Official Sacramento Kings '07-'08 Season Thread [2-2]

Apr 7, 2002
Well, not sure how many Kings fans are on here, but I'm going to try to get this up after every game (box score, upload highlights to YouTube and game photos).







I know he will probally get cut, but i hope Caner-Medley can make this team....Deering High stand up :pimp:
So i'm picking up some dinner tonight after getting back from the Cal I'm leaving the CHP have a old red INDY CAR (no lie) pulled over on the side of the street across from the capital. Who's driving? Ron Artest :lol:
. The cops were both laughing. We tried to circle back around to get some pictures, but we got stuck in front of The Park. Some guy had his Range stopped in the middle of the street...who was it? None other than a buzzin Rush Street Reggie Theus himself :lol:
Nasty Nate wants your cocktail...fruit!​
I'm a diehard Kings fan, had season tickets since the 92-93 era with Mitch Richmond, Duwane Causwell and Lionel SImmonns leading the squad. I go to college on the east coast now, so i had to get league pass to keep up with my team. I disagree that the Kings will be terrible this season. However, that just could be the fan coming out inside me. We have no low post presence! Brad is a shell of his former self (was never really a low post player to begin with) and shareef/KT are frauds. Hopefully Mikki and Hawes can provide at least some shotblocking and rebounding or else it will indeed be a long season.
^ Mikki had one rebound...and Hawes is injured.

The B.O.P.​
I still remember the rookie and sophomore years of Brian Grant!great rebounding ability and limited scoring capability!
I see the Kings competing for the 9, 10 and 11 spot in the western conference this year.

Healthy and playing together, they're an easy 8th spot. But then again, that brings us nothing except another year of mediocrity. You can see flashes of greatness, and this pre-season so far has been promising. I'm looking forward to seeing Douby finally get some minutes. Cisco needs to get a brain cell though, seriously. Too many bone-head moves to be making at 27? He needs to realize that he's a role player, and needs to become a better facilitator.

And they wonder why everyone hates Laker fans...

GA sighting... :nerd:
"shegotgame - People want Vince to leave so he can join their team. Vince will stay put. Sig that."

"DontStepOnMyShoes - itll be a sad day in history if AI gets sent to the Kings nobody will ever win in sacramento"
Mustafa Shakur :pimp:

Patrick Willis = DROY in 2007​
Reggie Theus will have to be the perfect coach to get them playing together well enough to make the 8th spot. This includes being on base with the players, which already might be in jeopardy thanks to the midnight curfew rule. Moore is technically what they needed, filling up their supposed weakest position, but the truth is every other position isn't that great anyway. Martin needs a REAL all-star season for them to have a shot.
^Don't take to heart too much into that article. It was Bonzi Wells, and he was just commenting on what he thought.
"shegotgame - People want Vince to leave so he can join their team. Vince will stay put. Sig that."

"DontStepOnMyShoes - itll be a sad day in history if AI gets sent to the Kings nobody will ever win in sacramento"
I think it's pretty safe to say that the Kings just don't have enough talent to get the 8th seed. But I could be wrong...
Watch The Franchise
Even if they did, where would that leave them for their future? The Warriors getting the 8th seed = promising. The Kings getting the 8th seed = 1st round and out. Memphis realized this and started the rebuild. The Kings need to catch on.
"shegotgame - People want Vince to leave so he can join their team. Vince will stay put. Sig that."

"DontStepOnMyShoes - itll be a sad day in history if AI gets sent to the Kings nobody will ever win in sacramento"
Martin 7-11 FG, 12-12 FT, for 27 points. Looks like he's picking up right where he left off.

Sadly, Mike Bibby is doing the same thing...4-15 FG. And Artest is as well with his five 3pt attempts. :smh:

If Artest can focus on his defense; if Bibby can get back to at least half the player he used to be; if Brad Miller can return to his 15-10-5 days...we'll have a shot at the playoffs. Since none of those things will happen, I have zero expectations for the club this year. But what I do want to see is Martin lead the team in shot attempts and average above 25 points.
They're already on the rebuilding track, they just refuse to acknowledge it. Martin is already blossoming, but they need to use Bibby, Artest, or Miller (probably some combo) to look for a future post presence to go along with Martin. Moore was an OK signing, but more of a stopgap.

I say... use Bibby plus Miller, get the best young big man that they can. Artest plays the veteran until they come around or he bolts from frustration. Should've kept Ronnie Price though.
I agree the kings need to relize that Bibby, Miller and Artest only have a couple more years left and they need to get rid of them while they can still get something good in return
^ Artest has more than a couple of years left, but Miller and Bibby are done (although I'll still always be a Mike Bib fan). They should move those two for the best they can get now, because they're only going to get worse offers as time goes on, move Moore into the starting spot, and let Martin be their first option and Ron Ron be the second.
The plan is 2010. That's when all of our crappy contracts come off the books. Can't wait.
"shegotgame - People want Vince to leave so he can join their team. Vince will stay put. Sig that."

"DontStepOnMyShoes - itll be a sad day in history if AI gets sent to the Kings nobody will ever win in sacramento"
The Kings as much as I don't like watching them play...Need a solid low post threat. Abdur-Rahim has never improved his game since coming out of Cal. Brad Miller isn't the same player as he was 3-4 years ago...(and if any of you saw the preseason game against the Sonics...He was rocking the fade with the cornrows.) Mikki, we'll just have to wait and see. It sucks to see Hawes out...I felt he would have been a solid contributor for the Kings.
It has begun.​
Mike Bibby's career is over. He is absolute garbage. Nobody in the league who shoots as much as him flaunts a lower shooting percentage. Someone tell this clown to STOP shooting the basketball. He never made an All-Star team for a reason.
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