Damn, there be some foreshadowing up in this thread, yo.

Funny thing is, Heilman is have an EXCELLENT June stats wise.

Nice %**#@@% hit by Easley. Step it up Wags, its the Angels big bats coming up.
It's plays like that that show you why Wright won the gold glove, dude has really improved his hand/glove work on the field.

Clutch %%%%%$* win, good stuff.
I haven't visited this thread for a while and I didn't read what your reactions to Willie's firing was, but I was extremely upset to see him go. 2game winning streak with johan pitchin the next game, and then have him fired?? That's terrible timing. I felt that Willie had a chance to turn thisaround. They were only 1 game under .500 and they seemed to start getting better. Half the season isn't even over yet. I mean The Phillies aint even dogood till the 2nd half of the season last year.. At least Give Willie more time to change things around..

And what is going to happen in the All Star Game? Wasn't Willie scheduled to be the National League Manager??
Thankfully I got to watch tonight's win. I'd been so busy lately I haven't watched a lot of the games and I didn't even know Willie had beenfired til yesterday afternoon. I'm indifferent, could've been handled in a better way, but so it goes.

Great win tonight though, it was nice to finally get a true come from behind win when most would've counted us out. Hopefully things start to turn around.I really think we need Church back in the lineup.
^ Funny thing is that he's my girl's brother.

I take credit for that photo in his avy.

Last night, in a win against the Angels, Jose Reyes was 3 for 5 with a triple, two singles, three runs scored and a stolen base.

…what's more, he was quite lively on the field, in the dugout, on the top step next to Jerry Manuel, all while smiling and joking with and his teammates…basically, he looked great…

…in fact, the photo, which you can click on for a larger version, says it all i think…

In his last 159 at bats, dating back to May 11, Reyes is batting .340 with 20 extra base hits and .394 OBP, while raising his batting average from .249 to .297.

Since May 11th:
41 games:
54 hits in 159 AB (.340 AVG)
13 doubles
1 triple
42 runs
16 SB
4 CS
15 walks
6 HR
16 RBI
.394 OBP

He is currently on pace to hit around .300, with roughly 20 home runs, 70 RBI, 120 runs scored and 60 stolen bases.
Absolutely clutch W last night. One of the best games this club has played in a while and definitely the best one thus far in the season.

Let's keep it going and smack the Rockies. Big game tomorrow with Cook on the mound, and then we got Pedro and Santana on Saturday and Sunday I believe.
June 20, 2008

Still no Luis in lineup
Here's tonight's lineup for the series opener against the Rockies. Luis Castillo remains out after a wrist injury suffered Tuesday in Anaheim.

Reyes, ss
Chavez, rf
Wright, 3b
Beltran, cf
Delgado, 1b
Nixon, lf
Easley, 2b
Schneider, c
Maine, rhp
He's eligible tomm to come off the DL but there's no point in flying him out to COL for 1 game (unless he flew with the team already....no idea).
Just a heads up, The mets have started to release some tickets to next weekends games versus the yankees.

Had corner seats last night that weren't great and tickets were better tonight (got sec 3 in the mezz reserved) so now I am going to both games friday andjust got word that i can go sunday with a person my dad works with (Joba vs perez for now)

Nice catch by trot .
What the hell does Schneider think while running the bases? Run halfway you douche, Reyes doesn't get credit for a hit because of him.
I just want to say....I %@!#%$$ love Jerry Manuel already.

A manager that actually manages...who'd a thunk it?

BTW Castillo was out because Manuel rewarded Easley. Gold Jerry, Gold.
im iffy on the jerry manuel decision, it seemed as if he looked confused during his white sox days. he has a good team to work with this time so the resultsmight be different. short term this might look good considering he's managing for a contract and will most likely keep the job if he does good, but imskeptical to how he'll do long term.
Did any of you read upon the Delgado/Willie situation? Apparently Gado was one of the several players (he led the way) that disliked Willie and never evenrespected him or took him seriously. Willie simply lost the players, and while I wish him the best as a man, good riddance as a manager. I find it funnybecause Willie ALWAYS put Gado in the lineup despite his struggles.

Don't forget the Rockies have been hot coming into this series.
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