Official Prey 2 and Predator 6 Movie Threads. Vol. Yes, Two movies OTW!

I need nic cage to play a human that was captured by the predators and experimented on so now he's a half predator / half human hybrid. He'll have his natural hairline but he'll have his hair dreadlocked.
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Last thing we need is an ensemble cast full of c list actors. Just one star and a good script. Emphasis on good script. And it should be a horror/action flick.
The Expendables 4: Rise of Predator

Predator vs Jet Li
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After 200 movies I would hope he would eventually get a memorable role.

Yeah, his most popular role is probably Hobbs but that's not even his own franchise. He still hasn't found his defining character/movie yet.
Rock & will smith


Tom Hardy & Demzel

Just so some of the action can be lighter or comedic
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