in the lineup, let him get more comfortable.

Another point you made is he scored the most runs cause he played a lotta games, and there's another point, he is VERY DURABLE we can count on him every game!
!! A YOU !!
!! NIKE IN 06 !!

Thx for the input mez :pimp:

Also with Pierre, its exciting watching him work the bases, trust me furcal cannot steal bases like Pierre even when he's healthy.

Krey please tell me what you've seen so good about LaRoche?

Sorry, dude has been called up numerous times and again he never makes the squad spring training, so somethings gotta give.

Dude is injury prone and can't even stay healthy in the minors.
Oh yeah, I'm posting from my sidekick and you just read my sig.
but we have enough speed on this team with players like Abreu, Hu,

Team Lakers1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1972, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2000, 2001, 2002...

TEAM DODGERS----Team [Scrubs]
See You Are What You Are in this world, thats either 1 or 2 things, your either a somebody, or you a nobody.
Yeah my dude, abreu, & hu you just named are INFIELDERS that barely play, hell they barely play mopp up.

People say Furcal and Pierre are the same in comparison to offense, but they aren't. Furcal has way to much pop in his bat, and furcal and pierre are opposites on the bases. They are so different that's why I think they compliment each other well.

Trust me, abreu will not make the team, nor will Hu they are too raw at this point.

Ok so you're saying you want torii hunter to play CF and for us to get rid of pierre.

So you want ethier at LF and kemp at rf am I correct? Please tell me how we are going to dangle one of those players as trade bait to get another power bat in the lineup.

Plus, please tell me who would give us a solid pitcher for juans contract.

Moving him to LF is the most viable option in my eyes and to most dodger fans. I don't really like AL guys switching to the NL just because they aren't too familiar with the pitchers / ball parks.

Oh yeah, I'm posting from my sidekick and you just read my sig.

This was hypothetically speaking, meaning if we IMPROVED the weak CF spot, Pierre's only use to us would be pinch running.

In that case, we have a handful of players who can efficiently come in as a pinch runner.

If we have a shot at Torii, theres absolutely no reason why we shouldnt replace Pierre with him.

Pierre has always been one of my favorite players of today and I really do enjoy seeing him in a Dodger uniform, but its not logical under the team's circumstances to not replace him.

So you want ethier at LF and kemp at rf am I correct? Please tell me how we are going to dangle one of those players as trade bait to get another power bat in the lineup.

We dont tangle them as trade bait. Well have enough power in the lineup with MARTIN, LONEY, KENT, HUNTER, and KEMP.

Plus, please tell me who would give us a solid pitcher for juans contract.

I would take anyone even half way solid at this point, even a relief pitcher would do.

Moving him to LF is the most viable option in my eyes and to most dodger fans. I don't really like AL guys switching to the NL just because they aren't too familiar with the pitchers / ball parks.
!! A YOU !!
!! NIKE IN 06 !!
Ok, so from the looks of it kent is probably gone - considering the public attack he had on the young kinds. His power numbers were down this year (although he did get 20hrs?) he didn't have a Jeff Kent like year.

I understand your logic, but with wanting to replace a main piece of our outfield, its only going to live a bigger hole to fill.

The most expendable player at this point is Ethier (age, contract, ability to play all of positions, good arm, good hitter, good contract) - if we can get him packaged with lowe and or laroche for a 3B, my goodness :wow:

& also with you saying you'd take a half way solid and or relief pitcher for Juan Pierre that's just crazy, the intangibles this dude brings for a medicore pitcher is absoutley absurd.

But, I applaud you sticking to your guns, that's what makes us Dodger fans, we want change, and we'll do anything neccesary to see it.

******ALSO, I hope we do re-sign David Wells to a 1 year contract filled with unlimited trips to Pinks or something*****

Also expect to see Jason Repko back healthy, poor guy has good talent, but can never stay on the field (ex jayson werth).

Jason would be good as a replacement for all the outfield spots for them to get rest.

Oh yeah, I'm posting from my sidekick and you just read my sig.
***its confirmed ticket prices & parking prices are on the rise***

Tickets = ?
Parking = From $15 to $20


Oh yeah, I'm posting from my sidekick and you just read my sig.
The most expendable player at this point is Ethier (age, contract, ability to play all of positions, good arm, good hitter, good contract) - if we can get him packaged with lowe and or laroche for a 3B, my goodness

Laroche and Ethier for a 3B would be excellent. I'm all for using Ethier in a packaged trade deal.

This doesn't mean we should count out our shot at Torii. We can easily replace that LF spot with someone like Repko who can easily match Pierre's OPS.

