***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Behold the tactical genius. When the "bad hombres" rush the wall, shoot them in the legs to slow them down.
Also, prepare a cost analysis for fortifying the wall with a trench filled with alligators and/or snakes.
A seasoned alligator wrestler could perhaps overcome the alligators but there is no such thing as a snake wrestler. Checkmate libs.

On a more serious note, that is ****** up. How do you even begin to prepare a cost analysis for some kind of deranged alligator torture pit? The reports of Trump offering pre-emptive pardons to Border officials makes a lot more sense now given the reported "shoot them in the legs" remark.
Shoot Them in the Legs, Trump Suggested: Inside His Border War




"Just shoot[ing] [drones] out of the sky" is plainly illegal.

Trump's current DHS Director issues a public statement that he has lost control of the agency. Apparently he has also lost control of his spine to resign in protest.
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so if we fast forward a little bit, I wonder what happens when this moves to the senate.
wonder how many, if any, republicans turn on trump...
Weren't the DNC and RNC hacked at the same time? The only way I see the Senate turns on Trump is if the kompromat Russia has on the GOP becomes public.

She had a table set up at the Burna Boy concert in Prospect Park in BK this summer. She was literally the only candidate invited to the cookout.

She’s got my vote.
Bernie Sanders’ Fund-Raising Haul: $25.3 Million in Third Quarter
The large total for his 2020 presidential bid reflected the senator’s continued strength with small-dollar donors.

$19 average donation


Laugh now................CRY LATER. I promise you!!
RustyShackleford RustyShackleford Going full "Show ignored content" in here over Warren

Spare me famb.

Dude started with me with his nonsense. Bernie track record of buffoonery far outpaces Warren's, and I have been critical of Warren for hers.

Just because I say Bernie should do better with black voters and race issues, dude wants to say I am demanding I sound like Malcom X just to be flippant. More often than not Bernie supporters have a bigger issue with someone calling Bernie out than the objection being made. Especially ole boy.
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Klobuchar as our pivot in midfield gonna have our backline exposed smh
Klobs is going in hard on opponents. Need to hope she doesn't throw some hand salads into the opponents faces. Beto and Kamala going hard on the attack, definitely taking it to the opposing mids and getting into their seats by the end of the season. Got NO questions on how good Joe is with tracking back, but Julian is still young and may get caught out too often. Good thing we've got the Mayors holding down the back line, their experience in running **** will help secure the defensive line.

I expect Warren and Bernie to put up big numbers and compete for the Golden Ticket, but Yang on the left of those two is an interesting idea. I see flashes of brilliance with Yang from time to time, but not sure he can keep it together for a full top flight campaign.

Throw Steyer into the net, and let him do his thing with keeping impressive sheets and commanding his team, and I think we might stand a chance against the typical oil money infused superteam.
Correct me if I'm wrong here but isn't the deflection of the rise of white supremacist rhetoric as "economic anxiety" wholly owned by Bernie?

Comes down to it though, if he's the guy, he's the guy. Hell I'd vote for this watered down cup of bubble tea with the ice all melted.
Nah, it was shared by him, his supporters (online and in many far left outlets), and the entire right wing.

It was a pushback against liberals that claim white Trump voters, even the Obama to Trump flips, were motivated because of regressive racial views.

However after Trump started getting extra racist and his polls numbers didn't budge with white folk, Charlottesville happening, and political scientist pretty much showing the "economic anxiety" argument is ********, the talking point kind of died down on the left.

Furthermore with the midterms many of the left's gains came from women and people of color. Those groups are generally not so welcoming of absolving problematic white people of their buffoonery.

But yeah at the end of the day I would vote for dude in the general, of course. It just like Biden, Yang, and Gabbard, I really don't want to be put in that situation. But if the lie of Bernie Sanders being some Socialist Superhero come to save America and all the black people from a capitalist doom wins the day, then we fight on that lie.

Spare me famb.

Dude started with me with his nonsense. Bernie track record of buffoonery far outpaces Warren's.

Just because I say Bernie should do better with black voters and race issues, dude says I am demanding I sound like Malcom X just to be flippant. More often than not Bernie supporters have a bigger issue with someone calling Bernie out than the objection being made. Especially ole boy.
Fam if being the first choice amongst black Millenials isn't doing better to appeal to black voters then idk what else you want from the guy. Did he make some mistake in 16'? Yeah, but he's making attempts and succeeding at fixing some of them.

I can't say the same for Warren, who seems to only apologize at photo ops and other media events where it makes her look good. Where is Warren's apologies and promises to Native American voters after all of the strides she made pretending to be Native when it was convenient for her career? Seems far more egregious and forboding imo than not spending more time addressing the demographics of your first presidential campaign, where you weren't given the full support of your own political party. If she's cool with lying to advance her career and finally giving a consolation apology when her bluff is called, then what else is she cool with lying about?

