***Official Political Discussion Thread***


cut Collins some slack.

I believe she’ll learn her lesson from this tiny TINY mishap :pimp:
We’re never gonna have a female President :smh:

Warren not even winning in her own state SMH.

Bernie will definitely pick up all these Warren voters nationwide tho. All these states Biden is winning in the North, Midwest would have looked a lot different if Warren dropped out.

warren blew it when she got shook can played both sides

A centrist progressive

I mean if I rather vote Joe than someone who so soft they flip at the slightest chance.

joe is who he is and Burn is who is.

warren lost her identity and as a result her whole polictcal career.

progressive don’t want her and the establishment well she could go to them. They don’t want her tho cause she was a progressive. Lmao
Bernie supporters see socialism as a refund for their mistakes. A smaller subsection are sheltered wealthy individuals that can afford an idealist that loses by 20 points in 8 months.

health care is a refund on what mistake.

now student loan forgiveness nah Fam you pay those loans. YOU TOOK!!!

as for the future I don’t mind making it free for them.

What's the moral distance between someone who speaks of alternative facts and someone who makes this kind of impressionistic, snarky, non-evidence-based garbage?

Blackintellect, my ***.

Bringing in morality where it doesn't belong, where have I heard this before? Tough night for you eh.

It's anecdotal to my friend/associate group sure. I'll admit that.
I told you and many other dudes where black voters (rather People Of Color as @rolaholic would say or AA’s as @Wargames as likes to say........no not Duracell batteries my friends but African Americans or AA’s as @Wargames likes to say as he prefers shorthand) would go. WE were not going to go with Bernie Sanders for many reasons......many many many many reasons. We can discuss that later.

Right now however as I will reiterate again the Democratic Party lives and dies with the black community (rather People Of Color as @rolaholic likes you say or AA’s.....well let’s just say black people once @Wargames comes around to respecting himself and the community he claims to come from).

Why do people think a bunch of folks that can still be claimed on other people’s taxes as dependents are going to massively swing an election. Shame on you dudes for thinking such. Young voters are helpful but you can’t count on them to be your driving force. That’s where Bernie Sanders and his supporters messed up....shout out to @red mpls, @malikdagoat, ajiiiplatinum ajiiiplatinum .....and a list of others delusional Bernie bro’s that are feeling the pressure right about now. I told you dudes.......LOL.

Its cool playa
just have to recut movie.

Sanders so far tonite

Biden in confederate states

Biden during his speech in LA

Sanders as California and Texas get closer

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Bernie supporters see socialism as a refund for their mistakes. [/B]A smaller subsection are sheltered wealthy individuals that can afford an idealist that loses by 20 points in 8 months.

Like going to college? Not having rich parents? Getting sick?

This is why if Sanders is not the nominee, lots of voters will sit this out. Your belief, that poverty is due to moral failings, is hegemonic among all of the Republican Party and much of the Democratic Party. Bernie is seen as the only one, in the Presidential Race, whose world does not equate poverty to moral failings.
Like going to college? Not having rich parents? Getting sick?

This is why if Sanders is not the nominee, lots of voters will sit this out. Your belief, that poverty is due to moral failings, is hegemonic among all of the Republican Party and much of the Democratic Party. Bernie is seen as the only one, in the Presidential Race, whose world does not equate poverty to moral failings.
For your first point, going to college is NOT a right, it isn't even a good choice for half the people there now.

As for not having rich parents, I didn't have nor do I feel that poverty is an indication of character or worth. I do however, feel that an individual is not abdicated from ANY responsibility, but to hell with MY beliefs. This is about the direction of the country. I also know the danger of conflating "moral" issues with economic ones, and having a pragmatic plan does not make me an opponent of change, quite the opposite.

For the last point, Joe Biden and Barack gave us the only major domestic reform in the last 50 years. I would like to build on it as opposed to tear it down. I think a public option is the way, but the problem with Bernie supporters is there is no middle ground. You are a bootsraps republican in disguise and part of the establishment if you don't fall in line. I don't want ANYONES vote that voted for Trump anyway.
I wanted Prime to swag out tonight over Joey. The prospect of having to vote for Joe Biden at the top of the ticket is kinda making me a lil sick.

But I would be lying if I didn't tell you brahs that I am enjoying the **** out of watching the Bernie supporting media flip their ****. Young Turks in shambles, right now they brainstorming ideas of how Bernie smoothe the fears of voters so they will be more willing to vote for him. Damn, it was all good just a week ago :lol: :lol:

I share this same sentiment. The comment section on the young Turks posts is pure gold right now. On another note, didn’t Cenk get pissed because their employees tried to unionize. I gotta read more about it. But I skimmed through an article on that the other day.

on another note, Bugatti bernie just won California.
For your first point, going to college is NOT a right, it isn't even a good choice for half the people there now.

As for not having rich parents, I didn't have nor do I feel that poverty is an indication of character or worth. I do however, feel that an individual is not abdicated from ANY responsibility, but to hell with MY beliefs. This is about the direction of the country. I also know the danger of conflating "moral" issues with economic ones, and having a pragmatic plan does not make me an opponent of change, quite the opposite.

For the last point, Joe Biden and Barack gave us the only major domestic reform in the last 50 years. I would like to build on it as opposed to tear it down. I think a public option is the way, but the problem with Bernie supporters is there is no middle ground. You are a bootsraps republican in disguise and part of the establishment if you don't fall in line. I don't want ANYONES vote that voted for Trump.

do you think joe will really go hard for a public option.
President Biden will lull Americans into a false sense of return to normalcy as he pardons all the bad actors we've become familiar with, refuses to prosecute Trump for his grift, and in four years, we will have candidate Stephen Miller running for the White House, while MSNBC and CNN highlight his record on immigration policy the same way 60 Minutes recently profiled the war criminal Navy Seal who got pardoned by Trump in an effort to normalize what he did.

For your first point, going to college is NOT a right, it isn't even a good choice for half the people there now.

As for not having rich parents, I didn't have nor do I feel that poverty is an indication of character or worth. I do however, feel that an individual is not abdicated from ANY responsibility, but to hell with MY beliefs. This is about the direction of the country. I also know the danger of conflating "moral" issues with economic ones, and having a pragmatic plan does not make me an opponent of change, quite the opposite.

For the last point, Joe Biden and Barack gave us the only major domestic reform in the last 50 years. I would like to build on it as opposed to tear it down. I think a public option is the way, but the problem with Bernie supporters is there is no middle ground. You are a bootsraps republican in disguise and part of the establishment if you don't fall in line. I don't want ANYONES vote that voted for Trump.

Yeah. Good. Ok
Bringing in morality where it doesn't belong, where have I heard this before? Tough night for you eh.

It's anecdotal to my friend/associate group sure. I'll admit that.

What do you mean where "morality...doesn't belong"? You just made an assessment about the repentant politics of Sanders supporters. How is that not a moral assessment?
What do you mean where "morality...doesn't belong"? You just made an assessment about the repentant politics of Sanders supporters. How is that not a moral assessment?
I spoke to admittedly my anecdotal exposure to the people I know that support him. How is my retelling of their words a moral commentary?
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