***Official Political Discussion Thread***

President pressured staff to grant security clearance to Ivanka Trump

Trump Ordered Officials to Give Jared Kushner a Security Clearance

Officials rejected Jared Kushner for top secret security clearance, but were overruled
Jared Kushner was rejected for a top-secret clearance by two career security specialists, but their supervisor overruled them and approved him, sources say.
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clearance? no big deal right guys?!
I have a feeling there is something in Bernie's tax he doesn't want us to see. And his team is waiting for the right time to drop it so he can spin it.
I have a feeling there is something in Bernie's tax he doesn't want us to see. And his team is waiting for the right time to drop it so he can spin it.

Whatever it is, will get beat to death.. has dude not be paying attention to how politics role

I mean he is a while male.. but he's on the wrong side for it to just go away, now
I have a feeling there is something in Bernie's tax he doesn't want us to see. And his team is waiting for the right time to drop it so he can spin it.

If this were 1992 and we were living at the "End of History," maybe the revelation of a slightly lower than market interest rate for mortgage on his lake side vacation home would be a campaign and career destroying scandal. However, this is 2019, we have 11 years to decisively defeat impending ecological calamity and economic crisis that will happen sooner than that. The only Presidential candidate who gives us a fighting chance to avert and turn those impending disasters into a safer and more humane world in the 2020's is Bernie Sanders.

So I really don't give a damn if he drives an Audi or got a nice advance on his book deal or wears a high quality parka. Left politics is not a about some personal cult of aestheticism, it is about fighting to change unjust systems. So if Jane Sanders had Snake from Simpsons hitch an entire Vermont liberal arts college to the back of a truck, drove that truck to Mexico, sold the college and laundered Bernie's cut of the money through one of Bernie's book deals, that's a small price to pay for not having my kids die in boiling sea water by the time they're 34.

Hillary supporters were willing and able to not only tolerate but defend her 1880's, Gilded Age style, quid pro quo speeches on Wall Street because Clinton's main message was "I will not disrupt or challenge you, America's economic winners, America is already great so carry on." Harris sells the same message and that is why her supporters call her a champion of civil rights even when she staked out legal position that were to the right of Antonin Scalia in order to keep mostly black and brown bodies under carceral control so as to have a pool of slave labor in order to fight the wild fires that imperil the Estates of California'a Aristocracy.

Donald Trump's uncountable crimes both those which violate the letter and spirit of the law as well as those crimes against decades' worth of norms and decency in our politics, were not only forgiven but seen as laudable by his supporters. His supporters believe that Trump is saving them from the rape of their daughters, expropriation of their property and the loss of social capital associated with whiteness.

As long as a politician can protect a big group of people from either real or perceived threats, they are unsinkable. So even if it turns out that when Bernie was Mayor of Burlington he operated an annual lottery where the loser got stoned to death, Me and Rose emoji twitter be like "that's no good but I don't care, I want my kids to have a habitable planet by the time they're my age."

It’s worth mentioning that this article attributes a lot this to increased “take home” savings due to the tax plan. But that in itself raises a lot of questions and pokes holes through a lot of conservative economic “logic”. One being that this trade war will allow American suppliers to be more competitive, and the other that with the tax saving Americans would buy more American made goods. But I’m actuality, with more money in their pockets, American’s are still purchasing cheaply made Chinese goods and at whatever higher costs associated with the tariffs. This says a lot about either American made goods, or the suppliers of those goods.
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