Yall give Bernie so much **** in this thread for things he's either fixed, made amends with, or retracted but suddenly forget about Warren's past as if she's a saint. I don't get it.
Fam if being the first choice amongst black Millenials isn't doing better to appeal to black voters then idk what else you want from the guy. Did he make some mistake in 16'? Yeah, but he's making attempts and succeeding at fixing some of them.

I can't say the same for Warren, who seems to only apologize at photo ops and other media events where it makes her look good. Where is Warren's apologies and promises to Native American voters after all of the strides she made pretending to be Native when it was convenient for her career? Seems far more egregious and forboding imo than not spending more time addressing the demographics of your first presidential campaign, where you weren't given the full support of your own political party. If she's cool with lying to advance her career and finally giving a consolation apology when her bluff is called, then what else is she cool with lying about?

Yall give Bernie so much **** in this thread for things he's either fixed, made amends with, or retracted but suddenly forget about Warren's past as if she's a saint. I don't get it.
Fam if being the first choice amongst black Millenials isn't doing better to appeal to black voters then idk what else you want from the guy. Did he make some mistake in 16'? Yeah, but he's making attempts and succeeding at fixing some of them.

I can't say the same for Warren, who seems to only apologize at photo ops and other media events where it makes her look good. Where is Warren's apologies and promises to Native American voters after all of the strides she made pretending to be Native when it was convenient for her career? Seems far more egregious and forboding imo than not spending more time addressing the demographics of your first presidential campaign, where you weren't given the full support of your own political party. If she's cool with lying to advance her career and finally giving a consolation apology when her bluff is called, then what else is she cool with lying about?

Yall give Bernie so much **** in this thread for things he's either fixed, made amends with, or retracted but suddenly forget about Warren's past as if she's a saint. I don't get it.

Black millennials?? What in the world are you talking about?? Real black people who actually are going to vote will not vote for Bernie Sanders. That’s just the bottom line. Don’t give some random unattached black person that’s going to vote for Bernie, I’m talking about black people as a whole. Black people simply are not voting and will not vote for Bernie Sanders, he’s wasting his time. That’s why he won’t win the Democratic nomination, he simply doesn’t have OUR backing and rightly so.
It seems you didn't read my post carefully, she apologized, sure, I didn't deny that. What I did say was that she's done nothing but say what she will do IF she wins. You posting this as a response to my post was exactly the point I was trying to make about this thread's reaction to Sanders vs Warren. Warren does the least and yall are pleased, no questioning afterward no doubts just satisfaction that she did enough for the press to look good. In contrast to you guys writing DWalk length paragraphs about what Sanders did or didn't do 3-4 years ago. The contrast in the reactions here is wild.

But it's Sander supports who are drinking the kool aid
Black millennials?? What in the world are you talking about?? Real black people who actually are going to vote will not vote for Bernie Sanders. That’s just the bottom line. Don’t give some random unattached black person that’s going to vote for Bernie, I’m talking about black people as a whole. Black people simply are not voting and will not vote for Bernie Sanders, he’s wasting his time. That’s why he won’t win the Democratic nomination, he simply doesn’t have OUR backing and rightly so.
So, lemme get this right. Black millennials aren't real black people? And they're unattached as well? I can't take this post seriously :lol:

This is a very underrated bit you got going here :lol:
Fam if being the first choice amongst black Millenials isn't doing better to appeal to black voters then idk what else you want from the guy. Did he make some mistake in 16'? Yeah, but he's making attempts and succeeding at fixing some of them.

I can't say the same for Warren, who seems to only apologize at photo ops and other media events where it makes her look good. Where is Warren's apologies and promises to Native American voters after all of the strides she made pretending to be Native when it was convenient for her career? Seems far more egregious and forboding imo than not spending more time addressing the demographics of your first presidential campaign, where you weren't given the full support of your own political party. If she's cool with lying to advance her career and finally giving a consolation apology when her bluff is called, then what else is she cool with lying about?

Yall give Bernie so much **** in this thread for things he's either fixed, made amends with, or retracted but suddenly forget about Warren's past as if she's a saint. I don't get it.
You are pedaling a ton of straw man arguments.

I said have said multiple times that he needed to improve specifically with Southern black voters. In 2016 he was doing better with younger black people that Clinton, that still was not enough. I specially said he needed to improve his support with black southern votes, a demographic he ignored and ****ted on last cycle. So please let is not act like somehow I am moving the goalpost. Your argument seems to read like "black is black", so what's the problem.

His black voter support (favorability ratings don't count) has not increased enough over 2016, especially with southern black voters, that is why he is sitting in 3rd right now. The problem his has with expanding his base still exist. A problem he himself thought he might not need to address months ago.