& also with you saying you'd take a half way solid and or relief pitcher for Juan Pierre that's just crazy, the intangibles this dude brings for a medicore pitcher is absolutely absurd.

For a mediocre pitcher, you're right it wouldn't be smart, but he really doesn't fit this team - not now. We're going to have to take an L on him if we want to improve the CF spot offensively and defensively. It's a problem when you have runners going from first to third on routine singles.

But, I applaud you sticking to your guns, that's what makes us Dodger fans, we want change, and we'll do anything neccesary to see it.

Word up. I see you.

******ALSO, I hope we do re-sign David Wells to a 1 year contract filled with unlimited trips to Pinks or something*****

I agree, Wells would be a good addition for next year.

Also expect to see Jason Repko back healthy, poor guy has good talent, but can never stay on the field (ex jayson werth).
!! A YOU !!
!! NIKE IN 06 !!
A couple of things we know for sure for next year at this point.already...

- Ned Colletti will remain as the GM.
- Grady Little will be back for another year.
- Prices will go up.

I think it's nearly impossible for anyone to want to trade for Pierre. There are at least three center fielders that will be free agents or available that are considerably better than him (Jones, Hunter, Rowand). I wouldn't give up a starting pitcher or solid reliever via trade when I could try and sign one of the three without losing an arm.

Therefore, Pierre will be a Dodger for at least another year. The true question is whether management is willing to move him to left field which I think would be best for him and for the team. Also, put him in the leadoff spot.

1st Base - Loney has the job.

2nd Base - I don't think Kent comes back. At least not a Dodger. Young was originally a 2B so they might want to try him there. As for FA there is Luis Castillo.

SS - Furcal has the job.

3B - Little said Nomar was the "incumbent" 3B. I don't think LaRouche will take it from him. He will either start at AAA or be dealt. Nomar doesn't hold the position all year. Free Agents I would look at Lowell.

OFers - Pierre, ?, ?.

C - Martin

Rotation: Penny, Lowe, Bills, ?, ?. I don't think Kershaw is ready to make the jump. Loaiza is here to stay for one more year. No one will want him for eight million reasons.

ARod, Cabrera, and Johan all sound nice but I wouldn't trade the whole system for them. Doesn't Cabrera become a FA in '09? Same thing with Johan?... I'd wait a year and keep the Kemps, Meloans, Kershaws, and Ethiers...

Damn Jrdnkicks213 we are seriously on the same point with how we feel on the Dodgers.

Realisticly, its gonna be nearly impossible to trade Pierre - so that's why if the brains are working up their in the Dodgers front office, pleae move him to LF & sign a CF free agent.

With the prices going up tickets & parking, us as fans better receive something amazing on the field.

Another thought I had, is lets say we pickup kents option - him, nomar, furcal and I'm sure a few more are in their contract year in 08'

So we're gonna have a lot of decisions to make.
Oh yeah, I'm posting from my sidekick and you just read my sig.
3. Rudy Sanez (the old dude did a lot for us, lets keep him)

Team Dodgers
55 . 59 .
63 . 65 . 81 . 88
Koufax, Drysdale, Gibson, Valenzuela, Hershiser, Piazza, Loney
Aint no way Johan's price will be "reasonable" :lol:

Oh yeah, I'm posting from my sidekick and you just read my sig.
Aint no way Johan's price will be "reasonable"

Team Dodgers
55 . 59 .
63 . 65 . 81 . 88
Koufax, Drysdale, Gibson, Valenzuela, Hershiser, Piazza, Loney
I'd wait a year and keep the Kemps, Meloans, Kershaws, and Ethiers...

I'd be fine with trading Eithier.

Btw, the Kemp + Kershaw for Johan trade is terrible for us.

Realisticly, its gonna be nearly impossible to trade Pierre - so that's why if the brains are working up their in the Dodgers front office, pleae move him to LF & sign a CF free agent.

If absolutely no team bites on Pierre then we definitely need to move him to LF - no questions asked.

The CF free agency is too stacked this year to miss out on.

I really hope Colletti goes after Torii, this man in a dodger uniform would be curtains.

We need at least Cabrera or Arod.

Cabrera - not for Kemp plus some. Arod - maybe, after all he is the best player in the MLB. If you have the chance to get him, you get him.

I would sign Tori Hunter and move Pierre to left.
!! A YOU !!
!! NIKE IN 06 !!
For all of you guys saying that LaRoche can't hit: you guys are out of your mind. He has .300/.400/.500 written ALL over him. There's a reason why everyone had him rated over Ryan Braun to start the year. It's not his fault that Colletti/Little spent time fooling around with Nomar. The only justifiable reasons for trading LaRoche would be if they think his back problem is worse than it looks and that they have to get value for him now, or if they sign ARod and feel like LaRoche can't play 2B or LF.

