***Official Political Discussion Thread***

What is it with these people that keep demanding graciousness despite the opposition's pervasively brash and aggressive tone? who started this ********?
Marsha Blackburn is a hard-right House Rep. from Tennessee that was on The Bigot's[emoji]8482[/emoji] transition team. 
Cuomo is a moderate with a spotty social justice record. I really don't see which faction of the Dem coalition will get excited for him

da ones worried about economic anxiety will give him whirl.

he usually places nice with IDC (independent Democratic conference state Senators who caucus with Republicans​ to blunt flagrant progressives bills and moderates em) on annual budgets.

other than banning state fracking upstate (which would've been a boon economically) and his looney idea of eventually shutting down indian point nuclear plant with no feasible power replacement in da horizon, he's been chill.

The competitive fringe in the Democratic party is now the progressive left, not the centrist left. An economic populist might do better with the white working class than a Cuomo. Albeit that might be his best demographic

Cuomo is firmly to right of both Obama and Clinton, and the IDC is hated by progressives, he seen as Wall Street friendly as well so he is dead in the water with progressives and young people

He doesn't have the record or name recognition to eat in the south.

Unless the establishment throws a ton of money and support behind him, or there is a ton of vote splitting among the coalitions, dude is going to have a tough time. And he should, he is a crappy choice.

he's a old school Democrat that can has da pragmatism & track record of being a pretty competent governor thus far, plus he's a old school Italian son of "Super" Mario Cuomo so he can turn up da showmanship & credentials when needed.

there isn't a competent über liberal in DNC with governing experience, and putting ya marbles on Lizzie Warren or Corey Booker gon look like election strategy retreads.

and god forbid ya let Hillary become a Democratic king maker and hands ya a microwave approved candidate of her choosing :x :lol:

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Cuomo is a moderate with a spotty social justice record. I really don't see which faction of the Dem coalition will get excited for him

da ones worried about economic anxiety will give him whirl.

he usually places nice with IDC (independent Democratic conference state Senators who caucus with Republicans​ to blunt flagrant progressives bills and moderates em) on annual budgets.

other than banning state fracking upstate (which would've been a boon economically) and his looney idea of eventually shutting down indian point nuclear plant with no feasible power replacement in da horizon, he's been chill.

The competitive fringe in the Democratic party is now the progressive left, not the centrist left. An economic populist might do better with the white working class than a Cuomo. Albeit that might be his best demographic

Cuomo is firmly to right of both Obama and Clinton, and the IDC is hated by progressives, he seen as Wall Street friendly as well so he is dead in the water with progressives and young people

He doesn't have the record or name recognition to eat in the south.

Unless the establishment throws a ton of money and support behind him, or there is a ton of vote splitting among the coalitions, dude is going to have a tough time. And he should, he is a crappy choice.

he's a old school Democrat that can has da pragmatism & track record of being a pretty competent governor thus far, plus he's a old school Italian son of "Super" Mario Cuomo so he can turn up da showmanship & credentials when needed.

there isn't a competent über liberal in DNC with governing experience, and putting ya marbles on Lizzie Warren or Corey Booker gon look like election strategy retreads.

and god forbid ya let Hillary become a Democratic king maker and hands ya a microwave approved candidate of her choosing :x :lol:

WTF are you even talking about.

You want to talk about governing experience when a clown with no experience just got elected and is breaking campaign promises left and right, and people don't know if he is a liar or incompetent. Lack of governing experience is not a card you or anyone of the right can pull to criticize the Dem field.

And Cuomo might be likeable to you, but he might not be likeable to the Dem base.

The Dem race will be wide open, their will be no front runner, and Cuomo's half stepping will not play nice with the base.

The base wants economic populism and a strong social justice platform. A candidate meeting those minimum qualifications is already left of Cuomo.
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Trump fired scientist on the EPA advisory board and plan to replace them with people from the energy industry

He feels people that live up the regulations are the best ones to come up with the regulations apparently

What a ******* bought buffoon
Trump fired scientist on the EPA advisory board and plan to replace them with people from the energy industry

He feels people that live up the regulations are the best ones to come up with the regulations apparently

What a ******* bought buffoon
Good ol regulatory capture 

Worked wonderfully in the financial sector 
Trump fired scientist on the EPA advisory board and plan to replace them with people from the energy industry

He feels people that live up the regulations are the best ones to come up with the regulations apparently

What a ******* bought buffoon
You are giving too much credit to Trump if you think he's the one pulling these type of moves. I don't think he even knows what the EPA even is.
But anyway, I heard the Heritage Foundation has been pulling all the behind the scenes strings for the Trump admin in regards to the bureaucracy.
Use his website. Gofccyourself. It should do a redirect I think unless that is what crashed.
I'm not that knowledgeable about healthcare, the industry, and the new proposed plan(s), but I have a question. What will be in place to stop what happened to higher education from happening in insurance? Theres competition across state lines, government subsidies, and such. Whats going to stop them from raising prices across the board? There won't be a mandate sure, but going coverageless isnt a real long term option unless you can afford it.
Cuomo is a moderate with a spotty social justice record. I really don't see which faction of the Dem coalition will get excited for him

da ones worried about economic anxiety will give him whirl.

he usually places nice with IDC (independent Democratic conference state Senators who caucus with Republicans​ to blunt flagrant progressives bills and moderates em) on annual budgets.

other than banning state fracking upstate (which would've been a boon economically) and his looney idea of eventually shutting down indian point nuclear plant with no feasible power replacement in da horizon, he's been chill.

