***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Bernard getting heart surgery? Primetime about to come out that hospital with an extra battery pack installed, hitting a 4.2 40 to the next debate.
This is more insinuation towards me. You continue with claiming that I think black people are some how a monolith with no proof, then even more with claiming that I just want people to go easy on him and coddle when that's not something I ever cared about. My problem with the libs here is that same vim and vigor isn't directed towards Warren but we all know why that is, there's literally no point in me arguing this anymore. I only bring up Brenard's modern strides because you're critiques of are mostly aimed at his past actions.
You lack such self awareness that you don't realize that your criticism of Warren is based on past actions.

Yes please stop, please do that. I'm tired of the pearl clutching.
I don't know if it's the best idea to retain the lawyer who dangled a pardon to Flynn in a phonecall, while also requesting a "heads up" on incriminating information against the president after Flynn revoked the joint-defense agreement and started cooperating.
I feel that a "love" of capitalism in a time where it's so obviously failing many people is ridiculous and big red flag imo.

Is not M4A not a policy that Brenard popularized and one that Warren hitched a ride on with her on changes?
It's not like she "loves" capitalism now. Like, when was the last time she expressed this love for capitalism?

What did she support before M4A? The idea that Bernie gets to "claim" M4A is weird to me.
You lack such self awareness that you don't realize that your criticism of Warren is based on past actions.

Yes please stop, please do that. I'm tired of the pearl clutching.
You're arguing two inequivalent things here, one is a personal failing, the other is a failure in voter outreach.
Michael Flynn in his guilty plea and under oath to judge Sullivan:
I take full responsibility for the crime I committed, I am most definitely guilty. Everything in the plea is accurate. Please sentence me accordingly.

Also Michael Flynn:
Dear Mr. Barr, please dismiss this entire witchhunt prosecution against me, I did nothing wrong. Please do justice for me.
I'm not withdrawing my guilty plea by the way, nor my statement under oath that reaffirmed I am in fact guilty.

It's not like she "loves" capitalism now. Like, when was the last time she expressed this love for capitalism?

What did she support before M4A? The idea that Bernie gets to "claim" M4A is weird to me.
I didn't say Brenard get credit or the claim to M4A, I said that he brought it to the mainstream. That'd be like saying Obama is the only guy who deserves claim to Obamacare.

As for her love of capitalism, she's called herself one for many times. I doubt I need to link anything here.
Snake filled moats along an entire border. What in THEE f**k?

I didn't say Brenard get credit or the claim to M4A, I said that he brought it to the mainstream. That'd be like saying Obama is the only guy who deserves claim to Obamacare.

As for her love of capitalism, she's called herself one for many times. I doubt I need to link anything here.
You used her "adopting Sander's positions" as an argument against her. I'm not sure what your point of this was if not to criticize her for supporting different policies and suggesting that Bernie owns those policies.
There's plenty to critic about Warren (being a repub for until the 90's, here love captialism, and adoption of Sander's positions when it again became convenient to her campaign) but as you and most here won't admit is that they're simply a matter of opinion about how I as a voter would go about things.
I think I've asked twice now what the relevance is to bringing up her "love" for capitalism. You haven't given me an answer.

On Feb. 11, 2019, President Donald Trump held a Make America Great Again rally at the El Paso County Coliseum. One month later, the city of El Paso sent the campaign a bill for $470,417.05, to cover the cost of police and fire department expenses along with other emergency services required for the presidential visit. Four months later, the city tacked on a one-time late fee of $98,787.58. According to the city, the Trump campaign has yet to pay any of the $569.204.63 that's owed.
You used her "adopting Sander's positions" as an argument against her. I'm not sure what your point of this was if not to criticize her for supporting different policies and suggesting that Bernie owns those policies.

I think I've asked twice now what the relevance is to bringing up her "love" for capitalism. You haven't given me an answer.
Nowhere did I say or imply that Bernie owns or created m4a that would an absurd claim but sure if you need to imagine more things to comment about go ahead.

The relevance of it is lost in me and Rust's back and forths, of which you weren't involved in. Why you want to be idk, but again, if you need something to comment about then go ahead.
Yeah, I'm sure the guy who doesn't want billionaires to exist enjoys capitalism.
Yes the guy that said America need to go back to the New Deal Era, the guy that said our economies need to be more like the Nordic countries, the guy that wants to lower drug cost by increasing supply from Canada, the guy who wants to lower medical cost through increasing the bargaining power of the payer, the guy that argued that M4A will cause more hospitals to open in under served areas because of an increase in potential revenue like some capitalist systems too.

Bernie likes capitalism when he think they can get to his goals. And that is a positive thing.

Both Warren, Sanders, and most progressive liberals are social democrats advocate for mixed economies that include some capitalist systems, some socialist systems, some public universal programs, regulation.

It is not some binary argument over unfettered capitalism and full blown socialism. It is a much more nuanced discussion.

Especially when it comes to people as close as Warren v Sanders

You are apply a purity test without knowing the details of said test.
Snake filled moats along an entire border. What in THEE f**k?

Correction: A moat filled with alligators or snakes

Also, I'm struggling to recall the tweet but Fox News has confirmed the part of the NYT report that stated Trump suggested shooting the immigrants in the legs to slow them down after aides told him it would be illegal to shoot them if they threw rocks.
I believe it. Foreign governments donated generously to the Clinton Foundation, now that she's out they book Trump's hotels. Non-western aligned governments in particular couldn't give a damn who's in power. They'll pay to play with who ever's in the oval office.
The most common form of high level corruption is paying for fictitious services, having non-existent employees on the books, or hiring somebody just so they can be on the company/government payroll.

Kinda like how Trump Sr used to have Donald as building manager/architect/rent collector, even though he was not even a teen.
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