***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Just got an op-ed published in the Chicago Sun-Times today on "How the Coronavirus and Chicago's Gun Violence Are Related." Check it out if you're interested.

props on the article bro and thanks for sharing. a lot of folks have been on this "covid19 doesn't discriminate" language, which is true in a scientific sense. but that doesn't mean the risks for exposure (likelihood to be an essential worker, dependence on public transportation, living in more densely populated homes and neighborhoods, etc.) is just as race- and class-blind as most of america would like to believe. been listening to two podcasts, code switch and united states of anxiety, and they've both had episodes that have specifically addressed this.

In Mexico and southern Italy, drug cartels and Mafia groups are distributing packages of food to desperate residents. In the favelas of Brazil, drug gangs are imposing a curfew and South African gangs have organized peace treaties and are providing community aid.

it's wild that certain regions of the world are depending on organized gangs to "flatten the curve." maybe I'm oversimplifying it but I could see this as a mutually beneficial exchange and cartels looking out for their best interest. Drug gangs need people to be alive and able to work and buy from them while the locals who are concerned for their health need a body (organized gang or legislative) to enforce strict shelter in place orders
Interesting. I'm also curious about the op-ed process, how does it work?
Every newspaper is a little different. I submitted it at the Chicago Tribune first via a general “submissions” email account, and their policy is simply they’ll contact you within three days if they choose to run it. If not, you won’t hear anything, which was my situation. With the Sun-Times, I emailed the editor directly and he liked it and ran it the same day.

In general, though, you have to have some kind of expertise on the topic of your article for an op-ed. Anyone can submit letters to the editor, though, but they usually have to be really short.
Just got an op-ed published in the Chicago Sun-Times today on "How the Coronavirus and Chicago's Gun Violence Are Related." Check it out if you're interested.
Normally I would be offended by your wild libbie speculation and irresponsible hyperbole, but the shuttering of the local pub by communists has softened my arteries.

As much as it pains me to compliment a libbie, I have to say that was a good article.
props on the article bro and thanks for sharing. a lot of folks have been on this "covid19 doesn't discriminate" language, which is true in a scientific sense. but that doesn't mean the risks for exposure (likelihood to be an essential worker, dependence on public transportation, living in more densely populated homes and neighborhoods, etc.) is just as race- and class-blind as most of america would like to believe. been listening to two podcasts, code switch and united states of anxiety, and they've both had episodes that have specifically addressed this.

it's wild that certain regions of the world are depending on organized gangs to "flatten the curve." maybe I'm oversimplifying it but I could see this as a mutually beneficial exchange and cartels looking out for their best interest. Drug gangs need people to be alive and able to work and buy from them while the locals who are concerned for their health need a body (organized gang or legislative) to enforce strict shelter in place orders
Indeed. I think the main thing to me is to try to examine the particular dynamics that fuel these trends and to situate them in a broader context of political economy. I tried my best to do that here, though it’s tough to do in less than 800 words. I have another article submitted for review at another outlet that’s longer and dives into those dynamics in greater depth. I’ll link it in here if it gets published.

On your comments about the potentially self-serving dimension of much of the aid being provided by organized gangs and criminal groups in other parts of the world—yes, absolutely. On a broader level than what you described is also the general dynamic that the state is incredibly weak in these areas of the world, typically because of some combination of histories of colonial (or colonial-like) extraction and thus the underdevelopment of local institutions and the hollowing out of state services and functions via neoliberal austerity. So these non-state groups are often in competition with what exists of the state for the hearts and minds of local residents in these areas. Their actions here should be interpreted through that broad lens as well, for sure.
Normally I would be offended by your wild libbie speculation and irresponsible hyperbole, but the shuttering of the local pub by communists has softened my arteries.

As much as it pains me to compliment a libbie, I have to say that was a good article.
In the immortal words of our President Elect, I am a “great unifier.” And as you know, we all serve at his pleasure.
some of those conservative rebel memes have me chuckling cause i hear my wife throwing that at her fam over facetime when they give her grief over not breaking the stay at home orders and go visit them. the same ones that say cooperate with the cops so you don't get shot or that the bible says to respect authority. my wife be walking around the house telling them why are they all of a sudden being hypocrites only now when it affects them and they want something (to see their grandkids). :lol: this is just another one of those times i have to try and catch her attention from the kitchen and do one of these..
Seeing these conservatives being pro-covid just to own the libs has led me to figuring out what we need to do

Soros and Hillary need to start telling academia to start putting out fake scientific articles that support pro-conservative ideologies. Have a bunch of nerds be the face of things like gun rights and anti-abortion legislation and anti-climate change. And then this will confuse the contrarian conservatives who literally do the opposite of every single thing that makes sense.

but we need to pretend we feel sad and defeated when policies get the air cleaner, the streets are safer, and more people have healthcare. So they can keep doing the opposite of what they think we want.
Seeing these conservatives being pro-covid just to own the libs has led me to figuring out what we need to do

Soros and Hillary need to start telling academia to start putting out fake scientific articles that support pro-conservative ideologies. Have a bunch of nerds be the face of things like gun rights and anti-abortion legislation and anti-climate change. And then this will confuse the contrarian conservatives who literally do the opposite of every single thing that makes sense.

but we need to pretend we feel sad and defeated when policies get the air cleaner, the streets are safer, and more people have healthcare. So they can keep doing the opposite of what they think we want.

trojan horse politics. i'm here for it.

folks gonna be bewildered and confused. up is left, down is purple.
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