OFFICIAL CONTAGION MOVIE THREAD [Currently rocking an 82% on Rotten Tomatoes...]


Feb 7, 2008

This movie is stacked with talent, definitely gonna give it a watch.
I've heard mixed reviews from a couple of people who saw the advance screening but I'm still gonna try and catch it.
Looks really dope from the commercial but i honestly hate movies like this, they just show you how things " could be "
my fiance isn't a huge fan , especially when we both work in nyc lol
I've always had a thing for Kate Winslet. She's gorgeous.

Anyways these type of movies always freak me out but I'll watch since the cast assemble is great.
Originally Posted by EcruteakCityBoy

If zombies are involved i'm all down for an epidemic

btw.. i'll probably watch this movie
Zombies make my day. I know zombies have nothing to do with this one, but I'm catching it anyway

Great, hope this doesn't kill our tourism-industry...
Movie looks intriguing though... The cast alone is probably worth watching...
I want to see this movie sooooo bad.....

but at the same time I dont want to see it if I cant smoke that ghanga (t breaks suck)

Might break the tradition cause this movie looks dope!

choices choices
This movie was GREAT. Probably the most realistic epidemic movie ever made. SEE IT.
wanted to watch it ...but really wanted to see it when i seen walt took a break from cooking to put his input on to the madness
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