***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Or a personal trainer who habitually line steps and sexuality harasses any under-30 woman at the Bally Fitness he works at.
this is too specific for you to have just come up with that out of nowhere. who you know doing this b?
Hope people plaster these clowns faces all over the place to get them to show up to town halls.

Milk cartons

Need a bunch of people in chicken suits showing up everywhere they go.

Publicly shame these cowards until they have no choice.

Wouldn't be mad if tar and feathering made a comeback.

If Paul Ryan was not in politics, he looks like he would be a crooked district attorney trying to put innocent black people away for long time.

I hate that man so much
Or a personal trainer who habitually line steps and sexuality harasses any under-30 woman at the Bally Fitness he works at.

Spot on.

Or a personal trainer who habitually line steps and sexuality harasses any under-30 woman at the Bally Fitness he works at.

this is too specific for you to have just come up with that out of nowhere. who you know doing this b?
:lol: This pic:

If Paul Ryan was not in politics, he looks like he would be a crooked district attorney trying to put innocent black people away for long time.

I hate that man so much
Or a personal trainer who habitually line steps and sexuality harasses any under-30 woman at the Bally Fitness he works at.

Spot on.

Tells us all we need to know about who Paul Ryan is :lol:
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To expand Medicaid to cover everyone would have cost a **** ton more money,

keyword, I didn't say everyone, just a higher threshold where it would essentially include da working poor.

between that, employer insurance, and da boutique insurance rich folks got, da math of overall coverage would've been basically what is now available, minus da political headaches Obama gave himself.
keyword, I didn't say everyone, just a higher threshold where it would essentially include da working poor.

between that, employer insurance, and da boutique insurance rich folks got, da math of overall coverage would've been basically what is now available, minus da political headaches Obama gave himself.

fyi of all the problems obamacare has, subsidizing the working poor is not one of them.

they are either covered under the medicaid expansion or they are heavily subsidized via the exchages.

it's middle income people who are getting a raw deal.

also this doest fix the pre existing issue problem.
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a) Ninja is creating a fantasy world where Obama had this much better option, but chose not to pursue it.

b) You still want to side step the funding issue. You want tax cuts, even for the rich, yet you are saying Obama should have engaged in massive spending, where does the money come from?

c) Not only that, the ACA is way more than the marketplace or the Medicaid expansion.

People would still not be able to get insured because of preexisting conditions, marketplace plans would be more expensive and lower quality than they are now, older sicker people would be SOL, people would be kicked off insurance if their care becomes too expensive. Hell one of the best things about the ACA is not the new people it qualified for Medicaid, but there were people who qualified before but it didn't sing up because they didn't know they qualified. The ACA streamline this process.

Just stop Ninja, this is like the dollar and wanting deflation. You got some idea in your head that you don't fully understand.
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Morning Joe is so trash, the SNL spoof was more informative than the actual show itself. 

I used watch Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? when I was a child on PBS and they had the show patted down to a T. 
Official French exit polls will be released in 2 hours. Our French speaking news channel has just reported 62,5% for Macron according to a source in the French ministry of domestic affairs.

Turnout at 5PM:
Official French exit polls will be released in 2 hours. Our French speaking news channel has just reported 62,5% for Macron according to a source in the French ministry of domestic affairs.
Turnout at 5PM:

Is there anything that will make the Le Pens retire from politics forever? In any case, my fingers are crossed for a nice electoral fessee like the one Chirac gave her father years ago.

House Republicans are taking health services away from disabled children, women who give birth, and survivors of rape and sexual assault. They are consigning thousands of people with serious illnesses to death by making them uninsurable in an era of unaffordable treatment. Virtually every reputable medical organization in the country condemns the health care bill that passed the House Thursday, but the GOP clings to two reasons for passing it.

First, Republicans claim that the new legislation provides economic benefits. These benefits are unclear, though reports suggest that they entail a transfer of resources from vulnerable people to rich people. The bill passed the House without a score from the Congressional Budget Office, so we can dismiss any economic justification for it without further discussion. Passing the bill without a score from the CBO is a signal that Republican legislators are not taking the economic dimensions of this issue seriously, so we can follow their lead and move on to the heart of the matter.

The other explanation given by House Republicans for passing the bill is political. These congressmen felt they had to repeal the Affordable Care Act because they promised to do so. Most Americans have no quibble with Obamacare itself, but for Republicans, repealing it is and always has always been a way to repudiate former president Barack Obama. Since taking office, President Trump has done several things that he previously chastised Obama for, but these contradictions have had little impact on his party or their supporters. This is largely because GOP voters’ disdain for Obama and support for Trump cannot be separated from findings about racism. Studies conducted after the election confirm that racial resentment directed toward people of color predicted both overall support for Trump and voters’ propensity to switch from Obama to Trump.

GOP voters know they don’t like Obama, but they do not know Obama’s legislative record, whether it pertains to the economic recovery or health care legislation. A December 2016 poll showed that 67 percent of Trump voters believed that unemployment had risen during Obama’s tenure, even though it dramatically declined. A February 2017 poll found that one third of all Americans did not even know that Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act were the same thing. Over half of the Republicans in that poll did not know whether Medicaid would be impacted by repealing Obamacare. Medicaid will be gutted by the new bill.

So the naked truth is that racial resentment directed toward Obama set off a chain of events that will likely cause 20 million people to lose their health insurance and ignite a public health crisis of unimaginable consequence. Some time ago, I wrote about one of the myths of white supremacy: the idea that its ill effects are limited to targeted groups. I explained, “What white supremacy does, eventually, is normalize and spread the abuse, trauma, and destruction initially prescribed for targeted groups.” The damage prescribed by hateful ideologies is most severe within targeted groups, but it is never contained.

Financially secure people who criminalize and denigrate poor people for being born poor do not understand the threat that poverty poses to their own health. Those who hate and traumatize women and LGBT people do not understand how sick their idea of manhood is, and the threat that such toxic masculinity poses to their own health. Those who dehumanize people of color and people who worship different gods do not understand that ethnic cleansing is never complete. It requires the constant conjuring of new witches to hunt and more wood for the pyre, starting a fire that burns down the whole village.

Perhaps this legislative catastrophe will result in new understanding about the infectious capacity and true danger of racism, sexism, and the unmoored pursuit of profit. Disease, gruesome suffering, and undignified death are powerful forces that can redraw moral lines. But hoping for this moral awakening — for the authors of this bill and their colleagues in the Senate to suddenly realize the error of their ways — is a grave mistake. We cannot count on those who literally toast to the death of their constituents to reverse course before or after the legislation is finalized.

House Republicans refuse to be our caretakers, so we must care for each other. We must continue to call our representatives, continue to march, and prepare to vote for our lives in 2018.

Anything could happen but if Macron wins these clowns will be up in arms :lol:
That planting of misinformation was a genius tactic to get them following a different direction, knowing exactly who Wilileaks favors.

Looks like Macron da new 1789D Intercontinental Oregon Trail Champ b. N da Libbies got da tag team Champion New Age Outlawz in da Macron n Merkel b. Just goin to show M&Ms is more than Orange b :smokin

Also :lol: :smh:
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