***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The whole failed government doesn't make as some though seeing as they voted the same party back that's been in control the majority of the last 8 years. Career politician after career politician was re-elected, it's a load of crap used to mask their intolerance.
better than NO jobs sooooo...

btw right to work states that manufactures automobiles get great wages without unions.

when u lower da cost of doing business, da people have extra to push ,
on da employees.

bring on dem jobs :pimp:

Thanks. I mean that sincerly.

You said that wages are "great" in right to work states. Prove it.

here you go..

In 2009, the unemployment rate was 1.0 percentage points lower in RTW states than states without the legislation. In RTW states, it was 8.6%, In other states it was 9.6%.

thats da most important thing first, a job...then..

A 2008 editorial in The Wall Street Journal comparing job growth in Ohio and Texas stated that from 1998 to 2008, Ohio lost 10,400 jobs, while Texas gained 1,615,000. The opinion piece suggested right-to-work laws might be among the reasons for the economic expansion in Texas, along with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the absence of a state income tax in Texas.[39] Another Wall Street Journal editorial in 2012, by the president and the labor policy director of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, reported 71% employment growth in right-to-work states from 1980 to 2011, while employment in non-right-to-work states grew just 32% during the same period.[40] The 2012 editorial also stated that since 2001, compensation in right-to-work states had increased 4 times faster than in other states.[40]

I'm sitting here and I just randomly thought about the fact that the U.S. really elected Donald Trump the President.

Forget all the inflammatory rhetoric.  Forget "grab them by the pxxxy".  Forget all of that.

This MFer is really gonna be President.  Donald ************* Trump.  Like we legit have to look at his orange face and awful hair for 4 damn years.  My mind is completely blown.

America done lost its damn mind. :lol:

The illustration of dude grabbing Lady Liberty by the ***** was absolute gold and a great summary :rofl: :smh:
EJ a ******* clown for that write-up bull ****. Talking about his clear conscience.

Then he got the nerve to say give Donald Trump a chance after a year and a half of hate mongering. C'mon son. There's a take things as they are face value thing you can not ignore.

And **** your beliefs too.
Something will happen...mark my words...
You're really not going out on a limb though, this day and age
I get folks are upset but I'm tired of this world is coming to an end rhetoric especially coming from Black people who just proved they can swing a national election.

Let this motivate people to actually vote in midterms and down ballot in 4 years.

And keeping it funky if you see this happen and are on some my vote doesn't matter **** then you deserve to struggle.
(in reference to right to work)

Not disagreeing, but the latest year quoted was 2012, a lot has changed since then, and quoted a time frame of 1980-2011?

The other quote states 2001 when unions have been decreasing dramatically since then.

Just would like a bit more meat from your quotes.
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I'm sitting here and I just randomly thought about the fact that the U.S. really elected Donald Trump the President.

Forget all the inflammatory rhetoric.  Forget "grab them by the pxxxy".  Forget all of that.

This MFer is really gonna be President.  Donald ************* Trump.  Like we legit have to look at his orange face and awful hair for 4 damn years.  My mind is completely blown.

America done lost its damn mind. :lol:

60 million (or w/e) people voted for a man who received a stone cold stunner at wrestlemania to be the President of the United States of America

Just how in the **** does that happen?

This isn't real. It can't be.
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here you go..
thats da most important thing first, a job...then..

All very interesting. I'll leave aside the anti-unionism of the WSJ. I also use Wikipedia so that source is good in my book.

But how striking it is that 1) one of the editorials can't quite figure out what causes what (is it the income tax? Nafta? Right to work?) and 2) compensation is defined in the vaguest of terms. Compensation in terms of what? How about dental insurance? Medical? What kinds of labor standards underpin "compensation"?

The answers are what's at stake in a trumpian political economy. Not just "jobs" and "compensation."
I'm sitting here and I just randomly thought about the fact that the U.S. really elected Donald Trump the President.

Forget all the inflammatory rhetoric.  Forget "grab them by the pxxxy".  Forget all of that.

