Once a good girl has gone bad...

i cant really say i guess. i think ive only met girls that are still good, or on the other side. 

never seen the transformation first hand 
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Define bad tho? And is there even a such thing as a good girl?
one that you can smash and when ur done she goes and makes you food

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

They may change. You'll still see them the same.

This, also I agree with Grimlock.

People will always remember what you did and how they think of you.
i always thought that just meant she's done w/you or had become jaded by how you treated her

guess i was off...

& now i'm pissed cuz i'm thinking about Song Cry and I hate that #!*#%#* song
They say you can't turn a bad girl good.
But once a good girl's goin bad, she's gone forever.

                                                                   -- JayZ
That is the beauty of some of Hov's lines, they are so universally relatable.

My personal take on the matter is that once a woman views you in a certain way, it is nearly impossible for her to change her view of you. My ex for example; when we kick it, she always brings up stuff from years ago. I be like, "that was 4 years ago......."

See, no matter what I do, or how I change, she will always see me in a certain way. 
They seem to turn the scorn into repressed anger. They almost drown in their own sorrow, through actions that could easily be avoided.
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