Owner decides to not put dog to sleep, Dog saves him from a fire.

Aug 2, 2008
[h2]Dying dog saves owner from fire[/h2][h5]01:51 PM CDT on Monday, May 25, 2009[/h5]Associated Press
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- A Michigan man's decision not to end his terminally ill bulldog's life has ended up saving hisown.

Scott Seymour said his dog, Brittney, awakened him with her barking early Saturday in time for both of them to escape from hisburning house in Grand Rapids.

The fire came two weeks after a veterinarian discovered the 9-year-old American bulldog had several cancerous tumors.

The vet said the dog might not survive surgery, and Seymour ruled out chemotherapy, believing it would be too hard onBrittney.

Seymour said he could have had Brittney put down, but instead decided to give her medication to blunt her pain until death comesnaturally, probably within a few weeks.

Firefighters told The Grand Rapids Press the house may be a total loss.

9-year-old bulldog had numerous canerous tumors
Dog could have died during surgery
Guy didn't want to put through chemo
Gave him pain pills to ease pain til he dies
His house catches on fire
Dog wakes him
They escape

Dogs are awesome
^ lol I had to tell everyone its not often Grand Rapids makes it on NT (unless its about PBF)
Originally Posted by onlyjays9P

^ lol I had to tell everyone its not often Grand Rapids makes it on NT (unless its about PBF)

yeah but after the dog saved him.. Of course the dog would have died soon anyway tho.
I lvoe bull dogs.. THey're only worth owning if you have a lot of money. They have many medical problems.. Very nice dogs though. AND FUN TOO.
Originally Posted by Essential1

9-year-old bulldog had numerous canerous tumors
Dog could have died during surgery
Guy didn't want to put through chemo
Gave him pain pills to ease pain til he dies
His house catches on fire
Dog wakes him
They escape
you missed one.
Dog put to sleep http://www.presstv.ir/det...40&sectionid=3510212

The American bulldog named Brittney that saved her owner's life on Saturday has been put to sleep at the Animal Hospital of Kentwood.

According to the Grand Rapids Press, the 9-year-old dog which was suffering from an advanced blood-borne cancer was euthanized on Tuesday.

The dog's owner, Scott Seymour of Grand Rapids, said that the only way left to demonstrate his love and appreciation for Brittney was to end her suffering.

"A dog loves you unconditionally and totally, which makes this really hard," Seymour said. "To have to do it days after she saved my life is really depressing.

"I know that it's the right thing," he added, "but it feels like the worst thing."

On May 7, Seymour found out that an ultrasound indicated there were several tumors in Brittney's stomach.

According to Seymour, the dog woke him on Saturday by barking at his bedside around 5:45 in the morning.

Seymour woke find the roof of his home being consumed by flames, but he and Brittney managed to flee the burning home unharmed.

"She was demanding that I get up. And it saved my life," Seymour said.
Originally Posted by djaward

I lvoe bull dogs.. THey're only worth owning if you have a lot of money. They have many medical problems.. Very nice dogs though. AND FUN TOO.

I have heard this as well. My girl wants one and from the research I have done on them
that's why I cant stand it when people say they don't give !$+! about dogs and it's okay to hurt them... they help the disabled, great loyalcompanions, and in this case save lives....
Stuff like this, and just watching Marley and Me make me appreciate dogs even more.

Dogs =
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