The competitive fringe in the Democratic party is now the progressive left, not the centrist left. An economic populist might do better with the white working class than a Cuomo. Albeit that might be his best demographic

Cuomo is firmly to right of both Obama and Clinton, and the IDC is hated by progressives, he seen as Wall Street friendly as well so he is dead in the water with progressives and young people

He doesn't have the record or name recognition to eat in the south.

Unless the establishment throws a ton of money and support behind him, or there is a ton of vote splitting among the coalitions, dude is going to have a tough time. And he should, he is a crappy choice.

he's a old school Democrat that can has da pragmatism & track record of being a pretty competent governor thus far, plus he's a old school Italian son of "Super" Mario Cuomo so he can turn up da showmanship & credentials when needed.

there isn't a competent über liberal in DNC with governing experience, and putting ya marbles on Lizzie Warren or Corey Booker gon look like election strategy retreads.

and god forbid ya let Hillary become a Democratic king maker and hands ya a microwave approved candidate of her choosing :x :lol:

WTF are you even talking about.

You want to talk about governing experience when a clown with no experience just got elected and is breaking campaign promises left and right, and people don't know if he is a liar or incompetent. Lack of governing experience is not a card you or anyone of the right can pull to criticize the Dem field.

And Cuomo might be likeable to you, but he might not be likeable to the Dem base.

The Dem race will be wide open, their will be no front runner, and Cuomo's half stepping will not play nice with the base.

The base wants economic populism and a strong social justice platform. A candidate meeting those minimum qualifications is already left of Cuomo.

only da Fringe left is going that haaaard on social justice, da mainstream left wants jobs & opportunities.

Bernie Sanders wasn't even a Social Justice candidate, he was a economic populist that had to adopt social justice themes after BLM kept harassing him on da campaign circuit.

Cuomo just passed free college for NY State, who else got that Democratic​ political phallic device to whip around to a potential electorate?

between now & 2020 where's da candidates? Booker? he was besties with Jeff Sessions till it was politically expedient not to be...im surrrre da Democratic Fringe will love that.
Welp so his tweets get confirmed as fake news once again :lol: :lol:

@NBCNews: EXCLUSIVE: Obama warned Trump against hiring Flynn as national security adviser, three former Obama administration officials tell NBC News
Every time I step back in here all I see is Da Libbies disreking Da Don B. Be gracious B and save Da 12 months of salary B.
Welp so his tweets get confirmed as fake news once again
@NBCNews: EXCLUSIVE: Obama warned Trump against hiring Flynn as national security adviser, three former Obama administration officials tell NBC News
I don't see no reporting from Fox & Friends there b

Get your fake news MSM outta here
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"Nobody".. like really "nobody".. like really really?

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Wonder how this is gonna turn out
One of President Trump's top priorities will get a test in court Monday when a federal appeals court in Richmond, Va., hears arguments about the legality of his revised travel ban.

His first executive order restricting visitors from a handful of majority-Muslim countries provoked chaos at airports across the country in January. Federal judges stepped in to block the order, partly because it included legal permanent residents, who have rights under the U.S. Constitution.

Weeks later, the White House issued a new order, dropping Iraq from the list of countries whose travelers faced restrictions and making clear green-card holders would not be covered.

But those changes were not enough for immigrant advocates and refugee aid groups, who continue to challenge the revised travel ban as an unconstitutional attack on Muslims.

"President Trump publicly committed himself to an indefensible goal: banning Muslims from coming to the United States," wrote lawyers for the International Refugee Assistance Project.

Refugee groups and individuals separated from family members overseas said they are taking the president at his own word: trying to use public statements by Trump and his aides during the campaign and after to prove the order is motivated by religious animus.

Omar C. Jadwat, a lawyer at the American Civil Liberties Union, will handle the oral argument in Richmond for the plaintiffs. They claim the new executive order violates the Constitution's Establishment Clause, which requires the government to adopt a neutral approach to religion, and a 1965 federal immigration law that bars discrimination on the basis of national origin.

The Justice Department is countering that the president enjoys sweeping authority at the border — an outgrowth of his responsibility to protect and defend national security. The court filing by the Trump administration described the revised order as a "temporary suspension of entry," or a chance to pause and come up with better vetting procedures.

Acting Solicitor General Jeffrey B. Wall will argue that the court doesn't need to delve any deeper into statements by the president or his advisers, because national security alone is a legitimate basis for the travel ban. The order itself makes no mention of religion, the government's court papers said.

But 42 former national security officials filed their own court brief to disagree. They said there's no legitimate basis for restricting visitors from the six countries: Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Actually, their filing said, not a single American has died in a terrorist attack on U.S. soil at the hands of someone from those six nations in the past 40 years.

On the other hand, several states including Alabama, Arizona, Florida, South Carolina and Texas have weighed in on behalf of the Trump administration.

No court ruling is expected Monday from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit. But that case does not signal the end of the road. In fact, in one week, on May 15, a different federal appeals court, the 9th Circuit, will hear arguments in a similar case brought by the state of Hawaii. 

The U.S. Supreme Court could be the ultimate decider.
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