-I have criticized Warren for her actions on Native Americans multiple times. I talk about how it spoke to a general sense of white entitlement. But I fail to see how her ancestry goof has to do with addressing the concerns of black voters, and trying to improve her support within the black community?

Furthermore when she was outchea with Bernie spewing nostalgia politics, I criticized her in here too. I also criticized her for her previous timid response to race issues, and her being a Republican even during the height of Bush and Reagan's racist appeals. So please miss he with implication that I give her a pass on her shortcomings. Bernie has just put in more work on the buffoon circuit in recent years than Liz.

But I am not gonna respect these "they can't be trusted" arguments Bernie supporters like to make against other candidates. Even the argument breaks down, one of these always gets pulled out. If I would bring up some sucka **** Bernie did in the past and argue no one should trust him (which i don't), every Bernie supporter would take issue with this. Yet it free game to insinuate that about other candidates can't be trusted, based on flimsy evidence.

Like I told @red mpls Bernie Sanders is most other politician for me, there is not that makes him anymore or less trustworthy because I know the constraints politicians face. So I trust Warren just as much as I trust Sanders

People don't have to criticize other candidates on balance for criticisms of Bernie to be allowed. Good for Bernie for trying to do better, but that doesn't mean legitimate criticism of him somehow instantly have to be stopped. Ole boy tried to call me out on some hypocrisy that I was not even committing, and you are doing the same. Dude came at me with some ******** but somehow the issue that I took time to answer him in detail. Famb, miss me with this.

I swear most Bernie supporters love pulling everyone else's files, claim that anything from a candidates pat should disqualify them, then cry bloody murder when the spotlight is put on Bernie.
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You are pedaling a ton of straw man arguments.

I said have said multiple times that he needed to improve specifically with Southern black voters. In 2016 he was doing better with younger black people that Clinton, that still was not enough. I specially said he needed to improve his support with black southern votes, a demographic he ignored and ****ted on last cycle. So please let is not act like somehow I am moving the goalpost. Your argument seems to read like "black is black", so what's the problem.

His black voter support (favorability ratings don't count) has not increased enough over 2016, that is why he is sitting in 3rd right now. The problem his has with expanding his base still exist. A problem he himself thought he might not need to address months ago.

-I have criticized Warren for her actions on Native Americans multiple times. I talk about how it spoke to a general sense of white entitlement. But I fail to see how her ancestry goof has to do with addressing the concerns of black voters, and trying to improve her support within the black community?

Furthermore when she was outchea with Bernie spewing nostalgia politics, I criticized her in here too. I also criticized her for her previous timid response to race issues, and her being a Republican even during the height of Bush and Reagan's racist appeals. So please miss he with implication that I give her a pass on her shortcomings. Bernie has just put in more work on the buffoon circuit in recent years than Liz.

But I am not gonna respect these "they can't be trusted" arguments Bernie supporters like to make against other candidates. Even the argument breaks down, one of these always gets pulled out. If I would bring up some sucka **** Bernie did in the past and argue no one should trust him (which i don't), every Bernie supporter would take issue with this. Yet it free game to insinuate that about other candidates can't be trusted, based on flimsy evidence.

Like I told @red mpls Bernie Sanders is most other politician for me, there is not that makes him anymore or less trustworthy because I know the constraints politicians face.

People don't have to criticize other candidates on balance for criticisms of Bernie to be allowed. Good for Bernie for trying to do better, but that doesn't mean legitimate criticism of him somehow instantly have to be stopped. Ole boy tried to call me out on some hypocrisy that I was not even committing, and you are doing the same.

I swear most Bernie supporters love pulling everyone else's files, claim that anything from a candidates pat should disqualify them, then cry bloody murder when the spotlight is put on Bernie.
If her suddenly becoming Native American in college and when she was a lawyer when it would benefit her the most is considered "flimsy evidence" then Dwalk is right about every instance of "due process" being ignored and violated against Trump.

Don't even get me started on those ******** *** statist polls that had Trump losing big in 16' real good those "analysts" like Nate Silver were in their predictions.

Nor will bother arguing with you over black voters in the south, we had that one a few months and I doubt neither of us are going to budge.

And I'm not making some imagined hypocrisy, yall never go at Warren with the same ferocity yall do with Sanders nor do yall critic Warren demos she's failing in reaching. It's literally never mentioned or brought up. But anytime someone has something good to say about Bernie, the same old tired **** comes out. :lol:
If her suddenly becoming Native American in college and when she was a lawyer when it would benefit her the most is considered "flimsy evidence" then Dwalk is right about every instance of "due process" being ignored and violated against Trump.

Don't even get me started on those bull**** *** statist polls that had Trump losing big in 16' real good those "analysts" like Nate Silver were in their predictions.

Nor will bother arguing with you over black voters in the south, we had that one a few months and I doubt neither of us are going to budge.

