***Official Political Discussion Thread***

these talking points are highly influential. they give everyone an excuse not to do something substantive.
it's a serious problem, these ideas need to be discredited. because people believe in it.

for example, the idea that immigrants make the country poorer. is wildly believed by many people. because it sounds believable.
even tho hardcore immigration restrictionist are a relatively small percentage of the population.

I suppose my contention is that incumbent homeowners in North America are petty investors and will act to preserve the value of their investment (or so they think. High density near SFHs tends to make said homes, incredibly valuable).

Their material interests are what animates their NIMBYism and they “left-wash” away their NIMBYism (and the misanthropic reasoning behind it all).

If those incumbent homeowners didn’t have the words and phrases created by a tiny clique of degenerate, downtown, stoners, who are a mere slice of the overall left, (and an even smaller slice of America’s urban electorate) those homeowners would use technical rhetoric (there’s not enough infrastructure, I here a lot) or out right reactionary rhetoric (I don’t want apartments dwellers in my daughter’s school).

The base motivating force is that they are petty investors not that they are leftists. They just happen to left-wash their selfishness by making it about some principled opposition to real estate capital making a profit.

IMO you’re focusing on how the machine is painted rather than the machine itself.

We’re in a cultural moment where it’s best to sell our ideals in terms of how it helps an individual.

Parable of the Sower is a book that should remind everyone of the idea that one should “listen to Black women, it may one day save your life or at least save your house.”

Her novels have more or less predicted the effects of climate change, specifically in Southern California, through the late 2030’s. And thus far, everything is going the same direction as her (barely) fictional world predicted (she wrote Parable in the 1990’s).
Really good book. Was planning on reading the second book in the series next

We’re in a cultural moment where it’s best to sell our ideals in terms of how it helps an individual.

Parable of the Sower is a book that should remind everyone of the idea that one should “listen to Black women, it may one day save your life or at least save your house.”

Her novels have more or less predicted the effects of climate change, specifically in Southern California, through the late 2030’s. And thus far, everything is going the same direction as her (barely) fictional world predicted (she wrote Parable in the 1990’s).
Currently reading this book and mannnn is it bleak as hell. But I am enjoying it tho, will probably check out more from the author.
Leftist rhetoric being prevalent doesn't mean leftists themselves are have a ton of relative power.

It just means a ton of bad actors are using their rhetoric as a shield to come off as a good progressive while doing something ******, on top of their being some ****** actual leftist.

If you make every anti-capitalist leftist vanish tomorrow, the bad actors will just adopt some new talking points to hide behind.

It is mainly incumbent homeowners who are the real bad guys.

During the Mangione Gear Solid debate osh kosh bosh made a good point the main drivers of insurance cost are providers, not insurers (insurance companies do a lot of ******** and should not get a break though)

People have more scorn for the insurance companies because they are the ones that do the worst part of healthcare, collecting the payment.

So it could just be that new housing is not getting built and every left-wing person that sabotages it talks like they are some anti-corporation leftist, one might think that ideology is to blame. However, it is not a leftist ideology by itself, and that is not the reason. It is people acting out of naked self-interest, and having a lot of veto power.

Look at Dave Chapelle and his neighbors, he spent years building most of his act around antagonizing people he felt were too far left. When he and his neighbors didn't want new housing built in their communities, one of the arguments was that the affordable housing wasn't really affordable. It was too expensive, and not enough affordable units were designated. The whole thing must die because of the ****** developer.

And they threw in the usual "it changes the character of the community" BS.

Dave Chappelle is a hardcore Democrat.

Ayesha Curry can be talking about people being too woke on Twitter on Monday, trying to stop new housing in her rich neighborhood on Thursday and be at a democratic fundraiser with Steph on Saturday.

I can't buy into an idea with a political ideology that only became really salient like a decade ago being the primary driver of issues that have been around for generations.
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Really good book. Was planning on reading the second book in the series next

Currently reading this book and mannnn is it bleak as hell. But I am enjoying it tho, will probably check out more from the author.

I started reading the first one about a week ago. Very bleak subject matter for sure but very good writing, indeed.
the move to the right is not limited to southern states.

That, I know.

My statement implied a link between the political leanings of Gen Z and their literacy level, or to be more accurate, how they process the info they read

The more unexpected and worrisome changes appear in the comprehension capacities of college-aged students when they’re reading on print or digital-based mediums. In a huge meta-analysis by European researchers in the E-READ Consortium of over 170,000 subjects in 58 studies conducted between 2000 and 2017, young people were significantly better in comprehension skills when reading the same text on print, rather than on digital screens. The researchers found that print enabled higher comprehension across genres, and that this heightened comprehension became more marked when a student was being timed. Perhaps most surprisingly, the superior comprehensibility of print increased over the years: Thus, the readers most likely to be digital natives were actually comprehending text better when reading it in print, rather than on screens.

and who they trust to fact check the info:

"Within a week of actual research, we just threw out the term information literacy," says Yasmin Green, Jigsaw's CEO. Gen Zers, it turns out, are "not on a linear journey to evaluate the veracity of anything." Instead, they're engaged in what the researchers call "information sensibility" — a "socially informed" practice that relies on "folk heuristics of credibility." In other words, Gen Zers know the difference between rock-solid news and AI-generated memes. They just don't care.

Another thing that doesn't seem to have been accounted for is the impact of family planning on the political leanings of future demographics. Political affiliation is partly cultural, and religious conservative families practice family planning less than non-religuous, non-conservative families, which suggests that more young folks would have been raised in conservative families than liberal ones...

Good for Gavin,

still tho, this should the rules for the entire state. and you should be able to build whatever you want.

not limited to 110% of the original size.
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