***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I said I am against it no matter who does it.

Is it your assertion that only one political party employs partisan gerrymandering tactics, and voter suppression tactics that impact black voters, to win elections?
It’s only semantics and bad faith arguments with you. It really doesn’t matter what the case is.
**** it, can we just put them all in jail for being stupid? Let’s make that a law! Name it the Dumbass Law of 2020.

I wanna say not everyone has the right to vote but then I sound like a republican. But yeah... then you got these clowns.
I remember when Trump said the election was rigged many said that was dangerous rhetoric.

Now it seems that some in here are saying that the presidential election is rigged.

Is that what you are saying?

I remember when you dismissed Roy Moore's victims then tried to take the moral high ground for defending a Pedo. #NOMORALCOMPASS
I don't have any proof of the future.

I said I doubt it because we are hearing a lot of the same rhetoric this cycle as we heard with Hillary in the last cycle.

Based on that, and the gaffe-prone nature of Biden that may make him even less desirable than Hillary, I doubt that he wins.

Amash could also help Trump by taking votes from Biden and removing the "only other option" narrative that Biden has.

And Bernie supporters are talking about protest voting and/or sitting it out.

All of those factors signal a Trump re-election--to me.
I wonder how the "outsider" angle is going to play out after 4 years of mismanagement of the country. Reelections take into account the incumbent's record, whether they like it or not, and there is very little going for Trump now that his own decision making blew up the economy he planned to run on this year.
not gonna say i agree or disagree but just two points:

-it's interesting that you'd mention biden being "gaffe-prone" while trump continues to put his foot in his mouth and sound unintelligible while in front of the media. the man not only contradicts his own statements, he makes up numbers and statistics that are refuted. however, he insists on using bully tactics to quiet any journalist who challenges him or refers to reality as "fake news." by the end of his 1 or 2 term presidency, the length of the book they publish of just fact-checks will rival that of the bible.

-re: amash - i think the common narrative is that he'll pull from the biden base, however, i'm hard pressed to figure out why? if anything, i could see amash's candidacy negatively impacting trump (similar to how perot messed with HW Bush). given that he's running on a libertarian, a that party that tends to share more moderate to right wing values with republicans, republicans who were on the fence about re-electing trump could easily side with amash. additionally, amash could take michigan, a swing state that trump won in 2016. if amash goes on an anti-universal health care platform, he'll end up mobilizing a lot of the disappointed and disgruntled bernie voters who checked out of this election

It would be funny, were the takes not so high, if Biden's habit of ****ting on students, millennials, working class black people, undocumented immigrants all to get votes from "socially liberal, fiscally conservative" suburbanites amounted to nothing as those well off, knowledge economy whites vote for the well spoken, cosmopolitan, genocidal, conservative politician. Sorry, sleepy Joe, but you just lost the Karen vote.
vote for the well spoken, cosmopolitan, genocidal, conservative politician
who is that?

i was going to vote for trump (he is none of those 4) but I will gladly switch my vote to someone in the mold of Bashar al-Assad.

edit: or was this in reference to Amash? my bad, I replied without reading the post you were responding to.

Trump blasts HHS watchdog for report on hospital shortages


I see the bitterness from the primary lingers

Being ruthless towards the left while catering to affluent pseudo libertarians will do that.

The fact that a tea party guy might deny the Dems their precious white suburban vote is just icing on the cake of schadenfreude.
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