***Official Political Discussion Thread***

At the gym listening these 16 somethings talking about "I'm voting for trump because Hilary is going to bring in all the Syrian terrorists. Trump wants to save us."

Whole campaign is built off fear mongering man I can't wait till this day is over.

16 somethings? What kind of sheltered place do they live in to be that clueless/brainwashed? :lol: :x
Considering everything, I'm not. If she campaigned for it this cycle, then I'd be surprised.

She could have slammed dunked the millenial vote. But I do think she's in favor of medicinal just not recreational use.
Trump isn't for legalization of recreational marijuana either :lol:
Watch this, the person Trump wants as his attorney general closed down porn shops in NYC that were in the vicinity of churches.
Well to be fair, Trump did say he's going to leave it up to the states to decide. It just wouldn't be legal on a federal level.
Hillary has said the same thing too.

I think we have more problems to worry about than recreational pot legalization.
Well to be fair, Trump did say he's going to leave it up to the states to decide. It just wouldn't be legal on a federal level.
Hillary has said the same thing too.

I think we have more problems to worry about than recreational pot legalization.
Trump has said a lot of things. I am still waiting for him to show proof of all the muslims that he saw cheering during 9/11.

@Deadspin I think 37 years was a good run. Divorce her *** and be free buddy.
— Joe (@ChiefHoaginton) November 8, 2016
Da Donald's own son Eric broke NY election law by photographing his ballot and posting it on twitter 
Colorado: +2.2 million

More than 2.2 million people have voted in Colorado. As of Tuesday morning, 771,745 Republicans and 753,052 Democrats have cast ballots.

Virginia: "Way up"

Elections officials in Virginia tell CNN that voter turn-out Tuesday is "way" up and "robust." In Loudoun County, at least 57,382 of 238,498 registered voters have cast their ballots as of Tuesday morning.

Georgia: Highest ever

Georgia has a final tally on its pre-election day voter turnout, and this year is officially the state's highest ever: A total of 2,381,416 ballots were cast by early vote or vote-by-mail. The secretary of state's office expects in-person turnout Tuesday will also be "significant."

Ohio: "Robust" but not record-breaking

"Based on what we have heard anecdotally, turnout this morning has been robust, but no reason to believe it record breaking," secretary of state spokesperson Matt McClellan said. He said he could not immediately say which counties had particularly heavy turnout.

Wisconsin: "Pretty strong"

Voter turnout in two of Wisconsin's most populous counties appeared strong Tuesday morning following news that the state broke records for early voting.

In Milwaukee County, turnout numbers in the morning looked "pretty strong," county Elections Director Julietta Henry said. About 30% of registered voters in the county already had voted before Tuesday. By the time Election Day ends, officials anticipate more than 70% of eligible voters will have cast ballots in the county, the state's largest, Henry said.
I don't know if it's because of a foreign POV but does anyone else find it ridiculous how some channels are reporting live from IN the actual polling stations? Like you can see folks voting in the background :rofl:

It's gotta be an American thing :lol:
I don't know if it's because of a foreign POV but does anyone else find it ridiculous how some channels are reporting live from IN the actual polling stations? Like you can see folks voting in the background

It's gotta be an American thing
I live in kind of the middle of nowhere but I have never seen anyone take pictures at the voting stations over here. Not that I could see anyway, the actual voting takes place behind a curtain so you can't see what the others are doing.

There's also plenty of voting stations everywhere so you don't have to wait in huge lines. We even have our own voting station here in my town and there's only around 2000 people living here. Voting is mandatory over here so we can't have people waiting hours in line to vote
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Well you can't see the actual ballots, but it's showing actual democracy at work.

Just thought it looked a little weird :lol:,you don't usually see TV crews at polling spots here and if you do, they stay outside.
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After Tebow's rants and backing of ninja I was positive he was voting for the fat man. Although he could have been trolling.
I never said I was a Trump supporter, I was just critical of Hillary.
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