This MFer is really gonna be President.  Donald ************* Trump.  Like we legit have to look at his orange face and awful hair for 4 damn years.  My mind is completely blown.

America done lost its damn mind. :lol:

60 million (or w/e) people voted for a man who received a stone cold stunner at wrestlemania to be the President of the United States of America

Just how in the **** does that happen?

This isn't real. It can't be.

The fact that a rich man even wanted to be on Wrestlemania won him votes :lol:
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I'm sitting here and I just randomly thought about the fact that the U.S. really elected Donald Trump the President.

Forget all the inflammatory rhetoric.  Forget "grab them by the pxxxy".  Forget all of that.

This MFer is really gonna be President.  Donald ************* Trump.  Like we legit have to look at his orange face and awful hair for 4 damn years.  My mind is completely blown.

America done lost its damn mind. 
60 million (or w/e) people voted for a man who received a stone cold stunner at wrestlemania to be the President of the United States of America

Just how in the **** does that happen?

This isn't real. It can't be.
I'm sitting here and I just randomly thought about the fact that the U.S. really elected Donald Trump the President.

Forget all the inflammatory rhetoric.  Forget "grab them by the pxxxy".  Forget all of that.

This MFer is really gonna be President.  Donald ************* Trump.  Like we legit have to look at his orange face and awful hair for 4 damn years.  My mind is completely blown.

America done lost its damn mind. :lol:

60 million (or w/e) people voted for a man who received a stone cold stunner at wrestlemania to be the President of the United States of America

Just how in the **** does that happen?

This isn't real. It can't be.
My state elected a celebrity as a governor and when his term ended, he had a 22% approval rating
Not even surprised
America about to learn
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I mean at the end we have to give Donald a chance. I'm not happy by any means but he can prove us wrong. Maybe he will change his stance on certain things he might have said just to get votes

Did he say and inspire a hateful message? Yes and there is no denying that. But he is the president not and we have no choice. If people want change than they need to elect their respected officials that will bring about that change. Hold them accountable. But lets do it in a peaceful manner. These protests are just giving the millenials and left a bad name with the violence and damages.
A pretty hilarious after effect of Trump winning has been the tremendous moonwalking Dutere from the Philippines has been performing walking back all the disparaging things he said about America and the threats to cut off the relationship to kiss Trumps *** :lol: :lol:

got cnn on as background noise and its been pretty pro trump today.

Expect much of the MSM to fall in line as well :lol:,they don't want to risk that "access"

Van Jones is wasting away there :smh:
Van Jones is a GIANT asset right now if someone just let him talk. We need his perspective.

Agreed,I'm giving him a call if I'm HBO.
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A pretty hilarious aftereffect of Trump winning has been the moonwalking Dutere from the Philippines has been performing walking back all the disparaging things he said about America to kiss Trumps *** :lol: :lol:

got cnn on as background noise and its been pretty pro trump today.

Expect much of the MSM to fall in line as well :lol:,they don't want to risk that "access"

Van Jones is wasting away there :smh:
Van Jones is a GIANT asset right now if someone just let him talk. We need his perspective.

Agreed,I'm giving him a call if I'm HBO.

Because since Trump killed the TPP, and his talking about rolling back support in Asia, China gonna run things heavy in the region now. So Duerte wanna hedge his bets.
A pretty hilarious aftereffect of Trump winning has been the moonwalking Dutere from the Philippines has been performing walking back all the disparaging things he said about America to kiss Trumps *** :lol: :lol:

got cnn on as background noise and its been pretty pro trump today.

Expect much of the MSM to fall in line as well :lol:,they don't want to risk that "access"

Van Jones is wasting away there :smh:
Van Jones is a GIANT asset right now if someone just let him talk. We need his perspective.

Agreed,I'm giving him a call if I'm HBO.

Because since Trump killed the TPP, and his talking about rolling back support in Asia, China gonna run things heavy in the region now. So Duerte wanna hedge his bets.

I understand,it's just funny seeing such a "tough guy" flip-flop to that extent literally overnight :rofl:

It was never gonna be a smart idea for him to cut off relations
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