Panhandlers vol. what do u do?

do u give them money?

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Sep 4, 2012
if u see a guy with a sign that says no job veteran homeless on the freeway offramp or onthe street do u give him money or do u pull an mj and just refuse to give em money?

explain why u do or dont

im not sure if i should give them money or just ignore them
I give money to old people,if they ask.

If you're under 50, get to work.

I've seen 30 yr olds ask me for money,you're fully capable of getting a job,bum

I turn my music up and either cook or sing along.
i used to but not anymore... i was talking to my friends about it and one of them said, our parents came from asia not knowing the language or anything.. busted their ***, worked crappy jobs, picked berries, picked mushrooms to earn a living and provide for our famiies.. are you trying to tell me there is nothing they can do?
Nine times out of ten I recognize them and won't give them anything. You see the same people on a daily basis and if they weren't making decent amounts of money they wouldn't be in the same spot for years. I also "stereotype", for lack of a better word. They claim to be homeless yet are wearing fresh clothes and are smoking a cigarette. For the ones who are truly homeless, they blow their money on tobacco and alcohol. I've had friends say, it's their choice to do as they want with the money, but I won't be a party to that. If I feel they truly need help I'll stop and get them a bite to eat but I typically don't give money; I have, but I typically don't.

The following is a response to what I thought you were initially asking, which is "What is there to do in the Panhandle?" I'm a guilty skim reader...

You know, I realize "the grass is always greener", but I've never understood why people love living here so much; or why tourists come here for that matter (Pensacola). Sure, the beaches are beyond beautiful compared to other parts of the country, but that's it. I've recently purchased a recreational kayak to take in the surf/river so hopefully that will keep me occupied this summer. Other than creating your own fun there just isn't much to do. Our mall is nothing special. There are no theme parks anywhere close (especially since Six Flags NOLA was destroyed by Katrina).  There are no big retail outlets. Nothing. I've always said Pensacola is made up of either old historic parts, and ghetto parts. There truly aren't any new prospering areas. Maybe I'm just spoiled. I've always lived in nicer areas and landed a scholarship here when I graduated high school in 2008 so I won't be moving until I'm done.
I only give change if I happen to have some on me, but that's it.

One of my old co-workers told me that one of his boys who had a job at the time used to get out of work and dress bummy and go out and ask for money. He told my boy that he used to make hundreds of dollars, almost as much as he did at his job, weekly just asking people for money.

Never trusted any of them before, and trusted them even less after I heard that story :smh:
There's a bunch of them on the Main Street outside of my neighborhood. I mug those dudes whenever they get near my car or just blast music. I've seen one of them talking on an iPhone so I know he was a faker and I'm not gonna support anybody buying cancer sticks or anything of those sorts. I have given food to homeless people but not cash. The fact that they always have on new outfits throw me off.. I told a panhandler once I could get them a job and dude stonefaced me [emoji]128529[/emoji]
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I wish I could just ignore them, but it eats away at me. I give them a couple ones if I have cash on me.
You have a heart, and that makes you human. Not many people like that left in the world (it seems). That said, I remember my parents telling me a couple years ago that they were watching a special on TV and it was said that in typical cities/towns homeless individuals were making up to $800 a day. 

Hearing that may not be enough justification for you to just pass them by, but think about it. If they weren't making a fair amount of money, why would they stand in the same exact spot everyday? They're allegedly homeless. There's no reason they can't move on if they can make better money somewhere else. Just my $0.02.

I told a panhandler once I could get them a job and dude stonefaced me [emoji]128529[/emoji]
And that's the problem right there. Although I'm not defending the homeless, a lot of people say "It's their fault they didn't go to school, get a job, etc." and this is true... but things in life happen to the best of us. The problem is that these people don't want or care to strive and succeed at this point. Sadly, they're content with the life they're living or they simply don't want to put forth effort to make something for/of themselves. 
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if u see a guy with a sign that says no job veteran homeless on the freeway offramp or onthe street do u give him money or do u pull an mj and just refuse to give em money?

explain why u do or dont

im not sure if i should give them money or just ignore them
No job?

Maybe he should look for a job...


Maybe he should apply for VA benefits...


Maybe he needs to check into a shelter...

There's hella resources available to "homeless" people, especially in San Francisco... I'll never give a penny to a "homeless/needy" person again... I'd say just ignore them.
I give if I have
I always give something to vets no matter what

I was in a homeless club/ ministry so its a must.
I don't get why vets feel like they get to milk everything. I remember having an argument with a guy at my old job because I wasn't giving dude a military discount (we didn't have one) and son wasn't having that. Like I get you're a vet and all but that's no excuse.
I stop as though I'm in shock and say " Aaaawe, I was just about to ask you the same thing."
inb4 scrougemcduck.gif

srsly tho.  Coming from the NYC, people really don't give a damn.  And those who do are normally talked out of it.

I personally only give to the sociable homeless people.  They always there, always asking how you are and how the day went.  The ones who just sit there and shake their

tin of money get no love from me.
There seems to be a recent epidemic of twenty-something panhandlers in my city. They are indistinguishable from the typical grunge hipster but they come complete with signs, asking for $, and of course, a fairly well off looking dog. They're also usually sighted in groups of two. Every time, I want to ask them what's really good. 

Similar trends in your city?
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