Looking at my now-untouchable portfolio....

Soon you will be like me and never look. Its the way bro. 20 year money stop looking it, especially since you now can't touch it. Looking will drive you crazy with the hindsight analysis.

"I would have done XYZ if I had the latitude"
Bought like $25k yesterday and today when some alerts went off. Had to average down on CURI. Did it a little too soon though. Feel like I’ll be bagholding this one for a while SMH.
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Lot of beta there. You're gonna be ****ed on any weakness. Welcome to the club :lol: if you're comfortable with your risk, ignore it, otherwise, manage your positions.

I personally am letting the market scale me out of **** with bad buys. I already trimmed TWLO down to a starter from my bad buys at 340 and 345. SQ will be trimmed robotically as well with one trim hitting and more at 215.5 and 214.5. Letting the market take me cash in certain places where I was green and with size.
I'm locked in for the ride. I've actually slowed down on looking at my portfolio for the last week or so.
Woo, hella red everywhere for me. Hurts to look at but I’m gonna buy the dip here on SE, SQ, TDOC, and HAACU, and leave some on the side in case we keep going down. Looking at starters on PTON and ABNB. Feeling kinda crazy to do this right now, but just looking at it like these are seeds I’m planting for a future harvest. Next month will be more cash to DCA. Godspeed NT fam!
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