Just read the alternate endings and i think either one would've gotten the same type of reaction but more intense. Hopefully we get all alternate endingson the dvd cause id really love to see them. I can post the alternate ending if you want.
Originally Posted by djkaos23

Just read the alternate endings and i think either one would've gotten the same type of reaction but more intense. Hopefully we get all alternate endings on the dvd cause id really love to see them. I can post the alternate ending if you want.
post em!
Ok so I watched this last night in Davis. This was definitely NOT scary at all. Maybe because I kinda knew what was going to happen from reading all thesecomments and stuff idk. I might of spoiled it for myself because I didnt find it to be scary. Maybe just the last night and thats because the dude comes out ofnowhere. I think it would of been a little more freakier if the bass from the speakers was hella loud. Like when you hear the knocks or the footsteps...

When the stuff was happening I did get a little bit of chills that was about it.

Its a coo movie though.
Originally Posted by assyrianplaya

one thing i dont get did the board burn in goodye diana?
Remember when Micah was doing internet research on Katie's symptoms he found someone named Diana who experienced the same thing andultimately, she was posessed. What I was thinking was the demon found a new host in Katie, hence "good bye Diana"

Going tonight to catch it in times square.. My dude said the actual movie wasn't all that scary.. But he needed rosary beads to fall asleep that nightlol.. So i guess this movie has more of a lasting impression than anything else..
Here's the alternate endings.......(the ending in the current one in thetheater is ending #3) Highlight to read, dont want to spoil it for those who dont wanna know.

Alternate Ending #2

A description from someone who had seen a screener of the film described a longer ending in which Kate kills Micah offscreenand then walks into the bedroom with a bloody knife. She then sits and rocks beside the bed for days (long enough that we hear the phone ringing and worriedmessages left in the background). Katie's female friend then comes to the house worried and Katie goes downstairs where you hear the friend scream. Katiecomes back to the bedroom and continues rocking beside the bed as the counter records more days going past. Finally police arrive and as she approaches themwith the knife they open fire on her and we fade out to the sound of police radios.

Alternate Ending #1

This ending initially repeats what we see in the other two endings. We watch through the camera as the couple sleep. Thensuddenly Kate sits straight up, gets out of bed, walks over to Micah and stands over him staring at him for a few hours. Then she walks out of the bedroom andwe hear her going downstairs. After a few minutes tick off the clock, we hear Kate screaming. Micah wakes up, screams to Kate that he is coming to help her,and he darts out of the room. For the next few minutes you just see an empty bedroom with the ticking clock and you hear both Kate and Micah screaming and alot of commotion like they are fighting. After a few minutes, the screaming stops and it is silent. After a minute or two of silence, you hear a loud stompingsound (like something very heavy is coming up the stairs).

From here, the ending diverges: Kate walks into the bedroom covered in blood and holding a large butcher knife down at herthe room very heavy and stiff-like. She walks right up to the camera so that the upper half of her body is in the shot (but she isn't staring into thecamera or looking at you, she's sort of looking downward), and then she simply pulls up the knife and slashes her throat in one quick, graceful movement,and falls down on the ground. The camera keeps rolling so we just see an empty bedroom for a few seconds and then the camera shuts off and the movieends
Originally Posted by djkaos23

Just read the alternate endings and i think either one would've gotten the same type of reaction but more intense. Hopefully we get all alternate endings on the dvd cause id really love to see them. I can post the alternate ending if you want.

I agree. To me the ending they have now is dumb and "hollywood". And I'm talking about the VERY end as in the last 2 seconds.
Just got back from seeing it,
it's about what I expected. Wasn't really THAT scary unless you're *itchmade. The Exorcist was way worse thanthis. I was laughing at Mikas jokes most of the time. But they are gonna make BANK for this flick if all it cost was 11,000 bucks, the theater I went to waspacked.
i thought the movie was great... best scary movie in a long time... i think it was slow too but i think that was the point cuz they kept testin it and thethings progressed til homie got launched into the camera hahaha... but if u read about it first i can c y its not that bad to u guys:.
they made $750,500 from this movie.. they only spent 11 thousand.. damnn ima bout to make a movie like this...

but the thing i dont get is

is this movie REAL or FAKE

if its real, then that was a crazy movie.
Just finished was definitly pretty intense at times..One of the scariest movies ive seen in a long time...would definitly recomend ya to seeit...It isnt as bad as some of ya make it seem..
man, there were like 3 scary parts in the entire movie and they were all in the trailer.. otherwise it was slow and nothing special at all..

and all this about how much it cost to make. its like what chris rock said about blair witch..

'paranormal activity only cost $11,000 to make??

well, one of em better have been walkin around with $10,900 in their pocket"
just finished watching it rite now it kinda freaked me out i wasnt expecting the ending but is it real or fake?? can someone explain
Originally Posted by dalilboy

just finished watching it rite now it kinda freaked me out i wasnt expecting the ending but is it real or fake?? can someone explain
Movie scared the hell outta me.

A lot of funny parts though... When she saw the spider & he ran to get her, stopped, than went back for the camera.
The when the psych. came for like2 seconds & bounced.

Movie made me jump at the end. To many freaky parts to name.
sitting at the "front" of the second row of seats. on two vicodin and a 40. lets see how this thing is
just seen the midnight screening
no lie, i read all the reports of being scary as hell and i was like NO WAY ima be scared
1 hour 30 minutes later im shook and on NT
about to go to sleep
Originally Posted by illmatic34

Best part of the movie was when the psychic just bounced on em. "Whoa whoa whoa...too dark here. Peace out fam!"


it wasn't the movie that really scared me, but more so the belief that this was based on true events. however, after discovering that it isn't evenloosely based on anything that happened it sort of loses its appeal. definitely some chilling scenes in the movie but they come too far and few. you feellike you're constantly waiting for something scary to happen; for some reason, i didn't feel like i was on edge for the entire movie. the movie wouldcreate a small sense of fear and then it would end shortly thereafter. im by no means a movie critic and generally like any movie i see, and i'd stillrecommend this film.

however, an even better movie is Rec (the OG version of Quarantine)
Originally Posted by illmatic34

Best part of the movie was when the psychic just bounced on em. "Whoa whoa whoa...too dark here. Peace out fam!"
reminds me of this

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