About Pierre: he's a waste of money. But, if Colletti liked him enough to sign him, then there's no reason to trade him. That said, if you have him, you have to put him in CF. As a CF, he's a terrible defender, but when he gets hot you can justify having him start. As a LF, he's waaaay below replacement level, because he has no power whatsoever.
ehh, kemp has what 5-6 years left on his contract - and Johan is a FA in 08', meaning we'll need to extend his contract ...

Like I said in previous posts, the ball falls in Torii Hunters hands. If dude doesn't go back to Minnesota, Johan will go too.

Now that I keep looking at the trade more and more, the less I can care for Santana.
I'd be happy with penny, billingsly, dwells, schmidt, wolfe/kuo/lowe.

But, that's just me.
Oh yeah, I'm posting from my sidekick and you just read my sig.
Wait up did you just say LaRoche has .300/.400/.500 written all over him?! :wow:

Oh yeah, I'm posting from my sidekick and you just read my sig.
From my final post in the Official Season Thread:

I stayed out of this thread until today. Kind of like an end of the year assesment.

The Dodgers don't have as many holes as people think, they just need to readjust some spots. I like what Frank McCourt said on Sunday. He stated that the Dodgers wont be impulsive and change the course this off season.

People want to jump on Colletti and Little this year, stuff simply didn't pan out this season. There will never be a perfect manager and there will never be a perfect front office. Colletti tried to do the same thing he did last season, in order to get the youngsters up. It worked last year, in what was a magical season, it didn't work out this season due to many reasons.

One thing is for sure, I highly doubt the Dodgers will chase pitching this off season. The Johan rumor sounds juicy, and even though Johan is a Cy Young candidate every year, we are giving up way too much in that deal.

I could see the Dodgers pursuing Miguel Cabrera, but that will only bring us power and more defensive (+character) problems. The Marlins are discussing a move to 1s base for Miggy. We are set at that position.

ARod is what every Dodger fan wants right now. I would love to have ARod on my team, but for $30 million a year, no freaking way. Even for a player of ARod's caliber, $30 million is excessive.

I will try to break down the needs for next year and where I think most of these guys will end up (bear with me!):

Joe Beimel - It is safe to say he will be a fixture in our bullpen next season. Left handed specialist.

Chad Billingsley - No.2 Starter, Bills stepped up big this season.

Yhency Brazoban - Like Duaner Sanchez in NY, guy is a stud but can't stay away from the DL. He will be back, because he is cheap.

Jonathan Broxton - Despite his horrible September, I still think Brox is a beast. Dude is untouchable IMO, future closer and only 22.

Mark Hendrickson - He is going to walk, I say let him.

Roberto Hernandez - Time to plan that permanent vacation.

DJ Houlton - Serviceable arm, will probably be shipped out if he doesn't make the team coming out of Spring Training.

Eric Hull - Hull will probably get a shot in Spring Training, but most likely will start the season in Las Vegas.

Hong Chih-Kuo- This guy will be good if he ever kicks the injury bug. He will compete a spot in the back end of the rotation.

Esteban Loaiza - He was a solid pickup and is only owed $7 million next season. People forget that he was coming off two major injuries. He will rebound next year, in a contract year.

Derek Lowe - Contract year, but also on his last legs. His sinker just didn't sink in the second half. Maybe he was bummed cause Michigan got off to an awful start.

Jonathan Meloan - Will get a shot to gain a spot in the bullpen this spring training. He will also be trade bait.

Brad Penny - ACE of the staff, give him an extension ASAP.

Scott Proctor - Hopefully with some rest he will become a solid bullpen arm. He wont be overused next season.

Takashi Saito - 2 year deal. Closer in 2008, hand over the torch to Broxton in 2009. Saito is money.

Jason Schmidt - Hindsight is 20/20, hopefully he can recover and be a decent #4 or #5. We are still on the hook for two more years.

Rudy Seanez - Will be given a chance, but probably won't be back if Hull or Meloan grab hold of a bullpen spot.

Eric Stults - He can become a solid spot starter/long reliever.

Chin-hui Tsao - Was solid until injuries took their toll.

David Wells - I don't think he will be back. Not because we don't want him, but I don't think he wants to. Thanks Boomer, you did all you could.

Randy Wolf - Dude wants to be a Dodger and is willing to take a pay cut. Sign him to another 1 year deal.

Mike Lieberthal - We are not picking up his option and I think he wants to play more than 17 games. I wouldn't mind having him back.

Russell Martin - 2007- 201? NL All Star Catcher. Leader. Team MVP. Nuff Said.