And I'm not making some imagined hypocrisy, yall never go at Warren with the same ferocity yall do with Sanders nor do yall critic Warren demos she's failing in reaching. It's literally never mentioned or brought up. But anytime someone has something good to say about Bernie, the same old tired **** comes out. :lol:
-First off what are your rambling about. You are trying to make the leap that since she supposedly lied about one thing, she can't be trusted. And I am saying that alone is filmy evidence to make that argument that she somehow can't be trusted.

Bernie claims he only voted for the crime bill because of the Violence Against Women act but the proceeding behavior makes that look like a damn lie.

Bernie claims that he has alway been for bank regulation, but he refuses to answer as to why he voted for Commodity Futures Modernization Act.

You don't see me saying flat out he can't be trust on his word over these instances? I would bet money you would never. But you apply a different standard to other candidates.

So you can keep pulling Dwalk name out the air to try and insult me, but you are argument is still flimsy as ****.

-You seem to don't understand polling, probability, and especially Silver's model if you think that he just had it as a lock. Silver model was actually most favorable for Trump and he is the one that wanted the alarm that Trump was within the polling error for the race was much closer that other analyst have it. In other words he was saying it was a toss up. So I dunno what the hell you are even trying to call out (staist polls :lol:) except rant about someone that is not to fond of Bernie. Per usual

-Yeah I'm not budging because I am not gonna believe some alt-facts that make it seem like the world is unfairly against Bernie. So yeah, you can save your breath on that.

-So now it is not that I don't criticize her, is that I don't go at her hard enough for your liking. Since he is your favorite person right now, like I told @dwalk31 , you don't have say over the content and tone of other members post. You are straight bull ****ting to say people haven't criticized Warren.

All that is happening is that she is now a threat to your boy Bernie so you want to rant and complain about some unfair treatment that doesn't exist.

So again, spare me.
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By the way, Warren being a woman already made her a diversity hire. So her claiming to be Native American didn't improve her job prospects. That it why it seems so idiotic, because there was no benefit to be again professionally.

So maybe you need to consult the fry cook at check you evidence before you present it.
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I just want to take time I point out how nonsensical the criticism of Warren supporters are.

Dudes are mad at folk for supporting the person Bernie himself wanted to run in 2016.
-First off what are your rambling about. You are trying to make the leap that since she supposedly lied about one thing, she can't be trusted. And I am saying that alone is filmy evidence to make that argument that she somehow can't be trusted.

Bernie claims he only voted for the crime bill because of the Violence Against Women act but the proceeding behavior makes that look like a damn lie.

Bernie claims that he has alway been for bank regulation, but he refuses to answer as to why he voted for Commodity Futures Modernization Act.

You don't see me saying flat out he can't be trust on his word over these instances? I would bet money you would never. But you apply a different standard to other candidates.

So you can keep pulling Dwalk name out the air to try and insult me, but you are argument is still flimsy as ****.

-You seem to don't understand polling, probability, and especially Silver's model if you think that he just had it as a lock. Silver model was actually most favorable for Trump and he is the one that wanted the alarm that Trump was within the polling error for the race was much closer that other analyst have it. So I dunno what the hell you are even trying to call out except rant about someone that is not to fond of Bernie. Per usual

-Yeah I'm not budging because I am not gonna believe some alt-facts that make it seem like the world is unfairly against Bernie. So yeah, you can save your breath on that.

-So now it is not that I don't criticize her, is that I don't go at her hard enough for your liking. Since he is your favorite person right now, like I told @dwalk31 , you don't have say over the content and tone of other members post. You are straight bull ****ting to say people don't criticize Warren.

All that is happening is that she is now a threat to your boy Bernie so you want to rant and complain about some unfair treatment that doesn't exist.

So again, spare me.
Bernie's voting for two bills isn't in the same league as Warren knowingly lying about her being Native American to further career. The two aren't even comparable. The other candidates besides Joe (who everyone conveniently does make a fool of and critics weekly) haven't to my knowledge lied or pivoted on a lie, hence me not holding them to a standard that wouldn't apply to them. My mistrust of Warren isn't unfounded, but if you think it is then great.

Nate is simply one of the most popular "analysts" around in the political realm, me pointing him out specifically was just a way to add a face to an industry given far too much credibility. Nor did I imply that he had 16' for Hillary as a lock, that's more insinuating again.

Thanks for admitting that you do softball when it comes to Warren, you said it in a very lib way but you admitting it is all that matters. :lol:

Joe Biden is a threat to Bernie as well, I notice I never bothered to even mention him, again more insinuating....
By the way, Warren being a woman already made her a diversity hire. So her claiming to be Native American didn't improve her job prospects. That it why it seems so idiotic, because there was no benefit to be again professionally.
How do you know this? Please, provide me the insight into how specific colleges and employers check for minorities.
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