Chad Moeller - They are talking about giving more rest to Martin. I don't want Moeller getting PT. Lets get Paul Lo Duca again, LOL.

Tony Abreu - If Kent comes back, he should split time with Abreu. If Kent retires, Abreu will be the Dodgers 2B. Abreu is talented and he has some pop.

Rafael Furcal - He is our SS, people forget real quick. To the dude that said he had his best years in the ATL, get your facts straight. He had career highs in several offensive categories last season. Keep Repko away from him in ST. He had a bad year due to a lingering injury.

Nomar Garciaparra - Will be back since he has one more year on his deal. Hope he accepts a pinch hit/platoon role. Unfortunately he proved that he can't stay healthy and unfortunately we relied heavily on him.

Shea Hillenbrand - Good bye, nice to know you Zoo Man.

Ching Lung Hu - I like this kid, but Furcal is our SS and Abreu is our 2B. Hu is good but the other two guys are better.

Jeff Kent- It is up to him, I wouldn't mind having his bat in the lineup.

Andy LaRoche - He wasn't ready, but they called him up anyway to shut Dodger fans up. He was injured most of this season and most of his time with the Dodgers. He might be moved if the Dodgers make the big move.

James Loney - NL All Star next season.

Ramon Martinez - He is gone, but his versatility will get him a gig somewhere.

Olmedo Saenz - I like the tomato, but his asset is being a good hitter. When your only skill becomes a big weakness, you are done.

Mark Sweeney - He will be good on our bench, he wants to be back.

Wilson Valdez - Dude is versatile and could be a better version of Ramon Martinez.

Andre Ethier - You see signs of a solid MLB baseball player in Ethier, but then you see him make stupid mistakes. He always dissapears when the spotlight is hot (IE September, RISP). I would rather see him go than Kemp if we make a move for a CF.

Luis Gonzales - Dude has been saying his good byes for two weeks.

Matt Kemp - This guy is a stud but his attitude is garbage. Now that he knows the Dodgers will shop him around, it will get to his head that he is not untouchable. Dude is soft as well, hopefully he matures and toughens up. He can/will be a superstar.

Juan Pierre - They are talking about moving him to LF. The Dodgers should do it. Pierre is a professional, he will move for the good of the team. Due to his contract, he is not going anywhere.

Delwyn Young - I like Young, he will be a good player, but I doubt he has a future with the Dodgers. There is no room for him, and he is too talented to rot in LV. He will probably be packaged in December.

Jason Repko - Talented to be an MLB player, but not talented to be more than a 4th OF. Dude is reckless, but he is fast and could be a great bench player.

As for off season moves, it is too early to speculate. Rumors wont get hot until a week before the winter meetings (Look for the Hot Stove thread similar to last years :wink:
). Everything now is just heresay of some unknowledgable source that opens his mouth on talk radio.

Will they go after Andruw? The Dodgers could get him if they really want him, but I don't think they want him.

Will they go after ARod? Would be nice, but he is too expensive.

Will they go after Cabrera? Depends on the Marlins.

No one knows for sure, because it is too damn early.

Peace, it was a dissapointing season, but it is time to flip the page. I have stewed on this putrid season too long.

Ned Colletti is going on vacation and so am I [Borat]Not![Borat]. It will be quiet around these parts until mid December. Enjoy the playoffs.



As you can see, I agree with thugthizzle, LaRoche (and Abreu) were injured during their stints as Dodgers. They are studs, like I said in my excerpt, it looks llike the Dodgers are going to be smart and not impulsive.

Our best bet in FA is ARod and that is a longshot. I could see them pursuing Andruw Jones and somehow landing him, but that would mean sayonara (sp?) to Kemp or Ethier. At this point I would rather have Kemps potential, than Andruw's declining production and inflated price (Bora$).

The Dodger payroll is at $80 million, so if they stay the course they will have about $30 to $35 million to play with. Give it all to ARod? I think not.

It's the end of the season, let's just relax and take a break. It is too early to speculate and everything is just heresay at this point.

Look at it this way at the break the Mets were supposed to win the East and they didn't. The Dodgers were supposed to win the West and they didn't. The Brewers were supposed to win the Central and they didn't. The Padres were supposed to win the Wild Card and they didn't.

The Rockies and the D'Backs showed up a couple of years early. The Cubs regained their composure and won a weak division. The Phillies finally lived up to expectations. If you would have told me that Pat Burrell would be a key player in a pennant race I would have told you that you are out of your mind.

In the NL, unlike the AL, the talent gap is not too wide.
Loney, Kemp, Ethier and Billingsley have to stay. We already know who has to go judging by this season's lackluster performance.
10.28.07 FIGHT ON!!!
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